Players will get to choose one of the 24 different Legends before starting each match in Apex Legends. Players often wonder which are the best Legends to use in regular and ranked matches—that said, here's the ultimate Apex Legends tier list to help them out.
Best Legends in Apex Legends - Tier List
Legend Tiers | |
S+ | Valkyrie, Gibraltar, Bloodhound, Bangalore |
S | Wraith, Horizon, Octane, Ash |
A | Newcastle, Seer, Rampart, Crypto, Conduit |
B | Pathfinder, Caustic, Wattson, Ballistic |
C | Lifeline, Fuse, Revenant, Mad Maggie, Vantage |
D | Mirage, Loba |
The above list is based on the author's opinion and experience. The Legends in S+ Tier are currently the most picked in ranked matches and pro play. That said, we encourage players to test out all the characters and continue with their favorite Legend, even if they are placed in a lower tier.
Best Defensive Legends in Apex Legends

- Passive: Gun Shield
- Tactical: Dome of Protection
- Ultimate: Defensive Bombardment
Although Gibraltar is a slow Legend and has a larger hitbox, he is undoubtedly an S+ Tier character in Apex Legends. There is no other character in the game who can go toe to toe with his abilities in terms of team utility. If you are looking to master this character, we recommend looting quickly and staying close to teammates at all times. Gibraltar can not only protect his teammates during fights but also rain-concentrated artillery fire from the sky to knock down opponents easily. It is ideal to carry an Ultimate Accelerant with Gibraltar, as his Ultimate ability takes a long time to regenerate.
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Catalyst is a Defensive legend who can use her abilities to shield her teammates and ward off enemies, creating a window of opportunity for her team to regroup and rejoin the fight. Her abilities are fun to use because they are adaptable and have short cooldowns, allowing you to participate in combat without having to wait for your other abilities to recharge. Catalyst’s abilities work well with weapons that are effective at mid- to short-range, such as ARs, SMGs, LMGs, Shotguns, and Pistols. You can also use a marksman or sniper, but you won’t be making the most of Catalyst’s abilities.
- Passive: Retrieve the Wounded
- Tactical: Mobile Shield
- Ultimate: Castle Wall
Newcastle was added at the start of Season 13, and he has become a meta pick ever since. We have placed him in the A Tier as the need for a field medic becomes extremely crucial during the end zones, and Newcastle plays the role perfectly with his Mobile Shield and Castle Wall. Newcastle is a fortified Legend, which means the incoming damage is reduced by 15%, and he is slowed down by bullets. His Passive ability can be used to revive teammates surreptitiously, and it is ideal to always pick up a Rare, Epic, or Legendary Knock Down Shield with this Legend.
Best Offensive Legends in Apex Legends

- Passive: Double Time
- Tactical: Smoke Launcher
- Ultimate: Rolling Thunder
Bangalore is the best Offensive Legend in the game, and she ranks high up in the S+ Tier. Her abilities allow players to quickly run away while being shot at, and she can smoke an entire area to provide effective cover from the enemy's line of sight. Bangalore's ultimate is considered somewhat weak, but we recommend players use it during every gunfight. It deals a good amount of damage to the opponents and forces them to reposition. This creates an opening for your team to start a tactical rush, and it's best to use a few grenades in combination with Bangalore's ultimate.
- Passive: Space Walk
- Tactical: Gravity Lift
- Ultimate: Black Hole
Horizon is another Offensive Legend who ranks high in the S Tier for several reasons. Firstly, she is one of the most versatile movement characters in the game, and her Tactical ability allows the entire team to gain a height advantage. Secondly, Horizon can singlehandedly wipe entire squads by simply using her Ultimate with a few grenades and arc stars. Finally, we have Horizon's Passive, which reduces fall impact and makes her the best Legend to tap-strafe within Apex Legends.
Best Support Legends in Apex Legends

- Passive: Combat Revive
- Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone
- Ultimate: Care Package
Although she ranks way down in the C Tier, Lifeline is the best Support Legend in the game. Lifeline's pick rate has reduced even further after Newcastle's introduction. Nevertheless, her recent buff has brought the Legend back on the map, and players are feeling much more comfortable with her abilities. While the community misses Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone Shield, players will need to be more careful while reviving opponents in the open. We recommend being sneaky with this Legend by using her Combat Revive behind cover to safely res a teammate.
- Passive: Eye for Quality
- Tactical: Burglar's Best Friend
- Ultimate: Black Market Boutique
Apex Legends is a Battle Royale game that requires high skill and offers great potential. However, sometimes the outcome depends on who has the better loot. This is where Loba comes in handy. Loba’s Black Market Boutique is a unique ability that can detect and collect loot from a large area. You can use it to loot faster or to gain an advantage in combat. For instance, you can snatch loot from enemy squads or set up shields for a quick swap.
Related: How to trap opponents in IMC Armories in Apex Legends
Best Recon Legends in Apex Legends

- Passive: VTOL Jets
- Tactical: Missile Swarm
- Ultimate: Skyward Dive
Valkyrie is an S+ Tier Legend and is perhaps the most versatile movement character in the game. Her passive ability allows players to swiftly take a height advantage, which can change the course of any gunfight. Valkyrie's Tactical is her most underrated ability, and we recommend players use it as often as possible. The Missile Swarm not only damages opponents but slows them down for a few seconds. Valkyrie's Skyward Dive is the best rotational tool in the game, allowing teams to fly away from dangerous situations or ambush a new team from above.
- Passive: Neurolink
- Tactical: Surveillance Drone
- Ultimate: Drone EMP
Crypto’s drone is a powerful recon tool that can reveal enemies’ positions for as long as it stays active. His ultimate can also disrupt enemies and destroy their gadgets, giving him an edge in combat. In addition to revealing enemies, Crypto’s drone can also access consoles and pick up respawn banners from his teammates so he can bring them back to life at a respawn beacon. This gives him a lot of utility in the game.
- Passive: Tracker
- Tactical: Eye of the Allfather
- Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt
Bloodhound is the best Recon Legend in the game, and we have placed the technological tracker in S+ Tier. Bloodhound is one of the most-picked characters in pro play, and his abilities fit perfectly in any team composition. To master Bloodhound, we recommend players stick close to their team and provide them with constant information based on visual cues. Bloodhound's Ultimate ability not only gives the character a speed boost but also decreases cooldown time for the Tactical ability.
Wondering what are the recent changes in the new Ranked system? Check out All changes to Ranked Mode in the Apex Legends Awakening Event on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 01:41 pm