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Sons of the Forest Full Patch Notes – v1.0
Make note of these changes.
Luka Rakočević
Justin Joy
Raul Cosmin
Saqib Soomro
Published: Feb 22, 2024 12:53 pm
Sons of the Forest is fully released, and there is much more to see, but it's hard to keep track of things. If you want to keep an eye out on everything about Sons of the Forest, this Patch Notes guide is here to help.
Sons of the Forest v1.0 full Patch notes - February 22, 2024
Hey Everyone,
Today is our 1.0 Release of Sons Of The Forest.
We are super excited for you guys to play all the new additions, changes and fixes. If you have an older save game it will still work, but we recommend starting a fresh save if you want to experience the story and all the new features fully.
The biggest features, improvements and balance changes are listed below, but beyond this list there are many more small fixes and improvements.
As always, please continue to post your bug reports and feedback in the Discussions area of the Community Hub.
- New title scene and end credits details, visuals and music
- Added new choice alternate ending
- Added 5 new cutscenes
- Revised and added new voice acting and details to dining room, gold room, get down son and Jianyu intro cutscenes
- Added new voice acting to Sahara confidential found footage
- Added proximity voice chat with filters for in caves & underwater along with adding additional filtering to the walkie talkie
- Added creative mode, with a new alternate creative inventory, and ability to skip build animations (unlocks when players complete the game story)
- Added Raccoons and gave ability for squirrels and raccoons to climb trees
- Added 2 new mutants; Legsy and Holey
- Added new stronger puffy variation ‘Spotty’
- Added higher tier gold armor level for cannibals
- Added new sickness system tied to drinking unclean water or eating bad food. Drinking clean water or eating meds will cure sickness
- Many new story item pickups added and most story item pickups re-worked, along with new in world decorative notes and magazines
- Renamed glider to Foldable glider and it can now be hot-keyed and stashed to inventory
- Golf Carts now come equipped with radio decks and a GPS screen
- Added new world details, more paths, partially dug tunnels by excavators, new Jianyu camps, 14 new mini caves and cellars and many other environment tweaks and updates
- Revised hell cave door opening, will now require additional steps to open
- Added NPC Timmy to hell cave
- Added 2 final artifact pieces and final artifact can now be crafted
- You can now *(Spoiler)* or create a *(Spoiler)* with the combined artifact
- Jianyu helicopters will now take off and leave from bases around map, and may occasionally hover over player structures to check on them
- Added dying tactical soldiers with red flares that can be seen from a distance to help direct players towards locations
- Added new findable dead Tactical and Worker dudes with GPS locators that appear when nearby, helping direct players towards interesting locations
- Added campfire smoke plumes to cannibal villages that can be seen from a distance and will go out if there are no cannibals there to tend to the fire
- Added various details to the snowy mountains; outdoor Solafite areas that attract lightning, snowmobile versions of carts, and small radar dishes
- Added new cave (unlocks after end game sequence)
- Added a new Arrow Storage structure and a new explosive storage structure
- Added new nice chair and nice couch buildable structures
- Added 2 new platform prefab structures and ability to snap them to built structures
- Added new auto foundation system for some prefab structures ( including small cabin, lean-to and lookout tower, and platforms)
- Added 3 new trap structures
- Added option to extend camp fire with logs to turn it into a bonfire
- Added a range and valid target readout to the rope gun
- Added 4 new findable blueprint structures, including a glider launcher, and 3 mystery structures
- Added strikeout to the message window UI for tutorials or ingredient counts that have been completed
- Added additional achievements
- Added seed items for Twinberries and Snowberries and a new Jam Recipe
- Added new soft opening video to bunker food
- Added new rotten textures for rotten meat, oysters & fish
- Added PVP damage setting, and made it available in the multiplayer admin menu
- Added AMD Fidelity FX™ Super Resolution 3 (FSR3) support
- Added a new weather occlusion system for buildings to provide much more accurate weather visuals & Reworked interior space warmth system to be more accurate
- Player can now carry up to 4 stones at once and can now place multiple stones at once, as many as currently held
- Reworked stone wall so that upper rows require only 4 stones instead of 5
- Hell cave lava, lighting, effects, details and audio re-worked and improved
- After player sleeps Kelvin will be found also sleeping somewhere nearby
- Virginia & Kelvin will now wear outfits you’ve given them in cutscenes
- GPS screen now more accurately reflects the world, showing cliffs, paths and clearings
- Moved many items and pickups to better locations
- Added support for weather occlusion to structure tarps
- Added new system to ensure multiplayer clients see completed ghost structures transition smoothly to the built version regardless of networking conditions
- Slightly increased size of the tarp sleep trigger so its easier for all players to sleep
- Grounded beams fake pillars now remove snow around them
- Powered cross and leg lamp now have a fixed snap point for the wire
- Placing a new stone floor will now orient it to place in front of where player is aiming instead of the default calculated position which might be outside viewport
- Improved some placement UI to better reflect position of the snap point
- Placing stone beam on ground now displays more accurately where the stone will be placed
- Added snow remover to snow golf cart plow
- Added sound effect when relocating structures
- Flyswatter and Bone-maker traps can now be moved after placed
- Furniture supported by other furniture is now linked, preventing the dismantling of the supporting one, destruction is also applied to the supported furniture
- Players can now trade bones
- Bunker Luxury entrance reworked and set dressing improved
- All bunkers relit, and additional details added in some of them
- Stone beams and floors now use a more subtle place animation
- Mushrooms, Twinberries and Snowberries can now be grown in planters
- Large female cannibals have new full-body taunts and short yell animations
- Added boots to players pajamas
- Oyster greeble layout improved
- Improved some areas in Cave D where players were getting stuck
- Added a tutorial message for zooming the tracker.
- Improved placement of tree structures
- Added more golf carts to golf course
- Golf carts and Hang Gliders now appear on the GPS screen when nearby
- Eagles now sometimes land on logs and dead trees
- Added some additional animal zones around map
- Improved fall detection to avoid triggering fall animation when walking over small ledges
- Stripped crunch from all textures smaller than 1024 to improve performance
- Virginia Beckon locations now save and added many more locations for her to take you to
- Any consumable, including drinking dirty water straight from a body of water, will now play the bad food eaten audio event on the player
- Added Loading screen hints for sickness and toggling creative inventory mode
- Enabled count readouts on all items on shelves that are not 1 to 1 visuals
- Improved case where muddies would run to water or food and back to trees before finishing eating or drinking
- Flashlight and shotgun no longer respawn upon loading if you already have them in inventory
- Solar panels cannot be placed anymore in occluded areas (underground cellars)
- Reduced shader variant counts & added shader warm up in loading to remove first time shader compile hitches
- The GPS Tracker will now remember the current zoom level when re-equipping it
- Blueprint structures that are being relocated will now retain their previous facing direction
- Updated strength hint in loading screen to include damage
- When a structure is dismantled, it can now spawn bundles of items
- Changed it so that the last tabs on the blueprint book stay open longer if the mouse is moved off them
Related: How to delete save files in Sons of the Forest
- Added LODS to armor racks and armor on shelves
- Improved the debug free camera system which now uses the main camera, so assets around it load properly, and now works with gamepad (’Freecamera on’ through the debug menu)
- All held items will now play a stash audio event when they are unequipped.
- All held items will now play their mouse over audio event when the item is equipped.
- Optimized all colliders in inventory and sped up how long it takes for items to appear when inventory is opened
- Added an area light to the screen of the held GPS tracker to give it some glow
- Cloth in inventory now has a stack of five that will fill up
- Doubled the speed of the item hover animations in the inventory
- Items can now be batch added and removed from the mat in inventory by holding the button down
- Reduced the out of breath sound when the player has reached their minimum vitality when all their stats are reduced
- Improved the interaction and animation of throwing items from the grab bag
- Button can now be held to continue throwing items from the grab bag
- You can now hold the button down to keep eating berries in inventory
- Added watch pile on the crafting mat
- Removed small river rocks from lake greebles to reduce asset intersections
- Improved nav mesh for hell cave
- Placing walls under leaning beams on ground is now possible if they are level
- Updated lean-to blueprint, using walls instead of apexes for the surrounding pieces and added one sided apexes to fill gaps on the sides
- Lowered CPU cost of having lots of idle structures
- Now only the structure being actively placed turns red when placement is invalid
- Log plank and variants now throw with the same orientation as logs
- Improved look of solafite
- Added Timmy drawings and Jianyu notes as world details
- Reworked and improved many temp art assets
- Added toss stone animation when adding stone to structures
- Added extra snow sled to help direct players from snow crash to the first ice cave
- Removed extra locator on GPS for cave F
- Improved look of skin on creepy Virginia and Armsy
- Fixed some objects in world being dynamic that should be static
- Increased headlights brightness on Golf Carts
- Added ‘search parties frequency’ and ‘building resistance’ settings to custom game menu
- Added pause menu icon over players in multiplayer ( appears as a cog over their name )
- Improved creepy Virginia ragdoll
- Cave entrance bat flocks can happen at any time of day now
- Improved Ai interactions around village objects
- Added burning sound and light when an actor is on fire
- Required Ingredients UI will now no longer show an available count higher than the required count
- Added a tutorial for when the player has been killed and needs to pick up their backpack
- Tab for the currently active page is now kept active instead of only when hovered over
- Both held books now have a close UI prompt at the bottom
- Updated the UI text and added localization for when a battery or air tank is used to recharge the equipped item
- Some items can now be added to storage more than one at a time
- Removed the page numbers from the top of the page in the blueprint book since the tabs now stay open for the current page
- Added a flashing Exclamation mark and bright red light to discoverable laptops
- Added a loading screen hint for drying racks placed by fire drying things faster
- Gold Armor renamed to Ancient Armor
- Added Drink and Dump Out UI for the flask and cooking pot
- Fire arrows and Torches will now ignite bodies when the arrow impacts or the torch performs its downward thrust attack
- Updated Cooking buff UI notifications to include the cooking pot icon
- Ziplines will now have visual harnesses when attaching stones or logs to the zipline
- Added a cooking pot stand for when the pot is placed on a fire to avoid it visually floating
- Required Items UI for structures is now hidden when the player is in caves or bunkers
- Added a pulsing light beacon to the dropped inventory bag to make it easier to find in the dark
- Added close UI when holding a story page item
- Lakes will now visibly freeze when players are nearby
- Various memory and CPU optimizations
- New dead Puffy poses added to the world
- Other players names are now hidden when riding in the golf cart
- Increased host not responding delay from 5 to 6.5 seconds
- Texture streaming budget will now update when changing texture resolution options
- Optimizations to streaming system to improve movement around the world and remove risk of leaving things active when moving fast
- Renamed Kelvin ‘take item’ order to ‘take clothing’
- Reworked game save code to be more robust in case of error during the serialization process
- All blueprint pickup items are now called blueprint instead of the recipe name to avoid spoilers
- Added audio event notification on game saved
- Updated default bindings for golf cart, will now use RT and LT by default
- When giving items to other players using the grab bag, the UI on the item will now say GIVE instead of USE
- The mini-map view is now zoomed out a bit
- Improved flashlight on the hanging tactical
- Updated the inventory visuals for the Ancient Armor
- Story Objectives are now displayed in red
- Added a tutorial to build storage the first time the player fails to pickup an item due to full inventory
- Improved billboard texture memory usage
- Action cameras are no longer fake dropped. If the player collects the camera and already owns the video clip, they are notified with a UI notification
- Added UI notification to display how many people are waiting to sleep in multiplayer to let others know its time to sleep
- Added UI to inform the player how to change the icon on held GPS locators
- Added bones and skulls to some of the clay pots when broken
- All blueprint structures should now properly clear grass and bushes
- Campfire and standing fires now use new fire burning audio events
- If the bow does not have an arrow loaded but the player does have an available arrow type available in inventory, it will be automatically loaded into the bow
- Storage will now drop certain items in bundles when the structure is destroyed
- Only one person can interact with a campfire at a time
- Structure dismantling is now X instead of C to prevent clashing with adding items to storage
- You can now drink water when holding a spear
- You can now add twin and snow berries to shelves
- Improved some spittle layout in caves
- Added a UI notification for when the player is interrupted sleeping from enemies nearby
- Dead tactical soldiers now wear balaclavas and have bloody clothing
- Mountain fog layout improved
- Torch smoke trails improved
- Added terrain anisotropic graphic setting
- Player now has idle and moving animations when holding artifact pieces
- Player can now look down further before the spear switches grip
- Rebreather mouthpiece is now moved offscreen when leaving the water
- Eating berries while in inventory is much faster
- Heavy cannibals can now wear winter clothes
- Glowing Puffies now have more unique looking materials
- Fix some issues with cannibal facial deformations not matching on carried bodies and not darkening when burned
- Added more variations to the enemy search party events
- Improved texture loading speed of items in inventory
- Added Holosprings logo to screens in bunkers
- Improved look of walkie talkie
- Re-worked look of bunker icons on GPS to be distinct
- Smaller cave icons on GPS
- Added UI to show player current strength level
- A.I. Can now better navigate around player built furniture and small structures
- Improved AI navigation in player bases
- Added AI pathing to rope bridges
- Improved blood and wetness of creepy Virginia and on babies
- Improved physics of bushes when cut
- Dead stumps react better when cut
- More saturated coin visuals to be able to see them better in inventory
- Kelvin can now walk over logs ( also fixes pushing them through terrain )
- Inventory now gets the correct fake ground applied every time the inventory is opened
- All items in the inventory now have hover animations
- Setup LODS for preset tarp elements
- Optimized construction database to reduce amount of CPU usage and lower amount of data to send over network in multiplayer games
- Setup combined LOD system and added 4th LOD to optimize rendering cost of stone floors
- Improved look of defensive wall LODs
- Made rendering of the Construction UI more consistent visually
- Broke up tiling on frozen lakes
- Added shoreline wetness to the cliffs
- Rainbows will now show up after it rains
- Babies are now single hit kill from any weapon in normal mode
- If a player sleeps in unprotected location, they can now sometimes be interrupted by enemy search party
- 'Containers don't refill on load' set to True by default in Normal games. Can be set in a Custom game.
