A Universal Time, inspired primarily by the anime and manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, gives you the power to utilize a vast array of special abilities taken from various fan-favorite anime characters, including the immensely strong and powerful Jujutsu Kaisen character, Gojo. Continue reading below for a quick walkthrough on how to unlock Gojo, or as he's appropriately named in game, The Strongest.
How to unlock Gojo in A Universal Time
To unlock Gojo, you'll first need to accept and complete a specific Slayer Contract from the mysterious NPC Hecate, who's located in Central City. This contract, The Honored One, requires you to be level 180+, and will task you with killing Gojo, who will only spawn after you've taken down enough of his Jujutsu Sorcerer minions in the desert. After spawning and killing Gojo successfully, there's a small chance he will drop the Gojo's Blindfold item.
Once you have this item, you'll need to collect three Gojo shards, which can be claimed from the banner or randomly earned when opening chests. With all four of these items in hand, you'll be able to craft The Strongest's ability.
Related: How to get Nocturnus in A Universal Time (AUT) – Roblox
What are Gojo's moves in A Universal Time; is Gojo good?
Key | Move Name | Move Description |
LMB/M1 | Rush Attack | Gojo's standard punch attack. This move can be chained into multiple punches and one final blow that knocks enemies back slightly. |
Q | Six Eyes | Activiates Gojo's Six Eye ability. |
E | Flash Combo | Gojo dashes forward and begins a small combo of moves, with the last move knocking the opponent back. |
Z | Infinity | Gojo's defensive move that blocks all incoming attacks for a period of time |
B | Limitless Technique | Upon activation, Gojo has a chance to grab an opponent in slow motion and then forcibly blast them backward when the slomo ends. |
Hold B | Hollow Technique: Purple | Gojo merges red and blue to create a powerful purple beam of energy that deals a hefty amount of damage and knocks back anyone in its path. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
T | Lapse Blue (Attract) | Gojo unleashes a ball of energy that knocks back and damages anyone in its direct path. |
Hold T | Lapse Blue (Maximum) | Gojo creates a large storm of blue energy that damages everyone near it substantially. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
Y | Lapse Blue (Pull) | An enemy in Gojo's aimed path with be pulled to him quickly, and then stunned. |
Hold Y | Lapse Blue (Collpase) | A move that allows Gojo to automatically lock onto a nearby opponent and explode them. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
J | Ruthless Barage | Gojo's cutscene move that sets in motion a string of powerful melee attacks. |
H | Reversal Red (Repel) | Gojo creates an explosion that damages anyone in close proximity. |
Hold H | Reversal Red (Blast) | Gojo shoots an explosive string of energy at an opponent, knocking them back and damaging them substantially. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
G | Reversal Red (Push) | Gojo launches a red beam that creates an explosion and damages anyone in its path. |
Hold G | Reversal Red (Force) | Gojo teleports behind the enemy and shoots a blast of energy into their back. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
R | Twofold Kick | Gojo performs a kick combo that deals decent damage. |
Hold R | Gleaming Strike | Gojo teleports to the nearest player and kicks them with hefty force. This move can only be done with Six Eyes activated. |
U | Unlimited Void | A cutscene move that opens a void, teleports all nearby players to it, and immobilizing them while buffing Gojo substantially. |
That's it for this quick guide on how to get The Strongest in A Universal Time. What do you think of this character? Is he too OP? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
A Universal Time is an expansive experience with a lot to learn! If you're looking for more guides on it, why not check out Fastest ways to get Money in Roblox A Universal Time and How to Trade in Roblox A Universal Time here on PGG!
Published: Jan 10, 2024 12:48 pm