If you're looking for the best decks for The Void Singularity Tavern Brawl then we've got a full list of them! This brawl has your minions being destroyed immediately after you hit the next turn button, and their stats are sucked into a Void Singularity minion each turn. Either you create a new Void minion if you don't have one, or your minions will buff the one that's currently already on your board. The Void minion only receives stats, not the card text.
The Void Singularity Description
Beyond the Void's event horizon, all your minions become crushed into a single powerful entity of light. Build a deck and sacrifice your minions to The Void!
The Void Singularity Deck Lists
The decks you'll want to use tend to focus around deathrattle minions so you can gain stats while providing yourself with more of a board. The original deathrattle minion's stats are sucked into the void, but the minions it summons will spawn outside of it and last until your next turn. If you aren't being productive every turn, you will either want to destroy or stall your opponent's void minion before it gets too out of hand. This means Mage's freezing abilities are very strong if you are looking to counter the popular Hunter decks.
These decks all have posted a 75% winrate over this Tavern Brawl. Thanks to HSReplay for the codes.
Hunter: Deathrattle & Stats
Hunter | Neutral |
2x - Arcane Shot | 2x - Glacial Shard |
2x - Hunter's Mark | 2x - Mecharoo |
2x - Tracking | 2x - Ancient Watcher |
2x - Freezing Trap | 2x - Scarab Egg |
2x - Deadly Shot | 2x - Deathspeaker |
2x - Eaglehorn Bow | 2x - Humongous Razorleaf |
2x - Kill Command | 2x - Carnivorous Cube |
2x - Spider Bomb |
Deck Code
AAECAR8AD40BqAKHBN0E7QaXCMUI/gyXwQLFxwKaywKL4QK5+AL2/QLEiQMAHunter: Mechs & Deathrattle
Hunter | Neutral |
2x - Candleshot | 2x - Loot Hoarder |
2x - Hunter's Mark | 2x - Scarab Egg |
2x - Freezing Trap | 2x - Eggnapper |
2x - Spider Bomb | 2x - Microtech Controller |
2x - Savannah Highmane | 2x - Cursed Disciple |
2x - Seeping Oozeling | 2x - Replicating Menace |
2x - Rumbletusk Shaker | |
2x - Carnivorous Cube | |
2x - Mechanical Whelp |
Deck Code
AAECAR8AD40B+wGHBO0JocICi+EC4eMCmuQC7eoCtPYCufgCmPsCjIADxIkD+4kDAA==Mage: Freeze Mage
Mage | Neutral |
2x - Freezing Potion | 2x - Glacial Shard |
2x - Breath of Sindragosa | 1x - Mad Scientist |
2x - Ice Lance | |
2x - Frostbolt | |
2x - Research Project | |
2x - Arcane Intellect | |
2x - Cone of Cold | |
2x - Forgotten Torch | |
2x - Frost Nova | |
1x - Ice Block | |
1x - Cosmic Anomaly | |
2x - Fireball | |
2x - Polymorph | |
2x - Blizzard | |
1x - Pyroblast |
Published: Feb 3, 2019 01:53 pm