- Players max strength level has been increased from 50 to 100
- Each level in strength now increases melee and tree chop damage by 1%
- Adjusted Hang Glider 'down force' when pitched up to make it easier to gain altitude
- No printer resin by default in printers, instead you need to find and add it
- Players name tag will now be hidden when crouching in multiplayer games
- Large cannibals running now drains more energy
- Sea turtles now respawn at rate of 1 per day (4x faster)
- Added 10 more sea turtle zones
- Explosions will now cause break damage to all armor pieces hit
- Added more golf carts to golf course and around map and made more connecting paths to drive them on
- Adjusted the rates at which the players skin temperature changes and the rate at which the player gets wet and dries off
- The player will now get soaked from snow much slower than when in rain
- Indoor temperature is now clamped within a range so that indoor temperature is not always the same as outside
- Fire sources are hotter now so the player will dry off faster
- Adjusted the amount of rest the player gets indoors and outdoors and how comfort modifies it
- Energy Bar Fullness increased from 15 to 30
- Some item counts in inventory have been reduced to match their visuals in the inventory and to encourage using storage
- Cat food and Oysters can now rot
- Increased the raw fullness of some of the perishables
- Adjusted spawn logic of cannibals in villages so stronger types won’t spawn at villages close to player start points at start of game. Fewer Elise spawns, and added a few Franks in villages
- Igor, Henry, and Elise can no longer appear in early game search parties
- Igor, Henry, and Elise can now appear in nomad families starting day 8
- Rotten items can no longer be used in cooking
- Dried perishables will no longer go rotten
- Cooked foods now take twice as long to rot compared to raw
- Air tanks now drain 25% faster
- Stone Storage and sled now carry 28 stones instead of 27
- Updated eggnog recipe to use 4 eggs
- The taser stick now only has 3 charges per battery
- The player downed time before respawning has been greatly reduced. Also sped up the skull animation to give more sense of urgency
- Buckshot count reduced from 15 to 8, and cone spread reduced from 25 to 20
- Slug ammo will cause now cause shotgun hit reacts on enemies even if armored
- Fence electric wire now sustains damage when electrocuting something (can fire 6 times before being destroyed currently)
- You can now carry 20 Solafite
- Fat cannibal Health increased from 140 to 170
- Heavy cannibals now can wear armor
- Increased chance of spawning head armor and body armor pieces on enemies
- Tweaked all enemy armor values
- Cannibal head damage multiplier from sharp melee reduced from 2x to 1.5x
- Demon attack increased damage by 25% and increased Coop game health up to 30%
- Adjusted the enemy spawns in some caves and bunkers
- Regular male cannibals run & walk 20% faster and are 5% larger on average
- Puffy attacks have increased speed
- Creepy plating attack changed from 1 to 2 waves (each wave slightly smaller) It will also now include the new creepy mutant types
- Balanced enemy structure damage and fixed some creepies, demons and large female cannibals being unable to damage structures
- Set structure distortion at 70% of structures max HP and partial collapse at 20%
- Stick spikes and electric fences are now more fragile
- Improved audio for open areas like fields and on mountain
- Increased volume of bats
- Added updated music for Jianyu intro
- Added music to get to chopper cutscene
- Added new Hell cave audio and reverb snapshot
- Updated and retimed the music on opening crash cutscenes
- Added 'stone' pickup audio and mouse over when in inventory
- Removed ducking of music on settings menu
- Added Player getting a little sick sounds
- Tuned open air audio and default ambience
- Made mutants in caves footsteps louder, made cave wind louder
- Tuned mutant epoxy footstep distances
- Tuned Demon Boss distance vocal events
- Fixed old weapon hits lasting as events longer than their audio
- Added bunker announcement events to underwater group and tuned rebreather sounds
- Added better audio for Big Boss intro
- Made ambush event 2D
- Added events for moving structures and changed reverb on in cave objects
- Reduced steam hiss sound
- Tuned Golf Cart audio
- Tuned squirrel foot sound distances
Sons of the Forest update 15 Patch notes - November 30, 2023
- Added new Kelvin abilities and animations for: maintain base, sharpen walls and repair structures
- New female cannibal type ‘Elise’
- Added free standing and wall weapon holders
- Added firewood holder
- Three new hanging gore types added to trees around world
- More cannibal villages, bridges, paths and ponds added to world
- More details/props and gore added to cannibal villages and more new points of interest added to map
- Added new low lying fog effect
- Added new decorative papers around camp sites and some new story pickup items
- Renamed Color Grading setting to Style and added a new style ‘Found Footage’
- Added FSR 2.0 and added an ultra performance setting for DLSS
- New dead worker and tactical body poses added
- Added new findable blueprint to world
- New findable outfit added to world
- Cannibals will now eat dead deer
- Added more animal zones for increased coverage of the island
- Torches, birdhouses, trophy heads and weapon holders can now be attached directly to trees
- Set slope walk limit lower for the player on terrain so you can no longer walk directly up steep mountains
- Gore clock now always places vertically
- Increased distance of fog hemispheres so they don’t pop off
- Improved look of cooking pot outro animation
- Sped up connecting to multiplayer servers
- Pause menu is now blocked while in dead camera mode
- Improved wooden crate albedo value
- Optimized reflection probes to lower memory use
- Optimized dead tactical poser rigs in caves and world
- Collision for cannibal camp fire optimized and improved
- Rocks removed from cliff greebles
- Some sections of beach layouts improved
- Grass remover added to Dead Cultist prefabs
- Added flapping cloth pickup to some grave crosses
- Small pond LOD ranges improved
- Ocean material and wave adjustments to reduce appearance of repeating patterns
- Flapping cloth placement cleaned up in villages
- Held spear no longer flips around onscreen when being unequipped
- As optimization added actor pooling support for cannibal types
- Bridge rope can now be placed by aiming at either side of beams
- Bridge rope is now always on the side that was shown by the preview UI
- Bridge rope second rope placement preview now shows more accurately where the rope will be
- Second point of rope bridges can now be placed slightly further away to help with reaching high up structures
- Enabled partial collapse for bridge floors
- Enabled pickup spawn for destroyed bridge floor elements
- Bridge floor planks will now place at the closest position possible to where player is aiming at
- Dismantling bridge floor planks now removes the ones being looked at
- Improved table placement logic
- Improved lag spike duration when loading huge saves with lots of overlapping super structure grids
- Improved placement calculations for spotlight and other furniture against logs pillar when aiming on its sides
- Structure ghosts will now always start oriented to the player rather than being oriented to default world space axis
- Player will now put away lighter to light flare
- Added a frame delay check to playing audio on the layout group so that adding multiple items to a group can no longer spam audio events. (This speeds up items appearing in inventory)
- Tabs will now stay open while the page flip happens so that the player does not have to pull them back out again for subsequent presses
- Shock arrow particle effects are now parented to their target
- Added custom stippling to stone spawns
- Suppressed the players idle animation when the grab bag is open so that interacting with items on the gab is easier
- Improved material and mesh instance cleanup logic
- Billboard calculations optimized
- Setup custom default settings when Steam Deck or Low end pc detected
- Added pooling to some objects to improve performance and memory usage
- Converted some Tactical bodies to posers to save memory
- Improved tree feature activation logic to improve performance
- Improved Beach Wave memory and performance
- Set new reference size to match screen resolution when it changes
- Optimized seasons manager to improve performance
- Modified some pickups to use primitive colliders
- World Locators data optimized to improve memory usage
- Various texture memory optimizations
- Added 1.5 second delay to player trigger to all traps after re-arm, except for spring traps
- Tons more ammo added to end of hell cave to help prepare for end boss
- Added a basic noodle soup recipe and added buffs to some recipes that were lackluster
- Cave D added more set dressing to make path out clearer
- Increased Kelvin energy recover while resting
- Fixed some cannibal types (Frank, Henry, Igor) sometimes walking and attacking while missing a limb
- Fixed regular cannibal search parties sometimes going to where muddies saw the player
- Fixed dead body ragdolls having collision still on dismembered parts
- Fixed heavy cannibal popping back to standing when shot in head with an electrocute status projectile
- Fixed some carried dead bodies not matching visually when picked up and improved stability of ragdolls when thrown by player
- Fixed missing material on Virginia track outfit shoes
- Fixed some duck behaviors not working properly
- Skinned birds now won't spawn feathers when hit
- Improved stability of female cannibal ragdoll and fixed sometimes being distorted
- Fixed female cannibal attack 180 not playing
- Fixes various cases of trees and bushes visibility popping in big saves
- Fixed missing fonts in book and server browser for some languages
- Translated arrow upgrade type in ammo cycle popup message
- Renamed texture resolution to Ultra/High/Medium/Low
- Fixed some issues with save games in multiplayer
- Fixed wrong/stretched blood map on some dead workers
- Fix for one sided tarp on stump
- Missing collision added to some barrels
- Collision added to wrecked boat asset
- Fix for some rocks with exposed edges and open edges on cliffs
- Fix for dark density volume in Ice Cave C
- Fix for duplicated renderers on raft
- Clearing stone pickups from points of interest
- Propane burner set to prop layer to not fall through basic colliders
- Fix for some broken weapon crates
- Fixed a small pop during the player’s grab bag idle animation
- Fixed Kelvin popping into a standing react if he was hit while sitting down
- Fixed spotlight wire connector not allowing to start a wire on it
- Fixed placing wire between spotlight and solar panel
- Fixed plant pillar animation looking forward for nothing then going back down
- Fixed placing bridge rope on grounded beams sometimes being hard to target
- Fixed climb rope snap point taking away space from bridge rope snap point
- Fixed multiplayer clients able to trigger spear trap while empty
- Fixed multiplayer clients seeing the last spear show up for a frame after throwing one
- Fixed left side of "lean to" structure having a snap point to overlap a leaning beam over the existing one
- Fixed placing door planks really fast as multiplayer client resulting in multiple instances of the door from client POV
- Fixed placing radios on round tables not working
- Fixed projectiles going through round tables
- Fixed placing bridge floor planks by looking in void between ropes not working
- Fixed having a prompt to add bridge floor planks to a rope bridge with only one rope
- Fixed dismantling bridge rope then cancelling before it goes through moving the rope visual far away
- Fixed wall supported furniture placing with a visible offset from the support when aiming to the side
- Fixed issue that caused ziplines linked with trees to be sometimes linked with wrong trees in old saves
- Fix for cycling the ammo in the shotgun. Now when the ammo is cycled, the player gets the remaining ammo back currently in the weapon and then is forced to reload the weapon with the new ammo
- Fixed removing 6th log in a defensive wall not working
- Fixed numerous collision errors that were occurring on various items
- Fixed null refs when building the basic log sled. This will fix the logs in basic sleds not disappearing when moving far away from the sled
- Fixed the LOD group distances on the wristwatch
- Shotgun will now properly load a single round if the reloading action was cancelled by the player
- Fixed issues with the crafting cog not showing the correct UI based on what is on the mat and if the players inventory is full
- Fixed issues with the log sled allowing the player to place both item types in the side racks once the LODs have been toggled or the game has been loaded from a save
- The player grab bag will now properly show the different arrow upgrade types
- Fixed issue with arrows causing a null ref in multiplayer when shooting an item storage container
- Fixed null reference host sometimes gets when a client completes a structure while mashing the build button
- Fix for clients sometimes getting the wrong upgraded arrow types if they are spam picking them up out of storage
- Fixed null reference on destroy for Collision Proxy
- Fix to stop errors when attaching to ziplines
- Fix for null reference error when syncing structures state from server before all the data is received
- Fix for player being able to do actions while opening hatches
- Fix for reload UI coming up if the shotgun reload is cancelled after a single shell has been added
- When an item is rejected from being added to a structure node, only the the player adding the item will now spawn a fake drop item
- Fixed sometimes getting into a bad state if the player tries to eat via hotkey at the exact time they begin drinking water while having a slow unequipped item equipped
- Fixed issue where the player would re-equip their weapon in the water if they slid into the water while refilling their flask or drinking water
- Reduced the animation state blending on the eating of the oyster so that it does not pop into the players hand so quickly
- Fixed issue with melee weapons first looks not playing if the melee weapon was picked up for the first time while having a ranged weapon equipped
- Fixed book cover sometimes appearing low resolution
- Fix for items in inventory not always sheening when new
- Removed 'Fight Demons' tattoo from cultists arms
- Fixed Raft area calculation getting stuck on
- Fixes for some plants popping off too soon
- Added missing dig indicator to Shotgun Grave
- Fixed layout ordering of cereal in the grab bag so we don’t have floating cereal boxes
- Audio added for flying small birds and humming birds
- Ambient cracking ice sound added to ice caves
- Made silenced pistol shots louder
- Widened squirrel footsteps pan
- Added new audio event for Hummingbird
- Added story pages mouseover event and made crossbow mouseover and tactical bow mouseover come from same position
- Added sounds for multi trap snapping shut and better explosion audio
- Tuned deer audio, bird noises, and mutant tree jump sounds
- Added metal jump landing player footstep event
- Fixed spatial audio issues with fire arrows
- Added gore audio to Grind Trap
Related: All Shotgun attachment upgrade locations in Sons of the Forest and how to get them
Sons of the Forest update 14 Patch notes - November 9, 2023
- New small cave added to map
- Added another ??? findable item
- You can now view all the notes you find around the world via the group of pages item in inventory
- Added 3 new findable blueprint traps and 2 other findable blueprints
- Added buildable spear holder
- Added buildable double bed
- Added new cannibal type ‘Igor’
- Added some new note pickups
- Added new decorative magazine and book
- Added new crafting animation for crafting GPS trackers
- Added a bunch of new details, pickups and environment details to world
- Added various details to many of the cannibal villages
- Extended and detailed the 3 ice caves
- Added new facial deformities to some cannibal faces
- Added new draped tarp pickups on some stumps and skeletons in world
- Muddies will now gather to pray to their own effigies that were added to various places around the world and will now prioritize food over everything else
- Cannibals with skin masks or bags on their heads now have more agitated idle animations
- Tactical bow resting idle can now be aimed down slightly further, bringing it in line with the crafted bow idle animation
- When holding a bow and equipping the lighter, the lighter will no longer float through the air towards the players hand
- Overweight Male Cannibals now have an alternate burning animation which fixes a bug where they would pop from prone to standing
- Heavy Cannibals’ drink water animation has been cleaned up so that their club is in the correct position in their hand
- Added more deer and land turtles to the far side of map
- Twins now has an electrocute reaction
- When the player skins dead animals, other players will now see the knife and pickup in their hands
- Improved the look of creepy Virginia and demon wetness masks
- Improved albedo on fishing huts
- Converted various pickups to use more performant primitives colliders
- Improved look and detail of many of the story note pages
- Added extra fog to mountains and added more fog details on far side of map
- Added poisoned status support to characters, they will lose health and energy and sometimes get injured and stop attacking when poisoned, and multiple poison effects will stack
- Arrows that break a piece of armor will attach to the enemy instead of falling off
- Items dropped on killing a character should now retain item instance data if there is any stored
- Cannibals carrying a torch will now drop their torch on death
- Improved issues with hitting or electrocuting cannibals on trees not knocking them off
- When a client dismembers a dead body, the limbs now spawn in the position they see them
- Adjusted killer whales away from some too shallow areas, and fixed visual issue with their jump
- Filled the large lake on the far side of the mountain with fish
- Improved the look of cycling arrows on the bow by not having the arrow flicker while switching to to the next arrow
- Improved how lighting held items work
- Added some randomization to tarp bounces
- When dismounting the Knight V you will now re-equip your previous weapon
- Improved look of Common Juniper billboard
- Added far distance stippling when billboards are disabled/enabled
- Added wind effect to placed tarps
- Some vegetation added to cliff and mountain meshes
- Pipes and drips added in bunker food corridor
- Some small environment changes and updates for new points of interest
- Lake details layout improved
- Entertainment bunker entrance adjusted to not get momentarily stuck in rock when entering
- Oak tree albedo map adjustment to blend better with environment
- Reduced baby attack damage from 15 to 10
- The animation for the player retrieving their backpack after a death has been sped up and shortened
- On sleep interruption, players will now sometimes find multiple enemies close by
- Masked cannibals will sometimes get out of breath
- A fire status impact on a dead body will now burn it to bones (eg. fire arrows or torch)
- When muddies eat, it will reduce their anger and make them more likely to ignore the player, and they are now more likely to be distracted by food during combat
- Set Dead Stump A break amount to 10 (so one hit breaks)
- Fixed dismembered limbs on dead bodies coming back after loading game
- Fixed issue where placing severed head on a stick could break other player actions
- Fixed index array exception in multiplayer when a player equips their third modded weapon
- Fixed locking and unlocking doors in player bases not updating the navigation graph, and fixed some missing door setup
- Fixed some cases of navigation links from bases to terrain not refreshing and improved accuracy of check for the navigation links
- Fixed rock beam not updating nav cut when it's finished or partially dismantled
- Fixed leaning beams navigation cuts not applying scale correctly
- Fixed some issues with ramp navigation not linking segments correctly
- Fixed trees not falling properly in multiplayer when destroyed with an explosive
- Fixed falling trees not dealing damage to multiplayer clients
- Fixed twins climb out of ground not immediately completing when alerted, and disabled climbing out of bunker floors
- Fixed heavy cannibal death on back looping glitch
- Fixed some regular cannibal types always glowing in the dark
- Fix for some note pickups being obscured by thumb when held
- Fixed look of alpha on newspaper clippings
- Fix for email pickup normals looking blocky
- Fixed spear being hard to pickup when looking at extremities
- Fixed placing a pillar next to an apex breaking the nearby apex supported beam
- Fixed incorrect deck rail placement option when targeting a full wall without a beam above while holding a log plank
