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3D Escape Room Detective Story Chapter 2 walkthrough

Glide through these puzzles with ease.

3D Escape Room Detective Story is a five-chapter mystery game focused on a mysterious series of murders and disappearances. In this guide, I'll walk you through all of the puzzles found in the second chapter of 3D Escape Room Detective Story.

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Due to the length of the game and the amount of puzzles, I've given each chapter its own guide. The other four are listed below to help you navigate them easily.

Chapter two begins with a call from Reporter Owen discussing the previous case's success as well as their investigation into Churchill's piano teacher. After receiving the address of the teacher, you head out to investigate his home for extra clues.

3D Escape Room Detective Story Chapter 2 guide

Chapter 2 begins in a dimly lit living room. A small box can be seen on the back counter while an intricate cigar box decorates the coffee table.

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Box puzzle

Head over to the box first. Press the rectangular button and lift the lid to open it and obtain a Metal Spiral Decoration.

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Living room cigar box puzzles

Leave behind the empty box and look at the cigar box. If you look at its top, you'll notice that a piece of it is missing.

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Add the Metal Spiral Decoration to the top of the box to transform it into a set of three butterfly-themed puzzles. Take note of the colors of the butterfly wings between the puzzles — the color of the wings closest to each puzzle indicates what color that puzzle should be.

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Green rotating butterfly puzzle

The first puzzle involves rotating three circles to create an image of a green butterfly.

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Rotate the inner circle first, then the outer one to complete the image.

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Mosaic butterfly puzzle

The next puzzle involves rotating two switches to change the color of the butterfly in the center. Note that the wings closest to this puzzle are pink in color, so this butterfly should be as well.

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Panel-flipping puzzle

The final puzzle involves pressing four buttons to flip tiles between green and blue butterfly wings. Each button flips the two tiles closest to it. The nearby butterfly wings are blue, so focus on putting the blue wings in the proper place.

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Completing this puzzle will finish the cigar box, giving you a key to the next room.

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Place the key into the door's keyhole and rotate it clockwise to enter the second room.

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Entering second room

The second room is a workshop filled with woodworking projects. The key sections of the room are a second decorative cigar box, a music stand with a mannequin, a tall wooden box, and a safe.

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Opening safe

Head over to the safe first, looking at the wooden pieces on top of it.

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Rotating these wooden blocks gives you the password to the safe.

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Use the dials towards the bottom of the safe to enter the number. Opening the safe will give you a Metal Decoration and a Password Cylinder. There is a locked door as well, which cannot be opened yet.

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Second cigar box

View the cigar box on the worktable. Like with the previous one, this one is missing its top.

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Cigar box decorations

Place the Metal Decoration from the safe onto the cigar box.

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Rotate the top so that the two red triangles point at each other.

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This will give you a blue Small Decorative Symbol with "VI" inscribed on it. You'll also notice a small round plate containing the astrological symbol for Aries in this compartment.

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There is a space with a red screw hanging out of it between two of the other blue decorations.

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Screw the Small Decorative Symbol onto this red base. Take note of the "VI" numeral on the symbol and the color of the base, as you'll need it for a puzzle later on.

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If you look around the other blue decorations, you'll notice another decoration with the inscription "XII". Write the number and the yellow color of its base down alongside the previous numeral and color.

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Numerical puzzle

Once the blue decoration has been screwed on top of the cigar box, a slider puzzle will unlock on the side.

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Dragging each slider into their respective corners reveals a second slider puzzle. Take note of the Virgo symbol at the bottom left.

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Dragging the slide down to the third slot causes the symbols to spell out the word "Life".

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Password Cylinder

Pull out the Password Cylinder and enter the word "Life" by rotating the four slots.

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A slider will appear on the edge of the cylinder. Sliding it removes part of the center of the cylinder.

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Sliding the remaining part of the cylinder to the other side reveals a Gold Carving.

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Astrology puzzle

Analyze the sides of the cigar box to find that one side is missing a piece.

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Place the Gold Carving into the missing section to unlock the astrology puzzle.

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By this point, you've already seen the symbol for Aries and the symbol for Virgo. The sign for Leo can be found on the side of the cigar box.

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The sign for Sagittarius can be found above the clock on the cigar box.

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From top to bottom, the signs' order in the puzzle are Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Leo.

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Entering them correctly will reveal a set of doors.

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These doors can be pulled open to display a set of Clock Pointers.

