If you are curious about the total price of all the items in Apex Legends, we will reveal how much money you need to spend to unlock every legend, skin, and weapon in the game.
There are quite a few attainable items in Apex Legends. It's natural to wonder exactly how much this will all cost. The answer is not very cut and dry, as player participation and luck will affect the overall price tag. Regardless, we've provided a breakdown of what you can generally expect when unlocking everything in Apex Legends.
How much money is it to unlock everything in Apex Legends?

While it might seem like a straightforward answer on how much money you'll need to buy everything in Apex Legends, it is not. Because of the randomized pack system, free packs you get may have rarer items and mean less money spent in the long run. In March 2023, BirnoOCE on YouTube set out to try and answer this question. Ultimately, they found that unlocking all items via Apex Legends in Apex Legends cost them nearly $6,000.
However, it's important to note that each player will have different odds. This means that the number will vary between players, but it does help give us a general idea.
How much can you get for free in Apex Legends?

How much you get for free in Apex Legends is really a matter of how much you play and the opportunities in Apex Legends that you take advantage of. There have been, and will likely continue to be, lots of events that give free items. Not all players have been playing for as long or play as often. For this reason, it is impossible to say exactly how many items you can get for free in Apex Legends.
When you combine all possible opportunities and levels achieved, we gain a theoretical idea of what you can get free of charge while playing Apex Legends. If you are a player who has done the following, you'll have gotten the maximum number of free packs:
- Maxed out on levels
- Used Battle Pass for all seasons
- Played all seasons of Apex Legends
- Participated in every free promotion
According to a YouTube video by TheThak, the amount of packs someone could have received for free is over 500. Specifically, TheThak claims in his video that the maximum number of Apex Legends packs a player who fits the above criteria could hypothetically receive is 515 packs. The number of players who have reached this is likely low, as not many have played as long or have done all the events in the game.
Want to read more about Apex Legends? If so, check out Does Apex Legends have cross progression? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 30, 2023 11:35 am