- Fixed carrying gold mask enemy not showing mask
- Removed pistol reload animation from the bows animation graph and stopped it from trying to perform the reloading animation if the lighter was also equipped
- Fixed issue where message notifications on the left side of the screen would not show up properly is there was an already active notification on the screen
- Fix some visual jerkiness when large animals or enemies turn on terrain slopes
- Fix some driftwood at beach reappearing after breaking
- Fixed player knocked down when holding a bow causing jerkiness of camera and animation
- Fixed case where damaged beams could prevent placing floor planks
- Fixed structures attached to beams floating if the pillars supporting it are cut
- Fixed case where placing a grounded beam near a hill would result with a beam into a broken state
- Fixed bridge rope UI not turning red after reaching max distance without touching a structure
- Fixed dismantling standing fire not working
- Fixed fishing huts lod1 not using the right material with support for occlusion
- Fixed snow occlusion popping in Fishing huts/Snow cabin sometimes when looking up
- Fixed bad player state when opening inventory while unequipping book or using shovel
- Fixed radios in multiplayer not playing in sync or not playing at all in some case
- Fixed propane burners explosion not synced properly in multiplayer
- Fixed traps not triggering on first frame in multiplayer
- Fixed animation visual issues when eating consumables from world
- Fixed menu buttons hologram background and final death screen text showing as squares in some languages
- Fixed final death screen not scaling properly with resolution
- Fixed final death screen localization
- Fix for Inventory item info UI sometimes not turning off when hovering over buttons that also had UI elements
- Fixed material memory leaks in Book / Inventory
- Fix visual popping for aloe, arrow leaf and spreading phlox in some cases
- Fixed displacement on water/streams not working correctly
- Fix for some density volumes getting culled
- Fix for broken Spreading Phlox Burn error
- Fix for visible gap in streams section LODs
- Added audio for stepping on large piles of gore
- Added new Solafite ore pickup event
- Added event for bumping swinging lantern
- Moved pickaxe sting to music category
- Added event for weapons impacting hanging gore
- Added gore footstep jump event
- Added force SFX mute while 3d audio blocker active
Sons of the Forest update 13 Patch notes - October 19, 2023
- You can now use tarps to build walls
- Added 3 new findable blueprints including a new trap
- Added two new ??? Items
- Complete re-work of cave D (and added some surprises)
- Added extension to cave B
- New skinned face mask enemy type ‘Henry’
- Added new round table buildable
- 2 new magazine props added
- Bunch of new gore and hanging gore props
- Added some new note pickups
- Twins can now breakthrough and emerge from the ground in both caves and overworld
- Items in inventory will now wobble for a moment when the inventory is opened
- Reworked the item plating structure so that you do not need to use the grab bag to add the Solafite
- Updated the notes tab in the blueprint book to be grey
- The blueprint book will now show the current category page numbers at the top right of the page as well as on the previous and next buttons
- Added Tab Collections to the blueprint book so that any page can be directly accessed
- Updated the blueprint and tutorial books with the new tab images
- Item plating structure can now be destroyed if it is attacked
- Added an FPS limiter to the pause menu to fix GPUs being overworked
- Switched a lot of item colliders to primitives to improve performance and reduce risk of falling through terrain
- Player is now more easily knocked down when hit by a golf cart
- Added left handed item support while using the log sled
- Added ranged weapon aiming sensitivity support to the spear, bow and slingshot
- Smoothed out transition between default and aimed sensitivity
- Added localization for item perishable states
- New backings and shadows added to all blueprint images
- Some details and tweaks to cave b
- Improved bunker entertainment lighting
- Improved details in fishing huts and added breakable planks
- Improved Solafite texture detail
- Moved PJ’s to sailboat
- Improved look of bloody katana
- Improved fade range for portable light
- Small wood bridge added over jump area in hell cave
- Added missing rocks to hell cave merged collision to stop enemies occasionally falling through floor
- Some improvements to cave A detailing
- Merged collision meshes for cave and bunker transition groups and ice caves
- Dynamic hanging skull lights added to some caves
- Added weather occlusion to old fishing huts
- Wall torch now has a fixed orientation, fixes edge cases where the slight tilt causes it to be visually not touching the supporting structure and not be linked for destruction
- Lights are now positioned inside the light bulb for the freeform lightbulb and the powered cross instead of floating in front of it, so that bringing objects near it looks more realistic
- Being inside now prevents snow clumps from spawning at player feet
- Added new unfold animation when placing tarp ramps
- Feather bursts tinted to match different colored birds
- Kelvin can now retrieve nearby spears
- Added additional smoothing of head look rotation on characters
- Regular Puffies can no longer be skinned for creepy armor, and John2 increased to give 2 creepy armor
- Can no longer parry helicopter attacks or body slams by end boss
- Reduced dismemberment on Heavy cannibal kick and club attacks, increased on boat engine
- Fixed John2 phasing through walls
- Fix John2 not triggering Mace trap and radio trap
- Fixed incorrect year listed on some magazine props
- Fixed issue where structure lights and FX wouldn't start deactivated after loading save
- Fixed some breakable cave boards being misaligned on clients
- Fixed Demon not colliding with player, not pushing bushes, and getting stuck on hanging crosses
- Fixed the most common causes of eagles or ducks flying on the ground
- Fixed clients in multiplayer games not seeing muzzle flashes from Virginia
- Fixed Kelvin not being able to cut Arbutus trees, which could stop his progress in getting logs
- Fixed Kelvin notepad icon left active when other player starts interacting with him
- Disable notepad on Kelvin while mid-air, which previously froze player in mid-air
- Disabled torch block since it didn't block any damage
- Fixed flashlight not matching the aim of revolver or pistol when aiming down sights, and not matching rope gun aim
- Fixed issue causing ragdolls to sometimes have distorted poses (especially neck joint)
- Fixed some issues with enemy weapons not detaching and dropping when the holding character ragdolls
- Cannibals will no longer place effigies overnight in peaceful mode
- Fixed Puffies standing up after jumping even if they continued to run later
- Fixed Puffies sometimes not waking up when hit
- Fix rare case of some village cannibals spawning in ocean
- Changed character name on sundowner magazine
- Fixed radio trap triggering randomly on dead bodies
- Player is no longer blasted into space if they open their inventory while standing on an armed spring trap
- Fixed issue where pickups with a ranged amount (ammo boxes) would never include their max value in their random value calculation. Example: A chance of 1 to 2 would always result in 1
- Fixed issue that if the player is already wearing the gold armor, and it is then forced on from the gold room or hell door cutscenes, it would be permanently visually stuck on
- Simplified the colliders for the flashlight mod and fixed issues with its emissive material application
- Fixed issue with player never losing their warmth status after stashing their lit held torch
- Spears can now be picked up even if the player is already holding maximum spears
- Fix for Night vision goggles being visible on other players when in gold room cutscene.
- Large log storage structure can now be destroyed and will also wobble on dismantle
- Left hand items can no longer be re-equipped while the left item was stashed to reload the right hand item
- Fixed issue with the healing effects of items being lost if they were used when low health and the low health instant regain triggers
- Fixed issue with fade to black not showing up if the player triggered sleeping when crouched
- Fixed issue with Duct Tape and C4 Bricks moving/floating when spawned in a container and the container is pushed around
- Fixing offset colliders on the crossbow when it is on the crafting mat
- Player can now jump while riding the Knight V and holding a structure
- Fix for GPS icons on the edges of the tracker screen not staying upright
- Updated many of the structures with better collision. This fixes projectiles going through them
- Fix for errors in multiplayer games when armor pieces are removed from other players because they equipped the gold armor
- Fixed errors when clients would take the weapon out of the item plating machine
- Notes pages should no longer be visible on other players when they have the book equipped
- Fixed chance of players being kicked from multiplayer games when some items were fake dropped
- Fix for pause not blocked when entering mutant boss cutscene
- Added delay to activate stump damage (1s) to prevent stumps being instantly destroyed
- Fixed Dead Cultist arm visual issues
- Removed tree Skeletons from addressable load to reduce risk of pop
- Item Plater fix for structure erroring out if the item is removed after plating has started
- Item Plater added check for placed item while running plating update and will force stop if missing
- Fixed some issues where lightning would not appear
- Fixed ambient music not playing in bunker entertainment for clients in multiplayer (bar, spa, gym)
- Fixes ranged weapon aiming sensitivity broken state during reload for guns
- Trying to ride zipline with a mounted Knight V is not possible anymore
- Fixed inventory left click icon not refreshing properly on the item info view when switching from keyboard to gamepad and the reverse
- Fixed zipline early disconnects
- Fixed player being nudged to the left when equipping a right handed weapon
- Inventory can no longer be opened while using the log sled
- Fixed non uniformly scaled ammo swap icon
- Fixed menu can be opened during inventory animation causing a bad game state if quitting the game to title screen
- Fixed various bad game state cleanup when kicked or banned from a multiplayer game
- Fixed the counter top radio pickup in bunker entertainment spa area not being interactable
- Fixed remaining case where placing free wire would snap floating far from the target structure
- Fixed ramps switching to combined LOD elements after being repaired
- Fixed repairing preset tarp not repositioning the element
- Fixed breaking a pillar supporting a beam with a strut not collapsing the beam and the strut
- Fixed tree houses staying floating when the tree they're in is chopped down
- Fixed player sliding when standing on corner ramps
- Fixed being able to dismantle pillars supporting deck rails
- Fixed second point of free wires not always lining up accurately with the second support
- Preview UI for second point snapping when placing free wires now conforms with the second support
- Fixed placing climbing rope from above hard to target at some angles
- Fixed corner ramp log quarter switching LODs very close to the player
- Fixed rope bridges disappearing if player flips the beam supporting it by adding a strut
- Fixed getting knocked down in multiplayer while placing construction elements not properly cancelling the placement for remote players
- Fixed lifting beam in multiplayer resulting in the beam getting repositioned from its original position for remote players
- Added audio to hanging objects when pushed
- Edited the lighter on off to have no ultra high frequency peak
- Added ice impacts to water impact events
- Guitar track set to not loop
- Added crafting sting to crafting zipline rope
- Tuned Puffy idle audio and mutant rock footsteps
- Added female puffy idles and sleeping events to meta list events. Tuned distances and reverb levels of idles and sleep audio
- Reduced reverb on some events and made metal objects hopefully not spam so much
- Added burning sound to lit torch and molotov
- Added audio for wet molotov/torch light event
- Hooked up additional audio for Puffies while sleeping, idling or running around
Sons of the Forest Update 12 Patch notes - September 29, 2023
- Added pick axe
- You can now mine the Solafite mineral found in caves
- Added new cave
- Added second ??? item
- Added 2 new findable book items allowing you to build two new structures
- New upgrade system for weapons
- New hanging cross, gore props and cave roots added to cave A and cave F
- Added hanging skeletons to some trees in world
- Added Ranged aiming sensitivity option
- Cannibal leaders or village guards once alerted to player can now call for quick backup from others in area
- Implemented more Kelvin emotes : Nod, Thumbs up, Confused, Shake Head, Hit Head, No, Happy, Sad (If player quickly nods at Kelvin he will nod back)
- Implemented more Virginia emote actions : Laugh, Nod, Shake Head, Happy, Confused, No, Sad
- Animal heads now can be hit with golf putter
- Virginia will now laugh if she sees an animal hit a spring trap or a full health Kelvin get hit with a small rock
- Kelvin will now react to animal heads
- Improved look of volumetric light from sun and work lights
- You can now carry up to 3 Turtle Shells
- Spawn location for skinned animal heads will now be at head of the body
- Burning player, torch, molotov and spreading fire now react to sprinklers
- Improved sprinkler performance in bunkers
- Sprinklers will clean blood off player and held weapons
- Improved positioning of free wires extremities when placing on beams and pillars
- Electric wires can now be placed on three quarter high pillars
- Moved ramps placement arrow up slightly so that it is easier to see when targeting from the bottom of the ramp
- Player no longer slides when standing on ramps
- Placing planks on ramps is now easier to target when standing close to it
- Physics collider cleanup and optimization on a few Items
- Various environment fixes
- Food Bunker tree base collisions synced in multiplayer so AI interact with them
- Lighting transition improved in food bunker water
- Improvements to driftwood physics
- Some optimizations to characters and AI update
- Kelvin Finish Structure order will no longer stop after one structure, will now finish everything he can before completing order
- Creepies are more resistant to bullets and have slightly increased general health
- Puffies when high health won't get dismembered
- Add a 2 second hit react cooldown to lower stun lock on Puffies
- Fingers and Twins now have more aggressive behavior
- Reduced max late-game outside creepy count by 20%
- Reduce the likelihood of creepies taking over populated villages
- Spear melee stab damage reduced 15->10
- Fixed Frank sometimes trying to do revenge attack on himself after lighting himself on fire
- Player can no longer be killed during any cutscenes
- Fixed missing spittle in bunker entertainment
- Fixed small rock not spawning when digging
- Fixed some issues with Sluggy sound in cave C
- Fixed light bulb getting visually culled too early
- Fixed supported screw structure getting destroyed when adding a strut to a beam
- Fixed sharpening a defensive wall log playing audio of player swinging his weapon
- Fixed corner ramp beam on ground placement able to place against off grid structures which would typically create degenerate corner ramps
- Fixed placing strut underneath leveled beam unlinking the forward support in some case
- Fixed placing strut underneath leveled beam inverting the beam visually sometimes
- Fixed pressing shift while placing stick or rock path leaving player in a broken state
- Fixed lifting beams causing the renderer rotation to pop after lifting it
- Fixed case where beams supporting a concave corner ramp beam would block placement of floors on the wrong side of the beam
- Fixed case where placing a strut under a leaning beam wasn't possible
- Fixed issue when placing walls over floors that would break floor linking with its support beam
- Fixed own shadow leaking slightly on wall and pillar logs
- Fixed issues with grass and leaves from the fake ground covering up some items in the inventory
- ??? pieces will no longer respawn if the player already collected them
- Added missing equip UI to wire in inventory
- Fixed bug where other players would stash items when networked player triggered Puffton cutscene
- Fixed missing knife in tree crash cutscene
- Fix for molotov smoke alpha clipping
- Fixed Armsy sometimes not setting off traps
- Fixed Greg's carried effigy type not matching on clients
- Fixed floating spittle sometimes appearing on destroyed huts
- Fixed bullets fired from ultra close range sometimes going through the enemy
- Fixed issue with player block and parry where hits got through during animation transitions
- Fixed player held severed head scare not working properly when done by clients
- Updated fire events for built fires and standing fires
- Retimed skinning animals sounds
- Tuned audio on burning stick and molotov events
- Added new physics interaction sfx object for small batteries
- Changed a sluggy event to be 3d
- Changed distance settings on sluggy emerges event
- Turned down vista sting a little
- Added some sounds for skeletons and falling rocks
Sons of the Forest Update 11 Patch notes - September 16, 2023
- Added new large battery item and revised the electricity system, which now requires them to power lights and electric fences at night. We also added limits to how many objects individual batteries and panels can power before they overload the grid
- Solar panels can now be placed freely without relying on a support structure and can be connected to power grids with wires
- Added new spear throwing cannibal type Eddy
- Added new effigy placing cannibal type Greg
- Added new cave A extension area
- Added new ? item to new cave A extension
- New cutscene added to the food bunker
- Added some new hanging gore props
- Fires will now be put out by sprinklers
- Added new concave corner ramp placement option
- Babies can now be exploded into gibs
- There are now some cannibal nomad families lead by Frank the fire cannibal starting after 8-12 days
- Hanging skeletons and new hanging gore added to fisherman huts
- Corner beams now contribute to beams structural resistance, making it less likely to break easily if only corner ramps are there
- Beams can now be placed leaning on another leaning beam, allows stacking one level of leaning beam
- Corner ramps no longer use a full plank for each placement, placing full planks will split it to a smaller size when appropriate and drop a pickup matching the rest of the quarter log planks
- Placing free wires on a solar panel now forces the position of the wire to the connector position on the model
- Free wires connected to beams & pillars now use a wire model instead of a zip-tie for the supporting ring visual
- Burning living cannibals will now update the burn amount on their material
- Made volumetric fog more visible in bunkers
- Improved bunker food and bunker residential lighting
- Puffy increase walk speed by 20% and attack speed by 10%
- Cave C entrance groups reworked to have less active objects above ground
- Adjusted near plane on Flashlight Mod to prevent cutout shape when reloading shotgun with flashlight attachment
- Updated Holosprings logo
- Added new tutorials for using electricity
- Fixed a bug where the slingshot would not animate when cancelling a shot
- Fixed visual glitch in the loading screen when loading in a saved game
- Fixed Holosprings video keeps playing in single player while game is paused
- Changed Holosprings video looping behavior so that it doesn’t restart every time
- Fixed holes in quarter log planks
- Player cannot be knocked down when holding hang glider while in air anymore
- Player being knocked down while on ground and holding the hang glider will now drop the hang glider
- Fixed various multiplayer synchronization issues with the Cave B and Cave C Sluggies
- In multiplayer, if any player in the game has high sentiment with Virginia, the Virginia gold room variant cutscene will be playing for all, in order to enforce proper multiplayer sync when entering the final boss fight
- Fixed cave shark not spawning on low animal setting
- In rare case of actors found in invalid position on load, they will be removed or restored to a fixed position (for Kelvin and Virginia)
- End boss is now forced to stay above terrain to avoid possible bug falling under terrain
- Fixed issue where cannibals hitting some village structures wouldn't play audio
- Clients will now hear dropped ragdoll impact audio
- Fixed heavy cannibal always transitioning to walk after various auto-jumps. Fixed sometimes double taunting when entering combat.
