Relic Entertainment has added a long array of military units in the Age of Empires IV. While some military units like the Battering Ram and Siege Tower are common to everyone, Others are exclusive to their respective civilization.
So, here is a list of all the military units in Age of Empires IV.
English Civilization

- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Vanguard Man-at-Arms
- Early Man-at-Arms
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Galley
- Hulk
- Demolition Ship
- Carrack
Archery Range
- Longbowman — Exclusive to English Civilization —
- Veteran Longbowman — Exclusive to English Civilization —
- Elite Longbowman — Exclusive to English Civilization —
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcanoneer
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Knight
- Elite Knight
Related: All the Rise of Moscow Campaign levels and unlockable content in Age of Empires IV
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Mangonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Ribauldequin
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Chinese Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Palace Guard
- Elite Palace Guard
- Junk
- War Junk
- Explosive Junk
- Baochuan
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Zhuge Nu — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Veteran Zhuge Nu — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Elite Zhuge Nu — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcanoneer
- Grenadier — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Lancer
- Fire Lancer — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Elite Fire Lancer — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Nest of Bees — Exclusive to Chinese Civilization —
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
French Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Men-at-Arms
- Elite Men-at-Arms
- Hulk
- Galleass
- Demolition Ship
- Carrack
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Arbalétrier — Exclusive to French Civilization —
- Elite Arbalétrier — Exclusive to French Civilization —
- Handcanoneer
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Royal Knight
- Veteran Royal Knight
- Elite Royal Knight
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Mangonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Cannon
- Ribauldequin
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Holy Roman Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Early Man-at-Arms
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Landsknecht — Exclusive to Holy Roman Civilization —
- Elite Landsknecht — Exclusive to Holy Roman Civilization —
- Galley
- Hulk
- Demolition Ship
- Carrack
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcanoneer
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Knight
- Elite Knight
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Mangonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Culverin
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Mongol Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Light Junk
- War Junk
- Explosive Junk
- Baochuan
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcanoneer
- Mangudai — Exclusive to Mongol Civilization —
- Veteran Mangudai — Exclusive to Mongol Civilization —
- Elite Mangudai — Exclusive to Mongol Civilization —
- Scout
- Early Horseman
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Lancer
- Elite Lancer
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Magonel
- Traction Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Rus Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Lodya Attack Ship — Exclusive to Rus Civilization —
- Lodya Demolition Ship — Exclusive to Rus Civilization —
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Streltsy — Exclusive to Rus Civilization —
- Horse Archer
- Elite Horse Archer
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Early Knight
- Knight
- Elite Knight
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Magonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Delhi Sultanate Civilization

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Dhow
- Baghlah
- Explosive Dhow
- Xebec
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcannoneer
- Tower War Elephant — Exclusive to Delhi Sultanate Civilization —
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Lancer
- Elite Lancer
- War Elephant — Exclusive to Delhi Sultanate Civilization —
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Magonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Abbasid Dynasty

- Spearman
- Hardened Spearman
- Veteran Spearman
- Elite Spearman
- Man-at-Arms
- Elite Man-at-Arms
- Dhow
- Baghlah
- Explosive Dhow
- Xebec
Archery Range
- Archer
- Veteran Archer
- Elite Archer
- Crossbowman
- Elite Crossbowman
- Handcannoneer
- Camel Archer — Exclusive to Abbasid Dynasty —
- Veteran Camel Archer — Exclusive to Abbasid Dynasty —
- Elite Camel Archer — Exclusive to Abbasid Dynasty —
- Scout
- Horseman
- Veteran Horseman
- Elite Horseman
- Lancer
- Elite Lancer
- Camel Rider
- Elite Camel Rider
Siege Workshop
- Springald
- Magonel
- Counterweight Trebuchet
- Bombard
- Culverin
- Battering Ram
- Siege Tower
Remember, Civilizations like the Delhi-Sultanate, Chinese, Abbasid Dynasty, and the Holy Roman Empire can only be played through multiplayer mode. There is no single-player campaign corresponding to these civilizations.
For more awesome guides, check out the Age of Empires IV section on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 8, 2021 03:14 pm