Hugo is a bit older in A Plague Tale: Requiem, and even though he still loves nature, he has a new fondness for feathers instead of flowers. When exploring the areas, you may find feathers on the path not taken, so here's a guide on where to find all feather locations for Hugo's Collection in Plague Tale: Requiem.
Where to find every Feather in Plague Tale Requiem – Ornithologist Trophy & Achievement
Seven feathers to find scattered throughout chapters in Plague Tale: Requiem. You need to find all seven to achieve the Ornithologist Trophy & Achievement. After Chapter 5, all flowers become feathers; one can be found in seven chapters. We'll label each feather with the chapter and chapter part they are found. So even if you don't discover each one on your blind playthrough, you can use the chapter selection to return to a specific part to locate it.
Jay - Chapter 6-1 Towards the Sea

Like the first flower, the first feather from the Jay is unmissable. At the start of this chapter, continue until you see a lush green field. Hugo will challenge you to a race to the tree in the distance and find the Jay feather.
Black Headed Gull - Chapter 7-1 Arrival at the Beach

At the start of Chapter 7, follow Hugo and his companion down to the beach. Follow the beach to the left until you find a small hut after the seagull charge. Enter it, jump through the window on the left and follow the path, and not long after will find feathers from the Black Headed Gull.
Black Kite Chapter 8-1 Celebration of the brighter days

Play through Chapter 8 until you come off the ship in La Cuna and head towards the market with Arnaud. When at the market, turn left and head towards the gardens. Go towards the people sitting on the stone seating, and then go to the left of the woman wearing red. You'll see a place you can walk up. Head towards the tree and pick up the Black Kite feather.
Related: All Flower locations for Hugo's Collection in Plague Tale Requiem
Barn Owl - Chapter 9-4 Entering the Sanctuary

The next feather is a way into Chapter 9 after you may or may not have rescued Tramontane, the goat. Continue past all the guides, using Sophia's prism to light small fires to distract the guards. Make your way through this area until you have to open a door, climb some wooden stairs, then open another door into the tower. Take the stairs up, but keep climbing. Don't exit right. At the top, climb up, continue the path, and on the left, opposite the way back down, is the Barn Owl feather.
Raven - Chapter 10-4 The Old Temple

After getting past the slavers and entering the old temple, solve the puzzle by ramming the chandelier into the door. Once outside, follow the path until you can go left. You'll soon find a drop and be on a cliff overlooking the sea. Keep going left, following the cliff edge to find the Raven feather.
European Goldfinch - Chapter 11-4 Byzantine Technology

Related: Can you retrieve your knife after stabbing someone in Plague Tale Requiem?
The next feather is pretty far into Chapter 11. Continue until you need to blow up a gate with Greek Fire. In the next room, in the far right-hand corner, will be a hole in the wall boarded up with planks and Greek Fire behind it. Explode the barrel, crouch to get into the room to find European Goldfinch feathers just beyond.
Goose - Chapter 13-4 Ruined Village

The Goose feather is a way into Chapter 13. You know you are in the area before the feather when you have made it to a place where the Belfry collapses. Make your way to and through the Belfry, and continue until you reach a pushable cart. Push the cart to the wall of the door you just exited, so to the left. Climb up, and just in front of you is the Goose feather. If you push the cart to the right, this is progress that you don't want, and you'll miss the feather entirely.
When the Goose feather is acquired, you will have earned yourself the Ornithologist Trophy & Achievement in Plague Tale: Requiem.
For more Plague Tale: Requiem guides on Pro Game Guides, check out What do you do at the windmills on La Cuna in Plague Tale Requiem? and Where to find every Old Protector's item in the Sanctuary - A Plague Tale Requiem
Published: Oct 17, 2022 03:05 pm