- Fixed case where beam collapse could propagate through pillars instead of stopping at it
- Fixed missing sound when placing struts
- Fixed case that could break corner ramps
- Fixed corner ramp placement arrow not positioned correctly
- Fixed corner ramp not placeable if on of the beam was supported by a leaning beam on the forward end
- Fixed pillars not placeable above beams that are supporting a corner ramp
- Fixed damaged corner ramps not visually distorting
- Fixed pillars added to the top of a wall in a specific order could prevent placing ramps above
- Added Electrical Grid Sounds
- Frank on Fire sound improvement
- Added new place light sound
- End boss battle music will now stop while player is dead
Sons of the Forest Update 10 Patch Notes - September 01, 2023
- Added Holosprings introduction video to screening room of bunker entertainment
- Reworked gold room cutscene adding new animations, effects, audio and music
- New helicopter flyover moment added (leaving bunker residential)
- You can now build corner ramps, enabling ramps (or roofs) to be joined when placed at a 90° angle
- You can now build stone floors
- You can now build wooden railings
- Added large log holder
- Added placeable decorative deer hide rug
- Added subtitles which can be toggled from the gameplay menu
- Changed the timed explosive item into a sticky bomb and modified its visuals
- New multiplayer cheat allow option - will block clients from using Console when off - hosts won't be blocked from using Console. The option will be saved along with the other game setup settings. Accessible via multiplayer player menu
- Added electric particle and lighting effect when electric fence is triggered
- Added some new emotes for Kelvin
- Added a new aggressive cannibal enemy type ‘Frank’ who pours vodka on himself and sets himself on fire when near the player
- Cannibals will now sometimes carry fire torches
- Increased variety of enemy raids
- Some villages will now have cannibals chosen as gold mask leaders, and other cannibals will now sometimes follow them
- Destroying structures is now far less punishing, if supported structures have other valid supports still standing it will no longer get destroyed and fallback to the other supports instead
- Placing stairs or ramps between a wall and a beam no longer requires the beam to cover the full height of the wall, which allows for a variety of slopes
- Significantly improved construction processing cost when joining a multiplayer game with a large amount of structures to help clients getting disconnected sometimes
- Creepies on fire will now more often rush and attack players
- Increased likelihood and range of cannibal distant yell, mainly at night
- Raised the player camera higher off the ground when falling from a stake, so the camera is less likely to clip through snow
- Adjusted player’s final death animation so hands don't clip through the ground
- Polish and improvements on Large Female locomotion animations
- Prevented creepies instantly appearing after loading game at night
- Prevented creepies from taking over village on load when player is in village
- Player can now dismember the larger blue Puffies after they die
- AI pooling improvements and optimizations
- Converted some colliders to primitive colliders to improve performance
- Automatically disable and hide fog options when not supported by GPU
- Optimized spawn pool logic to remove unnecessary CPU cost
- Name card pickups in the food bunker no longer sound like coins when dropped
- Added a north direction to the GPS tracker screen
- Player no longer falls all the way to the bottom of the water when knocked back. The knockback is now ended once the player enters the water
- Various improvements to story item pickup visuals
- Various localization improvements
- Entertainment bunkers curved stairs collisions updated to be smoother to walk on
- Mountain cliff material adjusted to use moss and have more gradual transition to rock texture, and mesh modified to resolve some harsh geometry
- FX optimization for standing fire and skull lamps
- Cleaned up some harsh terrain
- Some layout cleanup on standing fire sticks and wrap
- Removed particle controller component from wall torch particles ( improved performance in saves with hundreds of wall torches )
- Fixed water shader causing crashing on some AMD GPUs
- Fixed issue with structures sometimes not linking together after saving and loading
- Fixed an issue where enemies could fall from the sky
- Fixed bug that allowed placing pot on standing fire and sanitized saves with fires that have pots
- Fixed issue where player would get into a bad state after interacting with a standing fire while holding a pot
- Setup loader 3d audio blocker system to prevent audio playing from world during loading screens
- Fix for cooking pot being destroyed in MP games when the fire burns out or is destroyed
- Fixed issues with the 3d printer and the client not getting correctly updated when loading into a save game
- Fixed issue where player could get stuck if they opened their chat window right after bringing up quick select
- Fix for player getting into a bad state if they block with a weapon at the same time as pressing a hotkey to equip another item that does not support blocking
- Fixed issue when adding strut under a leaning beam supported by a pillar on the forward end
- Fixed some cases where ramp placement didn't work properly
- Fixed taking pot on fire after all sticks are burnt out not working properly
- Fixed defensive wall spike orientation on the spawned pickup when collapsed
- Fixed case with an error when destroying combined LOD walls
- Fixed combined LOD floor not working as expected in old saves with elements in wrong order
- Fixed skewed floor getting turned into combined LOD version which looks wrong
- Fixed wall spinning issue in specific context
- Fixed leaning beam supporting a forward pillar allowing to lift it with a strut
- Fixed place strut animation perfect finish system no longer working with LOD version
- Fixed gaps in floor of "Lean to" screw structure
- Fixed dismantling stone wall that was switched to combined LOD
- Fixed opening grab bag on a fire that's about to completely burn out allowing player to relight the stick
- Fixed own shadow visible on some logs placed in constructions
- Fixed merging super structures not registering it for all linked structures when merged, solves some issues with interior space warmth and path finding not calculated correctly after combining separate super structures
- Fixed side ramps not preventing the dismantling of walls
- Fixed some issues with repairing structures in multiplayer
- Fixed top section of wall being remove-able while it is supporting leaned beams
- Fixed super structure integration calculation tolerance being overly strict
- Fixed merging super structures which have a quarter log height offset instead of full height
- Fixed issue causing some construction placements to fail if starting a game as multiplayer host after going back in game from title screen
- Fixed case where placing structure on ground could cause it to become invalid
- Fixed repairing grounded stone pillars or non full height stone pillars not replacing its elements at the correct positions
- Fixed rope stretch script not filtering out non water triggers + fixed rope not stretching down all the way if placed too high above, it will now stretch up to its max length
- Fixed stick path dismantling
- Fixed Creepy Virginia idling after some electrocutions and idling too long while exploring
- Fixed Armsy sometimes getting stuck in loop with taunt hitting electric fence, and long idle while exploring
- Fixed issue with deer sometimes not doing their alert and move away, and increased run speed slightly
- Fixed Kelvin able to pass outside of enclosed walls to get fish
- Fixed issue where throwing dead bodies against collision while moving forward could launch player super far
- Fixed an issue where player getting hit and dropping a body could send the body flying
- Fixed gibbed creepies coming back intact after load
- Fixed an issue where killing a female cannibal holding a log didn't remove the attachment right away
- Prevented eagles from stealing fish from cooking fires, which caused issues with cooking system
- Fixed a bug where the flashlight would remain in an incorrect pose when hotkey switching between shotgun and rifle
- Fix for the player getting into a completely broken state when trying to place a structure from the book when they have not yet retrieved their inventory after dying
- Moved cave rocks, in entertainment bunker epic view room, out of work scheduler and setup prefabs with LODS, fixes them vanishing on low view distance settings
- Enabled alpha clipping on newspaper cutout to resolve visible edges
- Fix for ‘Stream I’ underwater rendering flickering off near large lake
- Light probe proxy volume adjustments to resolve bright ceiling in entrance of luxury bunker
- Fixes for some open edges on cliffs
- Fixed issue with held items being able to be equipped via hotkeys when a table card is picked up
- Fixed smooth snow and wetness fade in effect only applying to LOD0 construction elements, resulting in visible pop when moving back & forth and lod switches levels
- Added new rock/stone drop audio events
- Added season parameter to rain on metal objects for winter
- Improvements to pre crash opening sequence audio
- Tuned distance setting on mutant feeding events
Sons of the Forest Update 09 Patch Notes - August 18, 2023
- Radio alarm trap added
- Creepy enemies can now be exploded into chunks
- Held radios can now be placed
- Returning creepy added to endgame
- New large female cannibal type added
- Added an option to the controls options page that allows the player to adjust the speed at which the inventory camera pans, tilts and pivots
- Added new "batch place" input, pressing left shift (or left stick with gamepad) while placing ghosts now leaves the blueprint active so that it may be placed again without going through the book each time
- Ducks can now land on the ground and walk around in some areas, such as the golf course
- Loot pouches can now be opened even if they player is full on some of the items in the bag. Items that the player is full on are dropped when cleared from the mat
- Night Vision goggles and the rebreather can now be toggled if mapped to a hotkey
- You can now hold ‘Take’ to equip skulls directly from the pickup
- Added jumping capability to Armsy
- Kelvin should now be able to find stones when player is not around
- Enemies killed by player traps now count as killed by player
- Traps will now cause damage to larger enemies and sometimes knock them down
- Plants growing in plots can now be harvested when they are at 70% of their full grow size. The grow time of plants has not changed, only the scaling of the plant will be different with this change
- Added a change so that Items can not be stored in inventory when the player does not have their backpack. They are instead immediately dropped
- Added Localization on Multiplayer death respawn timer
- Added Tutorial Visibility setting to options page
- Added Vitals Hud Visibility setting to options page
- Added Global GUI Visibility setting to options page
- Improved visual transition when getting onto zipline
- Set up LODS for the golf bag and putter, Grenade, Time Bomb, Molotov, Vodka Bottle, Pills, Wristwatch and Money
- Adjusted the positioning of the pendulum on Hokey Pokey trap so that the end of the rope would not look disconnected at the anchor point
- John2 will now properly set off traps
- Radio music events are now updated with both position and rotation
- Improved the positioning of the UI interaction for ropes
- Climbing Ropes now stop at the surface of the water rather than go to the bottom
- Scaled down the 3d printed sled a bit while it's in the printer
- Added an option to allow players to set if traps will trigger on players. This is off by default but on in hard survival. (Spring traps always trigger)
- The Fly Swatter and Bone Maker traps will now do some damage to the player if they set them off
- All traps have been adjusted to be able to be placed on steeper slopes to make placement less restrictive
- Added dedicated server direct connection via <ip>:<game port> in the multiplayer menus. You can now connect directly to a specific server without waiting for the entire list of servers to refresh
- Cooking pot lid will now properly update its cooking animation for clients
- Added the ability to override the pickup audio event so that we can have the berries plucked from bushes use the correct sound
- Updated LODS on the traps
- Hard to select items in quick select such as herbs are now easier to select
- Added the Q button to the printer UI to show people they can also cycle backwards
- Added LODs to animals
- Shooting dead bodies with rifle will now impart more force
- Freeform placed structures such as fire or fence post placed on floors are now linked with the supporting floor. It will properly prevent dismantling of the floor as well as propagate the collapse in the event the floor gets destroyed
- Reinforced fire rocks now stay in place when fire runs out of fuel, and a stick can be added to refuel it
- When damaging effigies, now only the first stick gets distorted and repairing it brings it back in position
- Small structure links are now synced with multiplayer clients so that restrictions can be calculated locally instead of getting their invalid actions rejected by the server when attempted (i.e. dismantling a floor supporting a chair)
- Tree stump LODs added
- Floating driftwood range increased and LODs added
- A few more light blockers for Food Bunker (fixed light leaking in) and added Distance Activated Groups
- Various environment cleanup and fixes
- Bunker Entertainment spittle moved to work scheduler, missing LODs added
- Bunker Entertainment sections now enabling and disabling by area
- Food Bunker dining room tables and couches with collisions are now active for bosses when host is not in bunker
- Cave rocks in Bunker Entertainment moved to work scheduler
- Setup LODs for door planks, stick path, defensive wall spikes, stone fake pillars, stone struts, defensive walls, log and stone beam, electric wire elements, wires, wire zip ties and lightbulbs
- Optimized setup for shadows in freeform elements LOD hierarchies
- Added combined LOD system for walls and floors, cuts down rendering cost significantly for full walls without windows or floors without holes
- Wall torch particle optimized
- Cliff Rocks LOD2s optimized
- Rock LOD2s optimized
- Rock A LOD2 improved visually
- Bunker Entertainment light blockers adjusted and added Distance Activated Groups
- Changes to convert directories to zips for save games means much less files to sync to steam cloud
- Set Male Puffy, Female Puffy and Heavy Heads to use primitive colliders
- Defensive wall three quarter LOD improvements
- Added displacement toggle to water quality setting
- Improved look and usability of debug console (cheats menu)
- Creepies will no longer be focused around cave entrances in late game after loading a save. They should now be distributed around a larger area
- Reduced the number of creepies wandering outside in lategame
- Fixed some issues that could occur after network disconnects
- Fix centering on some UI elements
- Fixed bug where left hand items would disappear while using repair tool
- Player no longer gets stuck when holding crossbow and picking up new items in quick succession
- Hokey Pokey trap should no longer get in to a broken physics state where the pendulum would freak out and start spinning
- Fixed issue that caused items to not be removed from a layout group if the item was defined as a unique item, but displayed in the layout group as a non onetoone representation
- Fixed animation issues and stuck states when grabbing a rope while swimming.