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Match-three puzzle

Take the Clock Pointers and slide the blue slider hidden behind them to close the doors and reveal a new puzzle.

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This puzzle requires matching cards to be chosen in sets of three. The puzzle can be rotated endlessly and matching cards can be found both next to each other and far apart.

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Solving this puzzle gives you a Fan-Shaped Metal Piece.

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Fan-Shaped Metal Piece

Select the Fan-Shaped Metal Piece from your inventory. Tap the top of the piece and drag it counterclockwise to turn the piece into a Circular Metal Piece.

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Related: Escape from Castle Claymount Walkthrough

Clock puzzle

To start the final cigar box puzzle, add the Circular Metal Piece to the center of the clock.

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Add the Clock Pointers on top of the circular metal piece.

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The larger clock hand is red while the smaller one is yellow. This is where the clues from the blue decorations come in handy. The one with the yellow base was "XII", so move the yellow hand to point at "XII" on the clock. Likewise, point the red hand to the "VI" numeral on the clock. Once they're in the proper place, the clock will open to reveal a large metallic circle. Rotate the circle to reveal the next puzzle.

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Butterfly disc puzzle

Before starting this next puzzle, you'll want to take a look at the butterfly picture on the wall. It demonstrates how the butterflies rotate as well as where they need to be facing in the puzzle.

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Return to the puzzle behind the clock. The puzzle can be rotated to the left and right, and the butterfly gear in the center can be rotated using the slider above it.

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Rotating the puzzle changes the butterfly in the center. Solve the puzzle by placing each butterfly in the center and turning them to face upwards like in the poster.

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Solving this puzzle gives you the key to the locked drawer in the safe. Opening it gives you a folder of Sheet Music.

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Mannequin arm puzzles

With the Sheet Music in hand, head to the music stand.

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After clicking on the stand and rotating your screen, you'll notice an empty spot on the stand.

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Place the Sheet Music here and slide it into place to unlock the puzzles on the mannequin's arms.

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Left arm puzzle

This puzzle involves rotating a gear with unmarked and red-marked segments. The button at the bottom can be slid around to move the three red mechanisms. When the mechanisms are placed against the gear, the three segments they cover will not move.

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The easiest way to solve this puzzle is by getting six of the red marks on one row and the other five on a second row.

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Use the red mechanisms to cover three of the spots on the row containing six.

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Rotate the gear to combine the covered sections with the five untouched red-marked segments. Afterward, move the stopping mechanisms out of the way and rotate the gear to find the last three marked segments.

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Place the red stopper mechanisms against these last three marked sections and rotate the gear until they are combined with the rest of the red marks to unlock a similar puzzle on the mannequin's other arm.

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Right arm puzzle

This arm is more difficult than the other, as it contains two gears for rotation and has the three mechanisms right next to each other. Start by completing the left gear, which rotates four of the central pieces.

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Now work on the right gear, which rotates the two outer pieces as well as the remaining three inner segments. First, get two of the red-marked segments for that gear on the top row.

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Hold them into place while rotating the same gear until one of the other two central red-marked pieces appears on the same row.

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Continue to hold those two in place and rotate the new piece into the same row as the other four. This allows the remaining two red-marked pieces to join the two being held. The stopping mechanism can now be moved to cover the set of three marks.

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The right gear can be rotated one more time to complete the puzzle and unlock a new one at the front of the stand. It cannot be completed yet, so grab the Cross Star Carving to its left and head to the next puzzle.

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Wooden carved box puzzle

Turn your attention to the carved wooden box.

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Focus on the puzzle at the bottom.

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Slide each piece towards the center to create a diamond shape.

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Move up to the second section of the box.

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Slide the two halves together to form a snowflake.

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Lastly, go to the top of the box and place the Cross Star Carving on the circle in the center.

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Rotate it so that it matches the first section of the box. This will cause the box to transform into a church-like structure.

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Church puzzles

While looking at the church, take note of the missing spire on the left side.

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Church steeple puzzles

Focus on the top of the central portion of the church. Push each of the steeples down so that they match the one in the back right.

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Once each steeple is pressed against the church's roof, the sword at the tip will rise. Flip it left and right to change the color of the icon on the front of each steeple, which affects how they rotate.

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To solve this puzzle, you need to rotate the four steeples until their carvings face the front. I found it easiest to get the right two facing front, the front left one facing left, and the back left one facing right. From there, flip the sword to red and rotate the left steeples one more time to solve the puzzle. I did have an issue with this puzzle not solving properly, but redoing the last spin fixed that issue for me.

