Taming and riding a T-Rex is hard, especially if you're a beginner. While I already had experience with ARK: Survival Evolved, I wanted everything straight away in this improved version. For that, I needed to learn all console commands and cheat codes in ARK Survival Ascended.
All ARK Survival Ascended cheat codes and console commands list
- settimeofday <hh:mm> - Choose what time it is on a map.
- setcheatplayer true - Enables onscreen stats like fps number, zone, coordinates, time, etc.
- setcheatplayer false - Disables onscreen stats.
- ToggleInfiniteAmmo - You have unlimited ammo.
- Givebossitems - Gets you a boss reward.
- Fly - You can fly around the map like Superman.
- walk - You no longer fly or float.
- Changesize <value> – Change how large you are. Starting size is 1, so enter a bigger number to become a giant.
- addexperience <number> – enter how much experience you want to earn.
- Enemyinvisible – You will be ignored by all creatures even after you attack them.
- Ghost – You can float and go through objects. Type Walk to return to normal.
- Gmbuff – God mode, over 5000 points for engrams, and extra experience.
- Infinitestats – you don't need food, water, oxygen, and you never get tired.
- Leavemealone – God mode ON.
- Givearmorset <tier> <quality> – Unlocks an armor set:
- Tier: desert, ghillie, riot, scuba, cloth, chitin, metal, flak, tek, hide, hazard, fur
- Quality: primitive, alpha, ramshackle, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft
- Giveweaponset <tier> <quality> – Instantly unlocks every weapon of your chosen tier.
- Tier: primitive, basic, advanced, tek
- Quality: primitive, alpha, ramshackle, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft
- Giveitemset <tier> – Receive items from different groups by typing tiers: 0, 1, 2, 3, food, water, brews.

- Giveitem <blueprintpath> <quantity> <quality> <forceblueprint> – Get the item you want.
- Giveitemnum <itemnum> <quantity> <quality> <forceblueprint> – Get the item you want.
- Giveitemtoplayer <playerID> <blueprintpath> <quantity> <quality> <forceblueprint> – Supply another player with an item of your choosing.
- Giveitemnumtoplayer <playerID> <itemnum> <quantity> <quality> <forceblueprint>
- Giveresources – You'll receive 50 of each type of material.
- Givecreativemode – This places you in creative mode where you have everything unlocked.
- Givecreativemodetotarget – You can "give" creative mode to a player you've targeted.
- Givecreativemodetoplayer <playerID> – Give creative mode to a specific player.
- Giveengrams – Instantly unlock every crafting recipe.
- Giveengramstekonly – Grants you every Tek engram.
- Givecolors – Grants you some of each dye.
- Dotame – Tame a dinosaur you've targeted.
- Forcetame – Tame a dinosaur you've targeted and ride it without a saddle.
- Forcetameaoe <radius> – Tame all dinosaurs around you. The default radius is 2000, but you can expand that.
- Givedinoset <tier> <quantity> – Spawns and saddles a dinosaur. Type: 0, 1, 2, 3, flyers, me, siegemek, misslemek, shieldmek, argent, extinction
- Summon <type> – Summons a creature.
- Summontamed <type> – Summons tamed creature.
- Gmsummon <type> <level> – Spawns a tamed animal of a specific type and level.
- Tpcoords <lat> <lon> <altitude> – Enter coordinates to teleport to a specific part of the map.
- Teleport – move forward until you hit the wall.
- TeleportplayerIDtome <playerID> – Teleport near a player you wish.
- Teleportplayernametome <playername> – Teleports a specific player to your location.
- Giveallmeat – You'll get meat from all types.
Best cheat codes and console commands - ARK Survival Ascended
There are so many console commands, but I found only a handful of them really useful. These are the best ARK: Ascended cheat codes and console commands I've found:
- Gmbuff – God mode, engram points, and extra experience.
- Forcetame – Tame a dinosaur you've targeted and ride it without a saddle.
- Infinitestats – you don't need food, water, oxygen, and you never get tired.
- Giveengrams – Instantly unlock every crafting recipe.
- Giveresources – You'll receive 50 of each type of material.
- Givearmorset <tier> <quality> – Unlocks an armor set:
- Tier: desert, ghillie, riot, scuba, cloth, chitin, metal, flak, tek, hide, hazard, fur
- Quality: primitive, alpha, ramshackle, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft
- Giveweaponset <tier> <quality> – Instantly unlocks every weapon of your chosen tier.
- Tier: primitive, basic, advanced, tek
- Quality: primitive, alpha, ramshackle, apprentice, ascendant, journeyman, mastercraft
- ToggleInfiniteAmmo – You have unlimited ammo.
How to enable console commands and cheat codes in ARK Survival Ascended

To use the admin console for cheat codes in ARK: Survival Ascended, you must turn Console Access on in Settings under the Advanced tab. If you're playing on a map created by someone else, you must have an admin password, or else you won't be able to use console commands in ARK: Survival Ascended.
For more information on ARK: Survival Ascended, check out Differences between ARK Survival Ascended (ASA) and ARK Survival Evolved on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 27, 2023 12:20 am