- Fixed incorrect scaling on one of the mushrooms in quick select
- The laser sight mod pickup no longer shows the laser beam
- Fix for broken sticks while crafting arrows causing mesh collider error spam
- Item Hotkey UI no longer displays on items that are on the crafting mat
- Fixed issue with resin volume and percent complete readouts being incorrect when loading into a game
- Fixed audio issues with the 3D printer after loading into a game that had a print in progress or a completed one still on the plate
- A 3D print will now resume from the visually correct height once loading in from a save game
- Fixed issue with "Collected" UI notifications comping up every time a held item was stashed
- Fixed batteries item clipping through the inventory mat and reanimated their shuffle
- Set multiplayer lobby as non joinable if connection count is maxed out, in case someone tries to join a game while a client is timing out
- While cooking, the prompts are better placed and will no longer go off the screen
- Fix for the 3d printer not showing the correct readouts for clients when loading into the game
- Fix for players being able to lose their equipped combat knife when they do not have their inventory and hold to equip multiple items and then stash them
- Fixed a rare case where items being equipped would loose its Item Instance data if its equip sequence was canceled for some reason
- Fix for client audio not working in multiplayer games when cooking directly on the fire
- Clients will no longer get an extra drink after a cooking pot has been emptied
- Fix for clients always seeing arrows being printed when loading into a save game that has an active print on the printer
- Fix to prevent the Hokey Pokey trap from resetting but still thinking it was disarmed
- Fix for not being able to drink from a pot that has clean water after it has been placed back onto a fire
- The Flashlight will no longer emit light when held by other players that have run out of battery
- Fix for 3d printer beeping for out of resin after the item is removed after loading a save game
- Added a delay to trigger when stashing quick select to hide all the renderables rather than hiding it on destroy which shows the gimbal issue on the last frame
- Fixed issue with some actions using different inputs when interacting with a structure ghost compared to when not interacting with one
- Fixed serialization issue when loading into a game where a 3d printer was not actively printing anything
- Fix for growing plants being able to be interacted with when they should not be
- Fixed white tracker antenna in inventory
- Scaled down the horsetail and aloe vera layout items on the grab bag
- Fixed issue with rain not showing up in the opening crash cutscenes
- Fixed issue with the player rain audio sfx playing in the opening helicopter scene
- Fixed issue with non clients not getting the correct printer bed height set when loading in from a save game
- Placed paper targets now save
- Fix for the cooking pot lid animation and cooking audio not working when loading into a game that has a pot actively cooking on a fire
- Fix for radio not syncing correctly on other players when the local player is in their inventory
- Fixed issue that was causing some structures to take more damage than intended when hit with melee weapons
- Fix for some cases where explosives in network game caused extra damage or didn't cause damage
- Fix for AI trying to path through wall of LeanTo.
- Fix UI jumping around when attached to player (eg. speared fish)
- Fix skinning prompt being delayed before showing on creepies, and fix some cases where skinning prompt didn't show up on animals
- Fixed case where dead bodies could regrow limbs when player returned to them
- Fixed case where small birds would land on objects under water
- Fix loading with final boss dead but before ending not showing him in dead state
- Fix a case where seagulls could get into an odd animation state when landing interrupted
- Fix an issue where John2 wouldn't play a death or hit animation
- Fixed placing fence on cliffs not working
- Fixed fence detached placement allowing to snap towards an existing fence
- Fixed placing on cliff UI not visible
- Fixed quitting to title screen while looking at a ghost structure causing some issues after returning to the game
- Fixed dismantling free wire preventing from dismantling supporting structure
- Fixed dismantle attempts on fence wire moving the renderer
- Collisions on light blockers for cave entrances removed (could block actions)
- Fixed repairing floors when supporting beams are inverted
- Fixed placing fire in fireplace not working as a client while in fence placement mode
- Added some failsafe checks to electric wire and power grid so that it will be less likely to break in the event of a bad linking state
- Fixed destroyed floors and doors not leaving behind log planks
- Fixed being able to cut a pillar that is supporting a wire (both regular or a free)
- Fixed being able to cut floor hole while supporting free form structure such as fire
- Fixed case where window shutter wouldn’t toggle properly
- Defensive wall gates no longer allow partial collapse
- Placement of defensive wall gates now checks if logs are contiguous, prevents cases where weird placement of defensive walls could make broken looking gates
- Fixed delay between placing first stone of a beam and the following ones
- Fixed sharpened stick defense not spawning a stick when destroyed
- Fixed breaking doors not spawning the correct amount of planks
- Fixed case where stone pillars would use non LOD versions
- Fixed case where lifting a beam with a pillar too short to level the beam wouldn't link those structures together properly
- Fixed case where damaged UI would not show up
- Fixed context where dismantling logs placed on uneven terrain leaves a fake pillar
- Fixed fence detached placement prompt able to overlap existing fence posts
- Fixed fence detached placement blocked when trying to place on slopes in contexts where player can move to the place position
- Fixed repairing beams not syncing element transform
- Fixed cutting window out of wall failing at the end of the animation if wall is supporting a shutter, it now properly doesn't show the prompt at all when there is a supported shutter
- Fixed destroying stone pillars, beam or walls spawning 1 stone for complete lines instead of the amount that was required to create it
- Fixed some sounds not getting synced to clients in multiplayer such as damaging structures
- Fixed destroying quarter log variation pillar not yielding the corresponding item pickup
- Fixed transforming single log wall into an apex by adding a shorter log not working
- Fixed placement preview 3D arrow not centered when placing log on an apex
- Fixed zipline controller not cleaning itself up if it gets destroyed while it has player focus, resulting in errors when pressing E afterwards
- Wall log rotation is no longer affected by the seeding of the Random system and consistently uses random value for the Z rotation of the log
- Fix for light leaking in maintenance bunkers on Ultra Low Shadow setting
- Fix for light blockers visible in inventory view when inside maintenance bunkers hallways
- Fix for default error when initializing tree wind audio
- Fix for collider initialization delay
- Limited max characters in multiplayer chat box and fixed auto formatting to prevent overrun
- Fix for glider / knight V duplicating bugs
- Fixed linked collider issue causing error spam on suitcases
- Fix for logic toggling wall torch particles
- Fix for underwater controller thinking it's still in a water volume when trigger is disabled fixes underwater rendering that could happen in lava cave under certain conditions
- Fix for multiplayer client stomping bunker hatch / door open state when loading in
- Fix initializing time of day from server fixes seasons not switching when first connecting
- Fixes for radio playback bugs in bunker entertainment
- Fix for light popping when entering Luxury Bunker with flashlight held and SSR disabled in quality settings
- Fixed error in thread runner causing game to lock up in credits in some cases
- Cave B dead wakeup inventory bag locations fixed
- Fix for Lava Streams not damaging players
- Converted Math.Eplison to Mathf.Eplison fixes error on some hardware
- Hitting structures with weapons will now make an impact sound
- Added missing impact combinations with an event so that there is at least some sound playing for all possible material types
- Updated impact sound effects for the glider as they were missing. Also added a sound for when the glider is detached from the player because they hit something
- Added audio to demons burning from cross
- Setup new damaged sounds for defensive walls and stone structures
- Added golf cart Impact audio events
- Tweaked speeds of golf cart 'traction' audio smoothing
- Fixed some network audio bugs with golf cart
- Radio panning improvement
- Tuned distances on Armsy VO and Footsteps
- Added 3d printed GPS case to mouse over and pickup events
- Added audio event for wood structures being destroyed
- General ambient audio mix improvements
- Added Defensive Wall Gate open and close events
- In Game mixing of current audio squirrel footsteps, player footsteps on leaves, berry pluck
- Fixed missing audio when placing reinforcement rocks
Sons of the Forest Update 08 Patch Notes - July 20, 2023
- New found footage video added
- Hokey Pokey trap added
- Electric fences
- Freeform electric wire placement added
- You can now carry and play radios
- GPS Locators can now be 3d printed and crafted in the inventory
- Golf cart lights added
- Golf cart can now seat up to 4 players in multiplayer
- Added reduced ammo difficulty level option
- Added returning creepy enemy, will appear after endgame
- Added new vocal announcements to some bunkers
- Virginia and Kelvin can now swim if they end up in deep enough water
- There will now be less frequent enemy raids depending on how many regulars or creepies you have killed, this amount will increase over the days unless you kill more enemies
- Defensive walls can now take 4 times as much damage
- Reduced health on the special glowing puffies
- Animal heads can now be shaken when held
- Angry moose now sometimes kick a nearby player
- Fixed some bugs that could cause too many or too few enemy search parties on loading or restarting a game
- Fixed various save/load and syncing issues for endgame boss cutscenes and battles
- Fixed issue where Ai actors couldn't see a player sitting in a golf cart
- Improved getting in and out of golf cart animations
- Kelvin will visually refuse an order that requires trees if none are nearby
- Turtles can now be electrocuted
- Fixed turtle eggs not spawning for multiplayer clients
- Rabbit footsteps sound different in snow now
- Improved putter hitting golf ball
- Various asset memory optimizations
- Various UI, pickup and audio optimizations
- Blueberry bush berries now deform with bush
- Ocean patch optimization
- Various environment layout fixes
- Basalt rocks added to caves merged collision meshes
- Moss LOD ranges optimized
- Optimized LOD2 for cliffs
- LOD groups optimized
- Starfish LODs added and group assignment changed
- Stream LOD ranges optimized
- Bunker and Cave entrances optimized
- Small rock pickup optimized
- Added missing LODs to some legacy rocks
- LODs setup for KnightV, hang glider, and golf cart
- LODs setup for Lakes
- Lake audio emitters optimized
- Spruce tree meshes optimized
- Seaweed Dry Cluster LOD2 optimized
- Optimized Berry meshes
- Fix for some waterfall particles that were always on
- World collisions optimized, reduced number of active colliders
- Rocks and stones now have collision in the log sled
- Added play visual for action camera
- Fixed faked GI slipping over surfaces when rotating the camera
- Improved mask maps for snow and wetness
- Optimized fallen log LODs
- Optimized lily pads
- Moved dead tacti with action camera in bunker entertainment to easier to see position
- Dead stumps and rock billboards now draw further
- Added LODs to stick and log storage, log windows, fences
- Energy drink item now uses a low level of detail when on shelves or a pickup
- Optimized the in world stick pickup
- Increased delay before boss cutscene
- Added countdown timer to back of gold room
- Setup streaming versions of the beached yachts to optimize memory usage
- Removed texture streaming on golf cart logo
- Window shutters are now animated when closing or opening
- It is now possible to place a beam on the forward end between 2 beams supported by struts
- Added Idle motion to Golf Cart driver and passenger so they aren’t static
- Rifle and other weapons no longer behave strangely during player hit react animation
- New idles for holding trophy heads
- Knight V now leans with player correctly when viewed in third person multiplayer
- Improved server browser filtering user experience
- Added server browser support for search by IP address in the server name search bar
- Added server browser filters: “not empty”, “public”
- Added ping to the server browser entries
- Added filters reset button to server browser
- Dedicated servers played recently will be refreshed first to improve responsiveness
- Dedicated servers on which you have a save will now be sorted first in list
- Improved server browser performance
- Improved server browser refreshing in bad networking conditions
- Server browser gamepad navigation fixes
- Dedicated servers won’t be detected as “game running” anymore by steam launcher, and game can now be started from steam launcher on the same machine as the dedicated server
- Added non verbose logging mode, which is now the default mode. Verbose logging mode can be forced by using the -verboseLogging command line argument (see dedicated server guide)
- Dedicated servers will now immediately save before shutdown to avoid data loss
- Updated dedicated server guide: Dedicated Server Guide
- Fix for player drinking from a pot when they are holding a valid container to fill up
- Fixed issue where some items in the grab bag were hard to select due to the raycast blocker overlapping some items
- Set deer head in the grab bag to not be convex so that it does not overlap the duck head collision
- Fixed being able to add items to the cooking pot while its cooking clean water
- Fix for cooking pot lid popping off for clients every time someone drinks or refills from the pot
- Fixed issue with storage LODs not activating until the player is near them and then moves away
- If a GPS locator is trying to be added but does not have icon data, initialize default data
- Turtle shells are now properly dropped when skinned if the players inventory already has a shell
- Fixed pause menu being accessible during boss cutscene
- Prevented escape prompt from showing up early during get to the chopper cutscene
- Fix for Screen Space reflection not turning back on after turning it off/on
- Fixed sled hit react animation
- Fixed bug with Crossbow reload and idle animation
- Fixed some cases of cannibals prematurely dying while burning, and they now won't catch fire from blocked torch hit
- Fixed player climbing cannibal lookout tower rope not being aligned with rope on some towers
- Fixed hanging skeletons on large destroyed huts reappearing in air
- Fixed multiple players being able to pickup the same dead body at same time, which could lead to several issues
- Fixed some visual issues on Puffies carried by other players
- Fixed wall not accounted for as a valid support when counting unsupported beams, it now provides the same benefit as having pillars supporting each end of the beam
- Fixed case where destroying struts was not properly propagating the collapse to its supported beam
- Fixed cutting pillar into a defensive wall spike not checking if it is supporting a SCREW structure, which would destroy it when applied
