The Raiders Collection Event in all of its pirate-themed glory is this year’s replacement for the Holo-day Bash, and the first major event of Apex Legends Season 11: Escape. This collection event brings 7 new Legendary-tier and 3 new Epic-tier Legend skins to the game. Note that this does not include old returning skins from Special Offers (which are not included in this list). In total, there are 10 new Legend skins, and some of them are some of the best skins we’ve seen in a while.
Raiders Collection Weapon Skins
Every skin, except for the Epic Crypto skin from the Prize Tracker, is from the Raiders event collection itself. None of these skins are locked behind a premium store bundle, as it is not a lore event. The two event pack bundles that are in the store feature Revenant (7 Apex Packs) and Wattson (3 Apex Packs). Let’s take a look at every Legend skin in the Raiders Collection Event.
Related: All Legend changes and bug fixes in the Raiders Collection Event patch Apex Legends
Bloody Buccaneer (Legendary Bloodhound skin)

Deep Sixed (Legendary Pathfinder skin)

Plumed Explorer (Legendary Loba skin)

Burial at Sea (Legendary Revenant skin)

Deep Current (Legendary Wattson skin)

Cloud Marauder (Legendary Valkyrie skin)

Wave Shift (Legendary Wraith skin)

Freebooter (Epic Seer skin)

Deep Sea Dragon (Epic Ash skin)

Patch Notes (Epic Crypto skin)

For more Apex Legends content, check out How to customize your reticle color in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 7, 2021 12:36 pm