Our Apex Legends Tips guide will walk you through a bunch of tricks that will help beginners and all players alike! We've got a bunch of tips for movement, looting, ping system, healing, shields, and a whole lot more. At the end of the guide, we'll take a deeper look at how specifically to best win games.
We're breaking this up into a few parts, one part for beginners, one for general players, and one section strictly on how-to win more games. Even if you've been playing for a bit, I recommend scanning through the beginner section just to see if there's a tidbit or two you might have missed!
Apex Legends Tips for Beginners
In this section, we're taking a look at some tips you should know before getting out onto the battlefield. These might also help some players that have been trying out the game a bit, and might've missed some of this stuff along the way.
There's No Fall Damage
Fall from as high as you want, and jump from the greatest heights because you do not take damage from falls!
No Friendly Fire
Don't worry about accidentally throwing your ultimate ability on top of your teammates accidentally, because you can't do damage to your them with abilities or weapons.
There is a slight caveat to this if you are playing Caustic. While you don't damage your teammates with the gas from his canisters, it does have the same vision impairing effect as it does to enemies.
Relinquish the Jumpmaster
If you are unsure about landing spots and don't want the responsibility, then be sure to transfer it over so someone else can take it over. The person who picked their Legend last is the one who will be the Jumpmaster!
Color Coded Rarities & Quality
You'll see a lot of different colors when it comes to loot and these designate their quality. Here's a list from worst to best, high tiers are generally better unless we're talking about Optics (scopes) which can be personal preference.
- Common (White)
- Rare (Blue)
- Epic (Purple)
- Legend (Gold)
Holster Your Weapon to Run Faster
If you are traveling anywhere or are trying to escape then you need to holster your weapon immediately! You run a whole lot faster if you put your gun away, so make sure to be doing this often when traveling from place to place or trying to escape gunfire.
Crouch When Going Downhill for Extra Speed
Speaking of getting extra speed while traveling, you can hold down the crouch button while running downhill to slide. This is extremely fast and will help cover ground much more quickly. This is useful for when you are making an attack on an opponent or trying to escape!
You Can Climb Up Walls
While you can't climb up huge mountains, you can make your way up most walls. All you need to do is approach the wall, jump, and hold the jump key and you will scamper up the wall.
To climb certain walls you'll need to holster your weapon which allows you to climb higher.
Use this ability in close quarter situations! If you are fighting someone close and you can climb up a boulder or onto a platform, do this so you can shoot down on them. Most players expect you to come from the sides of cover, but not from above.
Only Loot Items You Need
There's an early instinct in games like this to grab every piece of loot that isn't nailed to the ground. Only grab stuff you need, or will most likely need in the future. This includes first aid, shield regeneration, and ammo for your current weapons. Make sure to check your inventory when you have time for any ammunition you aren't using, it will have a red circle in the corner. Inventory slots are limited, so you'll want to be sure to get rid of anything that you don't need.
Use the Ping System
One of the most important things to do when playing is to use the Ping system. This allows you to communicate with your fellow teammates on where you are going to go or where might an enemy be. It is especially helpful when not using voice chat, but even if you are you should still use it. Relaying the location of an enemy can be difficult under fire, instead of doing that just ping the area so everyone knows exactly where you are referring to.
Not only can you ping locations, you can ping just about every item in the game! Ping weapons, ammo, or gear that your teammates might want and it will alert them to its existence. There's a lot of interesting stuff going on with this system, so check out out Ping Guide for more information.
Use Re-Deploy Balloons
You'll find these all over the map, there's a tall tower with a balloon at the top. You can climb the rope and it will deploy you like in the beginning of the game. This can help you travel great distances and help you reach the next circle.
If Downed, Don't Forget Your Knockdown Shield!
This is an easy one to forget, but if you got a Knockdown Shield while looting you shouldn't forget to use it. You can block some damage from enemies trying to finish you off, this can give your teammates enough time to help you out. Plus, some players have a tendency to waste their time finishing when they don't have to. The shield will delay this even further.
Don't Leave Games When You Die!
New players that don't know anything about the game will leave the second they've been eliminated, but you don't need to do this because you can still be revived! One of your teammates can recover your banner and bring it to a Respawn Beacon that brings you back into the game. You do spawn without loot, so hopefully you can go back to your body and retrieve it!