- Fixed selecting terrain conforming outlines breaking placement alignment for non conforming outlines selected afterwards
- Fixed missing snap point to place full log or stone pillars underneath second story beams
- Fixed dirt of planter furniture not affected by snow and wetness occlusion
- Fixed several issues with dismantling beams that could cause issues
- Moved up last line of Barb note to not overlap thumb
- Fixed an issue where dedicated server couldn’t be joined after the computer returned from sleep mode
- Fixed alpha on crosses burn demons note
- Fixed spreading phlox rendering 2 times
- Added SFX when placing electric wires and solar panels
- Added frog hop audio event
- Rifle audio distance tuned
- Flare audio distance tuned
- Reduced shrub hit sound level when driving a golf cart
- Fixed noticeable clifftop surf audio turning on and off abruptly
- Made cave entrance audio have random start times so they're unlikely to phase
Sons of the Forest Update 07 Patch Notes - June 23, 2023
- New end boss battle and cutscene
- Dedicated servers
- Drivable golf carts
- Rifle
- Decorative frogs
- Animal head trophies
- Stone doorways, struts, windows and pillar detached placement
- New stone holder structure
- Window shutters
- Updated environment on East side of the map with more streams, waterfalls, lakes, ponds, cannibal villages, rope bridges and more
- Some new story note pickups added
- Dirty/clean water system added
- Stones now apply damage to things when thrown
- You can now attach stones or any length of log to ziplines rather than just full logs
- A held relocated structure is now thrown if the player opens their inventory
- Added new cat food visual
- Wall shelves can now store cooking pots
- Kelvin can now finish building stone fireplaces
- Improved look of burning sticks material
- Improved look of boiling water
- Improved performance of trees in winter
- Improved stone/rock text localization
- Cannibal winter clothes now burn when the bodies are burned
- "Collected" and "added to backpack" text when picking up items is now localized
- Added LOD support so that items in storage holders will disable when far away
- Fixed issue with armor pieces on shelves having expensive scaled mesh colliders
- Adjusted some duck landing spots on water that were over land
- Repairing floors no longer re-orders its planks
- Disassembling a Custom Effigy now takes the limb you are targeting instead of the last limb added
- It should now be easier to place furniture in crowded areas
- Improved player on fire visuals
- Added an idle variation to ducks and increased their drinking and eating rate when on lakes
- Added new stone building tutorials to book
- Added some small cannibal camps to cave D
- Light bulbs can now be used from the grab bag and can be added to shelves
- Player can no longer perform interactions when aiming their weapon
- Player can no longer open their inventory right at the same time that they trigger a hatch or security door interaction
- Fish on spears will now fall off when the spear is put away or thrown
- Set armor racks to only allow a single user to interact with them at a time
- Added some hot springs to some mountain areas
- Dismemberment blood splat optimized
- Visual fixes for cave entrances : shimmering density, seeing through entrance from distance
- Improved lava impact visual
- Setup stone beam & pillar electric wire elements
- Pillar detached placement now works with any combination of log quarters or stones
- Drinking dirty water will now cause a small amount of health damage, boil water or collect in rain collector for clean water
- Added custom game setting to allow players to toggle the pausing of the world sim when in inventory
- Pausing in inventory now defaults to false in hard survival
- Demon boss reduced health and damage it delivers. Some attacks have longer cooldown and increased it’s damage against structures
- Added additional ammo and health pickups to corridor before gold room
- Added rifle ammo chance to ammo cases
- Doubled strength of stone structures
- Gold Armor now reduces incoming non-demonic damage by 30%
- Fixed Knight V’s and gliders vanishing in some save games
- Improved and fixed most cases of artifacts caused by having too many built lights
- Improved weather occlusion and added a quality option that can be turned up if needed to fix issues of occlusion visually breaking
- Fix demon boss in overworld rescaling during some attack animations
- Fix for idle heavy male cannibal audio being audible from far away
- Removed deprecated option to place wire on standing stick
- Fixed pillars placed at the corner of two connected stone beams shifting if a stone is removed from one of those beams
- Fixed incomplete stone beams allowing removal of sibling beams supporting a pillar
- Fixed dismantling first stone from a complete stone beam not cleaning up links to supported structures until the last stone was removed
- Fixed stone fake pillars remaining on when disassembling a grounded stone Beam in a specific order
- Fixed stones allowed to be added to quarter log pillars
- Fixed using a repair tool on a second story leaning beam causing it to clip into the pillar its leaning against in a specific context
- Tweaked stone beam visual so lightbulb fits under it
- Fixed placing a strut underneath a tarp causing the tarp to collapse
- Fixed dismantling and replacing ramps resulting in broken weather occlusion for those tiles until game was reloaded
- Improved weather occlusion inside of the beached yachts
- Fixed being able to remove a pillar supporting a strutted beam if there was a linked beam with a strut on the other end
- Fixed cut pillar calculations sometimes preventing cutting a half log high pillar into a quarter log high pillar
- Fixed invalid linking issue when adding a pillar bellow a beam that connects a pillar to a wall
- Fixed various small building issues with struts and beams
- Fixed being allowed to cut pillars that are supporting furniture
- Skinned animals now have head removed
- Fix player sometimes stuck sliding on ground while in knocked down state
- Fix "Take Item" Kelvin order causing player to try to equip previous item before opening grab bag
- Fixed placing a beam between two pillars with a full wall underneath not linking that beam with those pillars properly, which resulted in a beam impossible to dismantle while it has sibling beams linked to it
- Fixed half log spawned when cutting window sometimes staying stuck in the wall
- Fixed second stick placement failing when building a fire in a stone fireplace
- Fixed error spam when placing a leaning beam on beams supported by a wall in some context which would prevent the beam placement
- Fixed stone fireplaces getting destroyed too easily
- Fixed struts broken off of a structure not spawning a pickup
- Fixed picking up a held item while holding multiple stones causing player to only drop one stone pick up
- Fixed error spam on multiplayer client side any time a trigger touched a log pickup
- Fixed placing door not orienting it as the inside towards the player consistently
- Fixed stone structures not affected visually by snow and wetness occlusion volumes
- Fixed Defensive Wall Gate handles changing orientation when repaired
- Fixed cooking pots not always having the correct stew after save load
- Fixed adding the the first item to a storage holder being difficult in some cases
- Fixed issues with the cooking pot loosing its recipe in certain situations
- Fixed issue in multiplayer where the cooking pots current volume on the fire was not being updated when another player takes liquid from it
- Fixed pots with stew turning into water when moved from one fire to another
- Fix for erroring when trying to pickup any item that is a volume container but does not have a recipe
- Fix for empty cooking pots getting destroyed when a campfire burns out completely
- Fixed issue where dumping out the flask or cooking pot would also dump out the other if the other had been equipped before going into the inventory
- Fixed issue with shelves where some spots on shelves would not save properly
- Fixed standing fire UI interaction positioned too high
- Fix for getting into a broken state if the player tries to open the guide book when in inventory
- Fixed issue with multiplayer clients not being able to send objects on ziplines in both directions
- Fixed Kelvin sometimes able to get pickups far out of reach
- Fixed ducks sometimes getting interrupted while going to lake
- Fixed some activation and render distance inconsistencies on enemies and animals
- Fixed bug where it was possible to skin animals or creepies through collision
- In peaceful mode, villages will no longer have a chance to get covered in creepy spittle
- Chair inside bunker food will no longer show up in the inventory view
- Fix for having to look away from the zipline for its interaction UI to update
- Filling a held pot with stew that’s on the fire will now look like the correct stew
- Fix for opening inventory when the waiting for sleep interaction is active getting player into a bad state
- Fix for being able to eat from pot and light fire at the same time when loading into a game that had a cooked pot on an unlit fire
- Amount of stew remaining in a pot on a fire is now synced across multiplayer clients
- Fix for sometimes getting into a bad state with held items when equipping previously held item at the same time as performing another action like eating
- Fix for ziplines not getting destroyed when attached to trees that are not LOD 0 or other destructible world objects that are not trees
- Fixed missing visuals for one of the mushroom pickups
- Fix for boiling audio continuing to play if the fire that an active cooking pot is sitting on is destroyed
- Fixed cooking not always taking the satisfied recipe that has the most ingredients
- Fixed sporadic collision on laptops after they have been broken
- Added all the missing mouseover and pickup events (Action Camera, seeds, lightbulb heads)
- Updated distances on flare audio attenuation and tuned levels
- Impact sound effects are now also triggered when they hit other pickups so that a pile of pickups would make sound
Sons of the Forest Update 06 Patch Notes - May 26, 2023
- Advanced log sleds can now hold logs, rocks, stones, sticks, and bones
- Custom effigies
- Buildable stone fireplace, stone walls, stone beams, and stone columns
- Hard survival difficulty mode added
- Stone pickups added to the world
- Countdown clocks were added to the dining area of food and dining
- Blown-apart limbs added to the exploded bathroom in bunker luxury
- The cooking pot will now be placed on the fire immediately if the player is holding the pot while interacting with the fire
- If a fire is broken while the pot is cooking, the contents of the pot are reset back to water. The recipe is retained if the pot was done cooking when the fire is destroyed
- The cooking pot and flask can now be dumped out with the right mouse button
- Added some water movement to the pot when not boiling
- Visual and audio improvements to steady water drip FX in caves
- Improvements and fixes to Lava sound and visuals
- Rain catcher will no longer show the refill icon until there is at least enough water for one drink
- Adding thunder sounds to lightning strikes in space city view of gold room cutscene
- Rain catcher will no longer show the refill icon until there is at least enough water for one drink
- The pot can now be re-added to the fire even if it has a completed recipe in it
- The hotkey UI will no longer show up in quick select and grab bag menus and only be visible when in the inventory
- Added a loading hint for cooking bonuses
- Added loading hints for Comfort rating and Sleeping indoors vs outdoors
- Fish caught in traps will no longer go rotten
- Improved UI for cooking recipes
- Added UI for current cooking bonuses
- Fish traps now run in-game time instead of real-time to work better with pausing and sleeping
- Cannibals will sometimes drag their dying friends away from the player
- General optimizations to reduce AI update cost
- Kelvin can now pickup stones
- Added a new equip/unequip animation for a shotgun that is simpler and matches the idle-held pose, so blending feels smoother and less awkward
- Reduced some oversaturated animal spawn areas and spread them out more
- Player effigies cause fear in cannibals based on the number of body parts
- Fixed dead bodies in beach cave floating in multiplayer games when the host player is not in the cave
- AI is no longer blocked by defensive stick spikes but still takes damage
- Spearing multiple fish will visually stack on the spear instead of all overlapping
- Added some missing translations for cooking
- Fix for players not getting any effects from drinking the last bit of liquid from their pot or flask
- Fix for being able to interact with the cooking pot when refilling a container from the pot
- Fix for the grab bag opening rather than the player eating from the pot if the player was looking at the pot the entire time it was cooking
- GPS locators placed on standing sticks now show the selected icon and retain it after saving and loading and improved positioning of 3d model on a stick
- Fixed utility page button color
- Changed the stick amounts needed in the book from 48 to 60 for the advanced log sled
- Fixed skinning on gold armor pickup
- Fixed spelling of the Protein Shake recipe
- Fixed lens flare occlusion not working if blood or cold post-processing was active
- Fix for some lake volumes poking out through the terrain
- Fix for perishables getting desynced on shelves when a multiplayer client removes and fake drops them
- Fix for players getting into an unrecoverable state if they eat something in the inventory immediately after loading a save game
- Fixed player getting stuck when quickly closing the grab bag after opening it on things such as storage, fires, and Virginia
- Various memory improvements
- Fixed stumps not appearing outside after loading a save game inside a bunker or cave
- Fixed issue with screen space reflection not always disabling correctly
- Fixed issues with doors and hatches getting into a desynced state for multiplayer clients in some cases
- Fixed female cannibal's broken neck and head gimbal flipping in hit with Molotov cocktail reaction animation
- Fixed a bug where equipping the lighter with the rope gun held looked odd
- Fixed some popping on crossbow animations
- Fixed Kelvin's unable to pick up and drop arrows
- Fixed case where audio on Knight V could get stuck on
- Fixed audio when cutting a tree with a chainsaw
- Fixed audio when cutting a tree with a chainsaw
- Fixed navigation cutting when placing walls in the ground that slopes up
- Fix for Muddy Cannibals stay near trees action only staying near the trees by the player, and sometimes triggering too often
- The players grab bag is now closed when interacting with a fire that has gone out
- After loading a save game, when drinking from a pot on a fire, the player will now receive the correct recipe stats instead of water
- Fixed guitar playing audio stuck on when interrupted by crash or knockdown
- Altered gold room Vista lightning audio
- Added sounds of emptying cooking pot and flask
- Made Knight V on mud and water not play water splash when stopped
- Added sound for a hug in chopper leave sequence
- Better pot fill with water audio
- Made water splatters max distance a lot shorter and edited volume curve
- Tuned some high max instances on ambient events and mutant footsteps
- Added audio for the pot lid bumping around when boiling
- New audio for the Demon Boss sequence; more synced impacts and grappling sounds, and Demon Boss jump and vocals
- Hard survival; Reduced food spawns in crates. No Item storage crate respawns on load in this game mode. Lowered fish and animal spawns. Decreased target health and stamina regen speeds while cold. Increased penalty for raw/rotten meats
- Cooking buff durations changed from 8 hours to 4 hours in-game time.