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You'll receive a smaller version of the steeples. Place it onto the empty left platform to unlock the mosaic puzzle.

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Mosaic puzzle

Each of the mosaic's three circular sections can be rotated, with the end goal being to make this mosaic match the one on the right side.

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The best way to solve this puzzle is to go from top to bottom. Upon completion, it will give you a key.

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Entering the bedroom

Take the key gained from the stained glass puzzle and insert it into the door at the back of the room.

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Rotate it to enter the bedroom. While dark, you'll notice a chest on the bed as well as a brightly lit desk on the right.

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Head over to the desk first to grab the Handle lying on top of it.

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Treasure chest puzzles

Walk over to the chest on the bed.

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Lift both the latch and the lid to open the chest.

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Inside you'll find a Crank Lever.

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Rotate the camera to look at the right side of the chest. You'll see a handle, which can be pulled down.

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If you inspect the other side of the chest, you'll notice an empty spot where the handle should be.

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Place the Handle on it and slide it down. Doing this will give you a Lighthouse Model.

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Bedroom desk puzzles

Return to the desk. Inspecting it will reveal an interesting circle on its left side.

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Place the Crank Handle on the center of the circle and rotate it.

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Pick up the Statue that has appeared on top of the desk.

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After taking the Statue off of the desk, the top of it will change to look like this.

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Related: How to beat Must Escape the Haunted House

Lighthouse puzzle

Place the Lighthouse Model on top of the desk.

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In this puzzle, you need to pay attention to the poster behind the lighthouse. The numbers in the center tell you how many windows need to be lit up in all three sections. Mine asked for 5 lit windows on the second floor, 3 lit windows on the third floor, and 3 lit windows on the fourth floor.

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Each section can be rotated fully. The lights in each window change as they are rotated, so you need to check them carefully by rotating your camera around the entire section.

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Once each floor has the proper number of windows, a compartment will open at the top of the lighthouse to give you a Metal Disc. You can now return to the workshop since every puzzle in this room has been completed.

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Church sun puzzle

To finish the church, you'll need to place the Metal Disc on the sun in the center.

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You'll need to rotate the disc until all of the sun's rays are pressed tightly against the center of the sun. This will cause a pedestal to open up at the bottom of the church.

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Church statue puzzle

The Statue can be placed on this pedestal.

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Rotate the Statue to face the front to receive a Small Spring and a Gemstone Slider.

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Music stand puzzles

After doing the statue, head over to the music stand to take on the abandoned puzzle from earlier.

Slider puzzle

In this puzzle, placing a slider onto a green or blue square will both remove barriers of that color and add one or two more. It's a double-sided puzzle, so you'll need to take turns moving the front and back sliders together to solve it.

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Place the Gemstone Slider in the top left of the puzzle.

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Move the slider over to the green box.

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Flip the board over to reveal the other side. Push this slider onto the blue square beneath it.

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Return to the front slide and push the slider to the green barrier.

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Flip the puzzle to move the back slider onto the green square in the bottom right.

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On the front side, push the slider to the section beneath the blue square. On the back side, push the slider up to the blue barrier in the center-right.

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Push the front slider onto the blue square so that the back slider can pass by the barrier.

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Push the back slider up to the blue barrier at the top right corner.

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Push the front slider onto the circle in the bottom right corner.

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Now push the back slider to the circle in the bottom right corner. This will unlock the final puzzle, the music box.

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Music box puzzle

Inspecting the music box will show you that there is a space on the left. Place the Small Spring on it and rotate it to start the music box.

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The goal of the puzzle is to get the ballerina to the end of the row she's on. First, take note of the ridges on the long gold cylinder. You need to move the slider to lift the key below these ridges to make notes. In the example below, there are five ridges above the third note so I place the slider onto it to make music.

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Getting the ballerina to the end will give you the final clue of chapter 2.

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For more mystery escape room games, check out our Room Escape Strange Case Walkthrough here on Pro Game Guides.

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Image of Krista McCay
Krista McCay
Contract Writer - Pro Gamer Guides. I work on Minecraft articles, particularly updating articles as the game changes and grows. I do play a lot of Minecraft, but I also enjoy games like Overwatch 2, Hades, and Splatoon 3 .

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3D Escape Room Detective Story Chapter 2 walkthrough

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