In Apex Legends Control mode, everyone starts with the same tier of weapons. When you first spawn into the game, you have a Rare-tier blue two-star weaponry for your full Loadout. If you want to roll with high-tier weaponry, there are three main ways to do such. One involves some hard work, and the others are often more about luck and timing. Let’s take a look.
Improve Your Rating
Improving your Rating is central to upgrading your weaponry. If you want to get the weapons you spawned with to purple (three-star) or even gold (four-star), you will need to improve your Rating. The level of your weapons is determined by how well you are performing in Control overall. To learn more specifics about improving your Rating, check out our guide on Ratings here.
Related: How to choose your Weapons Loadout in Control Apex Legends
Loot a Fallen Player
If a player dies, their weapons are left behind. If a player drops a higher-tier weapon, you can switch to it. You can do this to weapons owned by anyone, be it an enemy you killed or an ally that fell beside you. But keep in mind other players may not favor the same types of weapons that you do. Sometimes a lower-level weapon you are good with is better than a higher-level weapon you struggle with.
Loot an Airdrop
The Airdrop Timed Event can be another great way to get high-tier weaponry in Control. There will be an on-screen timer when the drop is about to start. Each Airdrop can contain weapons of varying rarities, but weapons will always at least be purple (three-star). For more information, read up on our Airdrops-specific guide.
For more Apex Legends content, check out How to stop enemies from spawning at the Central Zone in Control Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 8, 2022 5:25 PM UTC