- Added hard survival to start difficulty settings
- Lumberjack juice recipe has been reworked so that it’s easier to make in peaceful games
- Large Demons can now sometimes appear above ground after end game
- Lowered chance of meds in crates
- Sleeping outdoors will now give less rest than sleeping indoors
- The amount of rest gained by the player is now modified by their current comfort rating (certain soups and clothing can affect comfort rating)
Sons of the Forest Update 05 Patch Notes - May 12, 2023
- Buildable basic and advanced log sled
- Tree regrowth (setting is on by default) with a 10% chance to randomly regrow when you sleep
- Findable cooking pots and a new advanced cooking system
- Can now add tarps to log structures
- 2 new found footage clips added
- Beached sail boats location added
- 79 new ponds and 34 new lakes added to map
- You can now play the guitar
- Added Timmy mutated arm to the demon battle scene
- New wearable clothing items added
- New Kelvin commands were added to reset traps, fill log sleds and fill drying racks with fish
- Days Survived now shows the correct readout if the player died during the final interactive cutscene by jumping into the propeller blades
- Cannibals in villages will now sometimes engage in a test of strength fight with another cannibal
- Cannibal fear is now affected by group size, single cannibals will have more fear, large cannibal groups will have less
- Shotgun rail is now on side of gun instead of top to avoid blocking vision
- Turtles will now only lay eggs on sand
- Muddies will sometimes get bored with the player and run away if not angry
- Added Timmy mutant arm visuals to demon boss cutscene
- Lowered priority for female cannibals stealing logs
- Eagles may now steal dead fish
- Throwing dead bodies on spring traps now sends them flying into air
- Moldy food and dead flowers added to banquet hall
- Timmy will now block the exit to hell cave until after you have defeated the boss demon
- Timmy’s jacket will now be ripped after demon boss battle scene
- GPS Map updated with latest lakes and rivers
- Dead small birds now float in water
- Fix for duplicating logs in storage triggers
- Knight V improved sheen on pickup
- Enforced max server name length
- Lobby list performance improved in preparation for an upcoming feature
- Improved support for loading into large multiplayer saves and help with structures vanishing
- Rotated the shotgun in the weapon case in inventory so that the mods are visible now that they are on the side
- Added localized display names for Points of Interest notifications
- Player no longer makes a drinking sound when refilling a container with liquid
- 3D Printer will once again update the resin volume readout when the printer is refilled
- If an item instance module fails to deserialize on load, it will no longer stop the rest the of the players inventory from loading
- Renamed bunker locations to be clearer when discovered
- Improved docks draw distance
- Added more tree moss/vines in areas of map
- Improved bunker food lighting
- Bunker luxury details added; More decorative items, vases, and more dead bodies
- Added cooking pot pickup to tech apartment in bunker residential
- Looking around now updates the target cut position when aiming at a log with an axe equipped (before it was only calculated when first targeted)
- It is no longer possible to cut off holes in floors supporting furniture or windows from a wall that is supporting wall structures
- Kelvin will now choose another tree to chop if a tree structure is placed on it
- Kelvin’s order will complete with the thumbs up if there are no more Arrows/Bolts, Berries, or Radios to retrieve and drop
- Kelvin will now have berries in his hand when eating them. On fishing will have fish on initial grab
- Added fail
- safe protection against enemies falling through world and not deactivating
- Multiplayer clients will now see the proper GPS locator type on Virginia instead of default icon
- Current wetness on characters now replicates to multiplayer clients
- The chainsaw revved state will now be heard and seen by other players and rev will stop when knocked down
- Fixed small birds flying under the water surface when flying over deep lakes
- Fixed a fish bunching up issue
- Can no longer drink lava
- Fixed under lava visuals
- Fixed snow and wetness occlusion volumes used in specific world locations not initializing properly
- Fixed a visual arm pop on player that appeared sometimes when landing from a fall or jump
- Fixed Twins not always turning towards player before taunting
- Fixed fingers stuck in standing idle after burning death
- Fixed projectile impact FX for flesh and hard surfaces not replicating to other players in multiplayer
- Fixed player sometimes being able to interact with other triggers when notepad was open, which could get player into stuck state
- Fixed cannibals not staying snapped to tree edge while shimmying around the tree
- Fixed bug where cannibals could take dismember damage while blocking
- Fixed muddy cannibal getting angry at player if hit by a rock thrown by another muddy
- Fixed some cases of cannibals getting blocked by collision at or above head
- Fixed muddies having standing collision instead of hunched over
- Fixed eating dead squirrels not increasing character fullness stat
- Fixed some cases of far snaps for Sitting and Jumping on Rock
- Fixed the cave shark sometimes being killed by creepies
- Fixed multiplayer client thrown logs not breaking foliage when far away from server player
- Fixed multiplayer client-thrown logs not causing a hit reaction on enemies
- Fixed multiplayer clients not seeing burning effects when dead puffies are thrown onto a fire
- Fixed multiplayer clients unable to put cannibals into the injured limb state and fixed some animation blending and smoothness issues in the injured state
- Fixed Kelvin radios deactivating when moved far from original location, and fixed carry positioning visuals for multiplayer clients
- Kelvin will no longer pickup broken radios
- Fixed Kelvin when moved far away from tree target unable to find another tree to clear automatically
- Kelvin Finish Structure command; Fixed some issues with counting logs needed. If he’s holding unused items they will now be dropped on ground
- Fixed a case where Kelvin stood carrying a single log instead of placing it then cutting a tree
- Fixed Kelvin getting stuck if the holder he was filling was removed or destroyed. Now he will drop the item and complete the order
- Fixed Kelvin trying and failing to fill item holders that are far above the ground
- Fixed case where a leaning beam could link a free pillar with a structure on an incompatible placement grid
- Fixed context allowing to place a beam with same support on both ends that isn’t an Apex or a Wall
- Fixed detached pillar placement creating degenerate pillar if it fails to find supporting ground, now properly prevents placement if there is no ground bellow (could happen when placing off a cliff for example)
- Fixed one case where quickly sharpening stick posts causes the cut animation to fail for subsequent cuts
- Fixed player getting stuck in carry log animation by rapidly placing and taking a log from the log holder
- Fixed cutting quarters off dynamic logs sometimes hard to target
- Fixed Repair Tool hitbox active while it is equipped
- Fixed some wrong settings for quarter log LODs (rendering performance improvement)
- Fixed Defensive Walls and DW Gates unable to be damaged by player melee hits
- Fixed leaned beams sometimes accepting pillars on top of the bottom end before planks are added
- Fixed cutting Defensive Wall spikes moving player too close which made subsequence cuts harder to aim
- Fixed some localized entries in the configuration menus not showing properly on Windows machines set to Turkish display language
- Cut down trees with axe tutorial should now only trigger the first time
- Battery indicator on the NVGs should no longer disappear after performing certain actions
- Fixed flickering/distortion that could appear for some players in late game saves
- Increased reflection probe atlas to 4096×2048 (should fix issues where reflection probes could break/show wrong probes)
- Burning Puffies should now look correct/not distort
- Fix for 3D Printer not showing the correct initial amount of resin
- 3D Printed Sled can no longer be placed on the crafting mat
- Improved player audio for other players in multiplayer
- Added some Timmy voice acting to Gold Room cutscene
- Made chainsaw transition to cutting sound faster
- Reduced fade time on intro helicopter crash music
- Made first look guitar sting 3d
- Added beeps to opening helicopter crash
- Improved demon boss audio
- Set some various small objects in bunkers/morgue to have surfaces tagged for impact sounds and get melee impact physics
- Added ragdoll impact sounds to deer and baby
Sons of the Forest Update 04 Patch Notes - April 20, 2023
- Added new ‘Action Cam’ item and first found footage tape
- Added new point of interest discovery laptops
- Added ability to name save games
- Added kick and ban popup messages when kicked or banned from a game
- Kelvin can now carry 2 logs at a time!
- Brighter night vision goggles
- Added snow impact effects to snow crash cutscene
- Longer Timmy fighting demon boss intro animation
- High sentiment Virginia should now visit player more often
- Added more spots in villages for cannibals to stand watch or sit around
- Muddies are now more likely to flee when scared
- Cannibals now sometimes look at each other when not fighting
- Cannibals have new animation variations for running and lunging attacks making them more evasive in combat
- Cannibal creepy and leaf armor will now be visually broken and knocked off when hit
- Female cannibals will sometimes drink blood from village troughs or from dead animals, cheer for other family members and occasionally dance to radio music
- Male cannibal will now sometimes bash dead bodies of enemies
- Skinned small animals now will have skinned visuals. Specifically the rabbit, squirrel, eagle, duck, seagull, land turtle
- Low health Deer and Moose will sometimes lay down and rest
- Add a wetness amount per character that increases when submerged in water or cleaning in water, and reduces over time when not
- Dead bodies now get washed (blood/dirt) in water
- Increased Deer bleeding and increased damage caused by hitting front body
- Bird flight speed increased by a small percentage
- Torn silver jacket added to end mutant
- Added some ducks on the golf course
- Added north arrow guide to mini map
- Ballistic impact effects from other players will now be visible in multiplayer
- Armor is now dropped if the player does not have available space for it if it’s cycled off being worn
- Grenades and bombs will now play a water explosion effect when thrown in water
- Dead cultists clothing is now bloody
- Added more flower wreaths on some dead cultists
- Added new binder prop to security rooms
- Improved some of the lighting in bunker residential
- Improved armor rack LOD
- Added binoculars, night vision goggles, wire and lightbulbs to quick select slots
- 3D Printer readouts should update more accurately now
- Fallen Log E scaled down to 65% size
- Some fixes for open edges on cliff above golf course
- New lake added to golf course
- Kelvin can now finish building shelves
- Setup LOD’s for logs in storage holders
- GPS map updated to include all current ponds and lakes
- Removed location pins from opening cutscene laptop screen
- ‘I Dream of Sushi’ achievement is once again achievable
- Fix for players game hanging when switching from empty slingshot to another ranged weapon that has swappable ammo
- Player should no longer get into a bad state if they are spamming a weapon hotkey while opening a door with a keycard
- Animal Hide and tech mesh will now be greyed out on the grab bag when interacting with an armor rack
- Removed rebinding for back action
- Fixed lone life jacket floating in sky
- Fixed issue where option menu could be opened at the end of loading screen
- Fixed some missing player disconnected notifications
- Fix for not being able to drink from deep bodies of water
- Crafted spears no longer fall through cave floors
- When a storage structure is destroyed and stored pickups are spawned, it is now spread over multiple frames to ease the performance overhead and create less frame stutter
- Fixed issue where the left side UI notifications would stop showing up after the player has died
- Trying to equip your left hand item light is now blocked when the player is in another action
- Fix for collider not being enabled on dynamic pickups sometimes
- Fix for pause menu continuing to add force to players on ziplines
- Fixed some initialization issues causing DLSS to not be enabled by default / after reset settings
- Added harsh slope limitation to block riding knight V up steep slopes
- Added localization credit names and fixed font for fallback characters
- Fix for player crouching while riding Knight V
- Fixed being able to dismember dead cannibal without destroying armor on the limb first
- Fixed big hut destruction sometimes leaving a floating corpse and standing walls with no collision
- Fix for the quick select bag getting stuck in the players hands or getting stuck in a bad state if it is triggered at the exact same time as the player begins swimming
- Fixed Kelvin carry radio position
- Fix for clients in multiplayer sometimes seeing muddy cannibal hit reacts have standing glitch frames
- Fixed muddy cannibal leaf piles sometimes not showing for multiplayer clients
- Fixed multiplayer clients not seeing Kelvin carried arrows properly
- Fixed multiplayer clients sometimes doing first note long animation on first interact with Kelvin
- Fixed a case where clients could see and interact with a “ghost” Kelvin not at his real position
- Some fixes for Virginia washing in waterfall, and will now occur at more waterfalls around the map
- Virginias GPS will now retain the assigned icon when given to her
- Fix for Virginia or Kelvin sometimes getting stuck in sitting animation
- Fix thrown small rocks falling through ground when bouncing
- Fixed silenced pistol shot being heard as regular shot by other players
- Fixed case of player getting stuck in skinning action
- Shovel attack will now slow down when low stamina
- Fixed wrong ceiling panel in bunker entertainment
- Fixed destroying defensive wall log with spike not using the right model for the spawned pickup, also solved the scaling issue
- Fixed cutting defensive wall spike not working in some cases
- Fixed scaling of destroyed rock reinforcement pickups
- Fixed destroyed defensive wall spikes of quarter Logs not working properly
- Destroying ramps a solar panel is on now spawns a pickup
- Placed solar panels now have collision
- Fixed a specific case where connecting Electric Wires would not work
- Fixed bug causing incorrect count of light bulbs and solar panels received on pickup
- Fixed case that allowed placing a Beam connecting two structures from unaligned grids, resulting in a degenerate stretched or compressed Beam
- Fixed Lookout tower placement being blocked if there is a Defensive Wall underneath the overlook
- Fixed One sided apex blocking placing Pillars on top of Ramps
- Removed switch mode UI prompt that didn’t do anything when placing a Defensive Wall Gate
- Fixed an issue that would result in multiplayer clients unable to build anything or receive construction updates from the host
- Fixed case where snow & wetness occlusion as well as solar panel initialization didn’t work for tree structures
- Fixed case where removing an electric wire didn’t work properly and could prevent the underlying power grid system from splitting in two and behaving as expected
- Fixed case where a leaning beam snap point would be invalid (arrow in red) when it should be allowed
- Fixed issue when loading a save that could prevent other features such as placing ramps from functioning properly
- Fixed a case where a free pillar in middle of a grounded beam grid would cause degenerate leaning beam placements
- Fixed destroying solar panel support not cascading to the solar panel
- Fixed issue where drinking while holding multiple log planks could result in broken animation state
- Fixed case where non log items spawned by construction system would fall through the ground
- Fixed destroyed log pickups ending up with oversized collision
- Fixed destroyed non log element pickups not matching physics with the visual in some cases
- Fixed structure collapse applying delay between elements even if it doesn’t spawn a pickup, resulting in weird behavior when destroying the fire wood stack for example
- Fixed some issues with Beams leaned down slopes from Walls, which were incorrectly displaying the lift preview prompt and placing awkwardly
- Fixed issue causing some missing Beam snap points after removing a pillar supporting a beam that is also supported by a Wall
- Fixed multiplayer issue where players enter a broken state if killed while starting to climb a rope
- Fixed multiplayer issue where placing a stick or rock path would wrongly show up for remote players while placing it, which could lead to game breaking issues
- Fixed multiplayer issue with physics doors that could prevent clients from locking it if it was stuck open on host side
- Fixed players able to remove chairs and benches from under seated AI or remote players
- Fixed destroyed defensive walls built with non-full Logs reverting to unsharpened state
- Fixed element collapse order for apex & one-sided apex, ensuring top elements break before lower ones
- Fixed one-sided apex behaving oddly when hit with a repair tool
- Fixed issue preventing placing a Beam from a Pillar to the top of a Leaning Beam if there is another Beam linked
- Fixed case where Leaning Beams were not being repaired properly
- Fixed issue with Beams supported by a low Ramp that would prevent removal of the Beam and add a degenerate Pillar placement
- Fixed multiplayer issue where players could dismantle a Log from a Wall and add a Wall Beam simultaneously, resulting in a floating Beam
- Fixed some sounds in multiplayer having a very low precision location
- Fixed other players hearing double impact sounds from shovel and repair tool
- Cannibal armor now has impact audio when hit
- Pistol no longer doubles up on its reload audio
- Tuned terrain and motor levels of Knight V
- Fixed fade time on gunshots in opening crash sequence
- Added gunshots to the Demon Boss sequence
- Demon Boss attack audio and hurt audio for intro and added new music sting audio
- Tuned waterfalls large and small, and water spots
Sons of the Forest Update 03 Patch Notes - April 6, 2023
Rideable E.U.C. ‘Knight V’
Nightvision goggles
Solar panels, light bulbs and wires added to construction system
Ramps/Stairs can now be built between a beam and a wall
Buildable spring trap
Working armor rack (replaces mannequin)
Added button / option to delete saves (also limited amount of save slots to 30 to fix issues with steam cloud sync)
Dead babies now have buoyancy in water
Mr. and Mrs. Puffton clothes now burn up when they are burned
Added security camera model to bunker luxury entrance
Cannibal lookout towers and large huts are now breakable
Adjusted navigation areas by lakes to fix issue with stuck animals/characters around edges
Can now pickup and throw puffy dead bodies
Dismembering dead characters with melee is now easier
Adjusted creepy spawning logic in caves, should no longer visibly spawn and should not lead to over the top amounts of enemies in caves over time
Improved some enemy base attack logic
Enemy damage game setting is now properly replicated to clients in multiplayer
Kelvin "return to shelter" command will also return to hunting shelters and beds
Kelvin can now pick up all types of arrows, visibly carry them, and drop the proper type of arrow
Fly Swatter and Bone Maker traps will no longer trigger on small animals
Improved morgue lighting in bunker residential and added some dead cultists there
Added flower wreaths to some dead cultists
Added world position fixer to block player going outside the bounds of the world on X and Z
