Age of Darkness: Final Stand is a challenging game at its heart, and its core mechanics revolve around this. Some people live for the challenge, while others may be intimidated by it. Fortunately, there are several options for difficulty.
You may be asking what difficulty should you play Age of Darkness: Final Stand on. That answer will depend on how much a challenge you seek and your experience with RTS games. You can find all of Age of Darkness: Final Stand's difficulties below.
Related: Should I buy Age of Darkness: Final Stand – Age of Darkness: Final Stand Review
- Easy
- Normal
- Veteran
- Horrific (Locked)
- Nightmare (Locked)
What difficulty you play on affects how many times you can save, score multiplier, and how frequent Death Nights will occur. At the start of the game, you can only choose from easy, normal, and veteran. Horrific and Nightmare are locked until you beat their previous difficulties.

There is also the ability to create and customize your difficulty. This allows you to adjust many features such as hardships, game duration, and enemy density. Some of these options are based on which setting you pick.
Those who seek a challenge will want to play higher difficulties, while beginners should stick to easy or normal. Age of Darkness: Final Stand is an unforgiving game with a steep learning curve.
For more information on Age of Darkness: Final Stand, check out What is Dark Essence – How to get it in Age of Darkness: Final Stand and How to level up your champion in Age of Darkness: Final Stand on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 6, 2021 09:20 am