In the point-and-click farming experience Pet Simulator X, having the strongest, rarest, and all-around best pets means almost everything, but what about having a high Mastery percentage? That has to mean something too, right? For those asking this question, you're in luck, having a high Mastery finally unlocks something worthwhile—Hardcore Mode! Continue reading below to learn more about this version of Pet Simulator X including how to enter it, what it offers, and how it works.
What is Hardcore Mode in Pet Simulator X?
Hardcore Mode is a separate Pet Simulator X game mode that was added in 2022 and allows those who yearn for a challenge to test their abilities in a far less forgiving environment. In Hardcore Mode, players start with zero coins and their pets from the non-hardcore version of Pet Simulator X, even those that are Huge and/or Exclusive, do very little damage, and, in some cases, are rendered unusable. The map of Hardcore Mode is an exact replica of normal Pet Simulator X, and players start their journey at the Shop biome of Spawn World, just like normal.
To progress through Hardcore Mode, players must grind coins, unlock and equip special Hardcore Pets through eggs, and continue through the biomes just as they did in the normal game mode. Hardcore Pets can also be transformed to Golden, Rainbow, and Dark Matter versions in Hardcore Mode, just as normal pets could be, but they're much more expensive and require more pets to be entered into each machine.

Overall, Hardcore Mode is just a "harder" version of Pet Simulator X that requires much more time, dedication, and grinding to play.
Related: What is the best pet in Pet Simulator X? (March 2023)
Where is Hardcore Mode in Pet Simulator X?
The building that leads to Hardcore Mode is located inside Limbo, so you'll need that area unlocked before you can find it. You'll also need a total Mastery percentage of 25% or higher, otherwise you'll be prohibited from entering.

Unfortunately, there's no easy way to increase your Mastery percentage—it's simply a grindfest across multiple categories. Every time you do basically anything in Pet Simulator X, your Mastery for said thing increases. For example, as you destroy chests and earn loot bags in return, your Loot Bags Mastery level will increase; as you hatch eggs, your Eggs Mastery level will increase, and so on and so on. The more you increase these individual category levels, the higher your overall Mastery percentage will be.
When you reach a minimum of 25% Mastery, the door to Hardcore Mode will unlock for free.
Looking for more Pet Simulator X content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Cat Royalty Achievement in Pet Simulator X – Roblox or How to get the Pet Simulator X booth in PLS DONATE – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 16, 2023 11:32 am