Added quarter resolution mipmap limit option and set book pages to use it, to prevent them becoming unreadable at low texture settings
Set rock, stick and small rock to disable colliders when not dynamic
Fixed player clothing blend shapes not always properly applying visually to other players in multiplayer
Tarp and turtle shell will now show their item count in inventory
Renamed mannequin to armor rack
Changed amount of duct tape required to build armor rack to 1
Added shimmy area after boss fight in hell cave
Made it possible to leave hell cave if reentering it after completing game
Rope climb trigger for caves is now accessible from a wider angle
Creepies will now be hidden if they manage to wander into any cutscenes
Virginia will now stash guns when carrying a gift and drop gift when entering combat
Cannibal ability to dodge heavy attacks increased
Increased John2 damage to structures
Enemies now flee further when scared
Fixed issue with nomad cannibal families spawning more than maximum allowed amount
Fixed more cases of enemies and large animals able to spawn in player bases
Fixed missing translation on find the Puffton tutorial messages
Fixed slight delay when hovering over the exit confirm button
Fixed some more cases of being able to glitch out of the world using a stick
Fixed animation pop in puffy male walk aggressive loop
Fixed some areas players could get stuck in hell cave
Dropped backpack should now properly spawn if the player saves and reloads before picking it up
Grab bag should no longer get the player stuck in a bad state if it is opened and closed quickly
Player should no longer get into a broken state if they begin swimming while performing the refill flask action
Added a safety measure that if the player somehow gets into a state where they are missing a vital item such as their lighter, tracker, combat knife, guide book or grab bag, they will be readded when a save game is loaded
When the player’s dropped backpack is picked up, it double checks to ensure that the player now has the backpack item
Player should no longer be able to lose their backpack from using their Quick select in some rare use cases
Fish on drying racks will no longer despawn when their max pickup count is reached
Items on the camp fire will no longer auto despawn
Fixed heavy actor sometimes popping to standing when hit again during hit head reaction
Fixed Kelvin not stopping trying to fill holder that player put final item in
Fixed player getting into stuck state if machete ground attack was interrupted
Fixed stun baton FX sometimes stuck on when interrupted
Fixed issue with there sometimes being more fish than maximum allowed amount
Improved logic to better prevent cases of seeing enemies pop in
Fixed falling trees not hitting cannibals
Fixed clients sometimes seeing extra GPS locators for Virginia
Fixed multiplayer client’s taking gun with multiple mods from Virginia losing a mod
Fixed visual issues decapitating heavy faceless cannibal and female puffy
Applied logarithmic scale to volume sliders
Add an audio event for animations where cannibals hits club against ground
Sons of the Forest Update 02 Patch Notes - March 23, 2023
Added new demon boss to end of hell caves
Added dead cultists to map
New double story cannibal hut type added
Added turtle shell rain collector
Added new tougher puffy variation
New surveillance room added to bunker residential
New cave system added
Added admin panel for admin clients
Additional story elements added
Added auto backup system when overwriting saves
Moved gold armor to new cave system
Removed keypad entrance to bunker luxury, will now need to open it an alternate way
Container items will now save their state in single player, so if they are opened or broken, they stay that way
Improved lit fire torch brightness when viewed in first person
Removed instant season switch logic from sleeping
Adjusted the min/max turbulence of wind to prevent extreme mesh distortion at highest intensity
Firewood now crumbles when it’s fuel is used up on fires, and can then be replaced with new firewood
Furniture or ziplines can no longer be attached to doors and gates
Repositioned dead sluggy in bunker residential making it possible to come back inside bunker
Player is now able to use most left hand items while gliding
Closing save menu will go back to game rather than pause menu
Changed face on maintenance keycard to not be player character
Improvements to Finnish and Traditional Chinese text
Improved look of old paper pickups
Added books to bookshelves in bunker luxury
Removed shotgun pickup from bunker luxury
Gold armor pickup visual is now the full armor and is positioned to fit on skeleton burnt model
Improved held location of flashlight and lighter when sliding
Added additional wakeup locations in hell cave
Increased fullness from eating MRE’s and decreased fullness from eating cat food
Rabbits and Squirrels will now try harder to evade player and run faster
Added unique hit reacts to dining hall bosses and replaced their knockdowns from shotgun with smaller staggers
Player no longer takes survival stat damage while strung up on effigies
Gold Armor now absorbs 70% demonic damage instead of 90%
Increased burn time on camp fires
Increased fire fuel amount provided by leaves & cash by x10
Reduced chainsaw full charge duration
The flashlight will now auto replace the battery sooner so that it happens before the light begins to fade
Fixed Item Duping using storage holders
Custom day length settings will now work correctly
Fixed multiple cases of enemies able to spawn inside player built bases
Fixed pops on machete block animations
Fixed bloom on tech armor blowing out visually
General navmesh improvements
Fixed issue where leaving save menu would bring back HUD and leave menu state in pause menu
Fixed locking player movement when starting to dig to fix alignment issues
Floors no longer allow placing walls if there is a leaning beam above
If a held item is set to require both hands, the equip will now also drop any logs the player was holding, fixes glider disappearing when player attempts to equip it while holding a log
Can no longer drink water while swimming
Fixed missing cleanup of the player out of breath audio
Fix for players dying instantly if jumping in water and rebreather was out of air
Camp Fires will no longer set off fire sprinklers until the fire has been lit
Fixed issue with the player getting in to a bad state if they died while performing an interaction in their inventory, such as eating or crafting
Fixed issue where the player could get stuck in a bad state when equipping, stashing and equipping items very quickly
Fixing issue with the player sometimes being able to begin eating by using hotkeys while starting other actions
Fix for binocular visuals getting stuck on screen if the player opens the pause menu while using the binoculars
If the player is not grounded while the tutorial book is out, the tutorial book will be stashed
Items can be equipped while not grounded again, excluding books
Fix for campfires becoming interactable when the player is in another action if the player previously backed away from the fire while trying to light it
Fix for having to look away from the fire after lighting it before it would be interactable
Turtle Eggs will no longer hatch on shelves or on the players grab bag
Fix for GPS locator not being cleared after being picked up and loaded from a save
Fix for clicking anywhere in the grab bag taking an item back from Virginia if the player closed the grab bag while hovering over the missing item
Fix for items not being able to be equipped from within inventory if they were not left or right hand items
Tactical in coffin GPS locator will no longer show up after loading a save where the player has already picked it up
Fix for clients not being in sync with the host for season duration if the starting season was spring
Fixed issue with player out of breathe audio not following the player unless they are running
Fixed hovering over crafted items on the mat not showing the total number of owned items including the ones on the mat
Fix for player getting stuck in falling pose if quick select is opened at the same time as jumping
Fix for the player always triggering the logic to dismount from a rope when dying; This was causing issues with incorrect items being equipped after death
Fix for player being able to pull out their grab bag on fires when they do not have the grab bag
Fix for survival damage not working in save games
Multiplayer clients are now synced with the hosts stat damage and consumable effects settings
Fix for breaking unfinished tree cabin giving infinite logs
Fixed placement prompts staying behind when placement changes from valid to invalid in some cases
Fixed beam supported by walls not propagating destruction properly to linked strutted beam
Fixed some open edges on cliffs around world
Fixed some cases of trees vanishing when walking over some parts of map above caves
Fixed firewood giving different amounts of fuel for Host and client in multiplayer games
Fixed snow appearing on some indoor plants in winter
Blood reveal on Demon should now match the body part hit
Fixed cut ferns flying up into air
Fixed Kelvin being able to burn to death from fires
Fixed some cases of A.I. actors getting into invalid states
Improved A.I. navigation in structures
Prevented some cases of animals and enemies able to spawn on player built structures
Prevented some cases of enemies attempting to move to stimuli they can’t reach
Fix For grab bag still being able to be equipped on garden plots even when the player does not have their inventory
Fix for player clothing blend shapes not applying correctly in certain situations in multiplayer
Fixed issue where other interactions would still be possible while the look animations were playing on equipping the book pickups
Planting seeds in gardens will no longer consume two seeds at a time
Item Crates and containers will no longer look closed if the player opens them, runs away and then comes back to them in single player
Fix for players held items not being re-equipped if the player is wearing the rebreather and exits the water but the mouthpiece was not actively up
Fix for players not getting their items back if the end game cutscene is triggered before they have picked up their dropped inventory
Fix for all items always doing their first look action after the walkie talkie has been equipped
Fixed player stuck with open grab bag if campfire is destroyed while they're adding something to it
Fixed defensive wall placement UI rendering underneath cliffs
Fixed pillar building decal drawing over hands
Fixed Interacting with light fire prompt multiple times while lighting a fire getting player stuck in falling state
Fixed fire axe and modern axe hitting metal sounding like hitting flesh
Waves on shore audio no longer set to streaming
Added some additional mouseover and pickup audio events for arrows
Widened speaker spread on mutant voice events
Made near distance levels of mutant audio events more consistent
Fixed the occasional very loud mutant cry in mid distance
Tuned audio on wind, streams, player footsteps, mutants and more
Fixed hard cuts on some regular male mutant praying audio
Added audio volume slider for Walkie Talkie
Sons of the Forest Patch 01 Patch Notes - 3/9/2023
Added Binoculars
Added Hang Glider
Added Defensive Wall gate
Added mid game boss fight into food bunker
Added Settings Reset in the Options screen
Added missing Virginia leather suit pickup to world
You can now lock doors with a stick placed on the interior of the door
Built small structures (furniture) can now be grabbed, while grabbed it can either be placed again somewhere or thrown to collapse it and get back its resources
Some additional story elements added
New headshot death animation variations added for cannibals
Angry regular cannibals can attack now by jumping out of trees
Small birds will now land and eat/gain fullness
Added option to hide player name tags
Added option to hide projectile reticle and trajectory
Fish trap should now work and catch fish (every 5-10 minutes) as long as it's placed in water and the current season is not winter
Added lookout towers to some cannibal villages
Story Paper pickups will now show UI to "Zoom" in
Added new structure type: One Sided Apex. Fills the space between a leaning beam and its supporting beam. Aligns automatically based on the leaning beam orientation. Fits quarter log variations to the right length automatically.
Added sleep cooldown
Set rest drain from hunger and dehydration to 0
Muddy Cannibals will now get less angry (from player proximity and in late game)
Added possibility of Player Sleep Interruption events from nearby enemies that can reach player
Tweaked fire drain rate to make using firewood more important
Tweaked berries to give slightly more fullness
Tweaked energy drink to give half as much hydration and less energy buff
Tweaked amount of fullness and hydration all herbs and mushrooms give
Hard enemy health setting reduced to 1.25x health
Increased cannibal armor health by 1.5x on hard
Kelvin catch fish order will end after a time
Fixed opening a cave in late game having too many enemies
Adjusted some player melee events and ranges for better A.I. responsiveness
Halved shotgun damage
Boosted seat rest amount from 0.3 to 0.7
Added regular Puffies to dining hall
Increased health on creepies depending on amount of multiplayer players active
Improved red cannibal animation and blends
Fixed sleeping animation for female cannibal
Set up player effigy struggle/idle for multiplayer
Fixed ‘bouncy’ logs when deep in water
Performance speed up for world locators
Added Logic to allow hatches and doors to be forced open when player is spawned inside
Fix for some LOD’s sometimes not switching correctly
Fixed error caused when quitting while in death wakeup
Unique/Story items are now force equipped when they are collected
Door orientation is now determined by the position of the player when placing it, the face in front of player is the interior face
Adjusted Deer and Moose locomotion for better pathing
Prevented placing bench so close to objects that player could be stuck when standing up after sitting on it
Added more small prop setup for melee impacts and collision
Added LODs/optimization for the wall torch
Destroying screw storage now spawns stored items as dynamic pickups
Beach greebles regenerated with coral rock sizes reduced
Bunker food fixed some small lighting issues
Added radio to bunker food
Turned the table cards for Mr. and Mrs. Puffton into story pickups
Related: Sons of the Forest Building and Crafting Guide
Should no longer be able to get through locked doors with a stick (Sorry speed runners!)
Fixed Kelvin cutting down trees with player structures attached
Fixed keycard guest not opening the two doors in bunker entertainment and not being needed to get into bunker residential
Fixed ghost blueprints not rendering underwater (for example fish trap)
Fixed some stream underwater rendering glitches
Fixed some potential issues on multiplayer disconnect
Fixed multiple issues with input bindings
Fixed player stuck after dying while climbing rope
Fixed being able to place paper target on tarp collision
Fixed place defensive wall option available on non grounded pillars, often resulting in invalid placement that gets rejected
Fixed placing a defensive wall log against a pillar made of log quarter variation causing an invalid placement that gets rejected
Fixed destroying the small animal deadfall trap getting its resources yielded back twice
Fixed some issues occurring when a fire is destroyed while interacting with it
Fixed lifting tarp with stick sometimes not detecting stick being equipped properly when auto equipped resulting in a unnecessary delay before performing the action
Fixed adding log planks to ghost blueprint structures by splitting logs automatically not consuming the log properly
Fixed case where some elements from some unbuilt outlines could be removed
Volume fix for cave visuals disabling when navigating into some corners of caves
Fixes for various open rock / cliff edges in terrain
Fixed case where Virginia grab bag interaction could trigger at same time as pickup, leading to bad player state
Fixed case of player stuck attacking with spear after revive
Fixed enemy armor setting not working
Fixed animal count setting not working correctly
Fixed player able to trigger actions while doing ground attacks, fixes some possible temporary stuck states.
Fixed some cases of small birds not being scared of player
Fixed some incorrect keyboard icons for keypad inputs
Fixed music not playing in title screen after leaving a multiplayer game
Autumn ground leaves shouldn’t pop on visually as much now
Player will no longer get into a broken state when trying to equip an item that they are already holding and have maxed out in inventory
Fixed a transition to move with Tactical Axe which was preventing attack/block/parry from activating during it
Fixed case where removing a beam supporting a pillar wouldn’t re-link the pillar properly with its new support, resulting in wrong pillar position calculated after the cascading repositioning process
Fixed wood stack loading from saves as an apex (non retro-active)
Added player saving system for cutscenes
Fixed the cave shark eating severed limbs looking broken
Fixed some cave entrance bat scare spawn locations
Fixed some eagle perch landing / takeoff issues. Add a perch spot to tall dead stump
Fixed issue where walking over entertainment bunker could cause trees and other world objects to disappear.
Cannibals should no longer snap long distances to climb into windows
Fix for clients no longer loading into the correct season when rejoining a saved game
Players held items at time of knockout are now remembered upon being revived
Tutorials will no longer be force closed when opening the pause menu and are instead just visually toggled. This should fix some tutorials such as the pick up construction element tutorial from completing before the player has actually done it
Player will no longer slide down slopes when either utility book is held or when the player is in their inventory
Can no longer attach both the laser sight and flashlight weapon mods to the crossbow at the same time
Fixed some cases of multiplayer client able to duplicate logs
Fixed repairing wood stacks not putting its elements back in correct position
Fixed floating log when chopping down a tree with tree shelter attached to it
Fixed Screw Structures being broken apart have no audio
Tagged auto jumps off on portable light
Fixed Kelvin dropping radios destroying the radio
Fixed weapons given to Virginia not being returned with correct amount of ammo and weapon upgrades
Modified fade distance on icons slightly to make them more visible
Fixed for player able to be pushed through terrain if another players stand on their head
Fixed opening hatches removing weapon upgrades from currently held weapon
Made sure player correctly aligns to death marker when dying at high height
Removed floating life vest
Fixed displacement digging visuals breaking on some quality settings
Improved audio CPU overhead
Improved some cannibal audio/vocals
Reduced audio stuttering issues
Reduced intensity of high wind audio to reduce performance impact
Reduced max instances of footstep audio to reduce CPU cost and improve performance
Changed the audio ringing effect on explosions and grenades to lessen as you are further from the explosion to avoid it cutting out with distance
Spittle audio added to first spittle nest in entertainment bunker
Added fadeouts to physics sounds
Tuned player rock footstep when running, waterfall and surf levels
Added gun fight audio before door opening to “Get down son” cutscene
Updated triggered and reset audio events on flyswatter, bone maker and small animal traps
Prevented repair tool from spamming SFX causing performance and audio issues
Fixed audio loop not ending when climbing down ropes
For more information on Sons of the Forest, check out Sons of the Forest Roadmap & Update Schedule – Everything We Know and How to quickswap or hotbar weapons & items in Sons of the Forest on Pro Game Guides.
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Published: Feb 22, 2024 12:53 pm