You Don't Have to Do a Finisher
When an opponent is down you'll see a prompt to do an animated finisher. While you can do this and it looks cool, it's best not to do this if enemies are still around. This is a good way to get eliminated! Best way to finish someone is to either melee them or just shoot them to finish.
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General Apex Legends Tips
These are more generalized tips for intermediate and advanced players.
You Can Hang on Ledges
If you are climbing up a wall and are right about to vault up, you can let go of the button and you will hang from the ledge. This has some fringe usability, but it's good to know.
Melee Can Open or Break Doors
One thing a lot of people don't seem to realize is that you can melee a door once to knock it open, and you can do it twice to break it. This is particularly useful when a downed enemy or a Caustic with a canister blocks a door. Crack it twice with your melee to dispatch the problematic barrier.
Your Enemy's Armor Rarity is Displayed When You Shoot Them
If you start shooting an enemy and you see colors being displayed around the damage then you are hitting a specific type of armor. This is good to know because each color represents a different rarity and each of these has more shield than the other. Here's a break out of the numbers:
- Common (White): 50 Shield
- Rare (Blue): 75 Shield
- Epic (Purple): 100 Shield
- Legendary (Gold): 100 Shield
You Can Heal While Sliding
Sliding down a hill to escape your enemies quickly? Well, you can heal while doing so! Very useful for getting away at a high-rate of speed while topping off your health.
Top Tier Loot Comes From Supply Drops
If you see a blue pulsing circle on the map, that signifies that a Supply Drop will be landing there. These have the possibility of containing two of the best guns in the game: Mastiff Shotgun or Kraber .50-CAL Sniper Rifle. Those two weapons are currently the only Legendaries available, and can only be found in a Supply Drop.
Ziplines Can Be Taken Up or Down
While it would make sense if you could only take a zipline down, you can head upwards on it as well. It all depends on which way you are facing when you attach to it. You can also grab a zipline from any portion of it, not just the top or bottom.
Learn the Recoil Patterns
Apex Legends' weapons have set recoil patterns, so if you find yourself using specific weapons in each game then you'll want to learn their recoil patterns. The best way to do this is to head into the training area and fire the weapon of your choice into a wall. You'll then get a good idea of how the gun will react when you are firing it and can practice controlling it better.
Drop Correctly
There's a specific way to drop out of the plane that will keep your speed much higher than just doing the typical straight towards the spot you want to land strategy. What you want to do is drop straight down to around 145 speed, then glide until around 135, then again drop until back to 145, and continue this process. The final result basically looks like stair steps, but for a visual check out this guide on Reddit.
Learn Where-to Drop
Each place on the map has a tier designation on how good the loot will be. These are broken down into High, Mid, and Low Tier. You will obviously want to land in high tier loot spots for the best options for loot! Here's a map with all of the tier designations for each area.

- Purple: High Tier Loot
- Green: Mid Tier Loot
- Gray: Low Tier Loot
Advanced Sliding Tactics
Here are some quick tips that can help you maintain speed or move quicker while sliding:
- Once you want to pop out of your slide you should jump which will continue your momentum forward briefly.
- You can melee after coming out of a slide to get a small boost.
- Slide when coming off of a zipline, grapple, or speed boosting movement ability and you will maintain that momentum.
- You can slide after landing from the initial deploy or redeploy to gain a burst of speed. You can see it demonstrated here on Reddit.
Tips on How-to Win
I don't really recommend trying to win when you first start out in a Battle Royale game. It's much better to engage in battles so you can practice being under pressure and getting into a bunch of fire fights. If you want to win, you want to avoid battles and you just want to get to the end game where you can hopefully snatch a victory while the final two teams are battling it out.
- Land far away from the flight path, but at the best loot spot available. Most named areas have a high concentration of loot, and landing away from the path usually means there will be less players heading there.
- Avoid fights as much as possible. Fights draw in players, and it's really easy to get flanked by another team if you are making a ton of noise battling with another team.
- Only engage in battles if you can third party or engage after a team has finished a battle. This leaves them either distracted or vulnerable, and will give you the best chance to win the fight.
- Always take the high ground when possible. This gives you a significant tactical advantage in any fight.
- If you have a Pathfinder on your team, have them use their passive to check where the late game circle will end up. This way you can post up in the best position possible before it closes.
Published: Feb 11, 2019 12:27 pm