Fasolasuchuses are fearsome predators and rulers of the dunes, and learning how to tame and breed them means gaining powerful allies to protect my base. To learn all about the Fasolasuchus in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended, check out this in-depth guide on taming, feeding, and breeding this legendary beast.
How to tame, feed and breed Fasolasuchus in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended

Below, you'll find a step-by-step guide on how to tame, feed, and breed the mighty Fasolasuchus in ARK Survival Ascended. Its blistering speed and ability to move through sand undetected is a massive advantage during hunting and combat. Apart from its fighting capabilities, they're an excellent source of resources such as raw meat and hide.
How to tame Fasolasuchus in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended

Before I started looking for a Fasolasuchus, I made sure my equipment was up to the task. The best armor for the job is the Ghillie Armor, letting me stay stealthy while protecting me from getting a heat stroke. Here are the crafting ingredients for the Ghillie Armor:
- 40x Hide
- 18x Fiber
- 26x Organic Polymer
These resources aren't hard to come by. The best source of Fiber are plants, while Hide can be found in dinosaurs' remains. To find Organic Polymer, you'll need to hunt the Karkinos, the Mantis, the Hesperonis or the Kairuku.

While searching for the Fasolasuchus, keep your eyes peeled for small sand hills indicating the spot where it's burrowed. Once you find a sand hill, use one of your explosive weapons, such as C4, grenades, and rocket launchers to make the dinosaur dive out of the sand.
Related: Best starting base locations in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended
Now that he's out in the open, close in on the Fasolasuchus and mount it to begin the taming process. Your goal is to increase the Torpidity meter before the Control meter is depleted, and you do so by steering the Fasolasuchus into rocks, bones, and sand. These will slow down the creature and increase the Torpidity, but avoid slamming into cliffs, trees, and buildings lest you fall off the animal.
Only when the Torpidity meter is nearly full can you try steering the Fasolasuchus into a cliff or a mountain to finish him off. Once he's knocked out, it's feeding time!
How to feed Fasolasuchus ARK Scorched Earth Ascended

To tame the Fasolasuchus, you'll need to feed him Exceptional Kibble, Raw Mutton, or any type of Cooked and Prime Meat. Feeding it any other type of food will increase the Taming Timer unless you used the Sanguine Elixir, as mentioned beforehand. Eventually, the Fasolasuchus will flash green, indicating that the taming process is complete.
If you want to ride your tamed beast into battle, you'll need to craft a Fasolasuchus Saddle. You unlock it by reaching level 70 and spending 40 Engram Points. Here's what you'll need to craft one:
- x200 Fiber
- x150 Hide
- x30 Metal Ingots
- x100 Wood
To collect metal and wood as fast as possible, use the mounted Ankylosaurus and roam the giant boulders in search of mineral stashes. Use the Ankylosauruses tail to quickly destroy the metal nodes, or use a Pickaxe if you prefer the hands-on approach.
How to breed Fasolasuchus ARK Scorched Earth Ascended

To breed the Fasolasuchus, you'll need one male and one female specimen. Once you've tamed both genders, approach the male Fasolasuchus and hold the Ride button to open the action menu. Select Behavior, and then select Enable Mating to activate its Ready to Mate status. Repeat the same with the female Fasolasuchus, and they'll eventually start producing eggs.
Efficient egg collection is key to successful Fasolasuchus breeding. I recommend using a smaller dinosaur, such as the Oviraptor, to collect eggs while you're away. This way, when you return to your base, you'll find a couple of Fasolasuchus eggs ready for incubation. Remember, the Fasolasuchus is a desert creature, so its eggs prefer hot climates. To ensure their hatching, store them in areas with around 50 degrees Celsius (116 degrees Fahrenheit).
Related: Lava Cave Location in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended (Map)
How to spawn Fasolasuchus in ARK Scorched Earth Ascended
Taming and breeding Fasolasuchuses is a lot of work, and sometimes, I want to skip past the tedious parts and enjoy my new Triassic buddy. To enable spawning dinosaurs, go to Settings from the pause menu and then select Advanced. Switch the Console Access Setting to On, and then press Save.
Now that you've enabled console commands press the tilde (~) button on your keyboard to open the console (Button Command button in the Pause menu on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S). To spawn a wild Fasolasuchus, Input the following command:
To spawn a tamed Fasolasuchus, try this command:
Instead of X, input the number indicating the level you want your tamed creature to be. Use these commands to spawn an army of Fasolasuchuses and conquer the Scorched Earth map without breaking a sweat!
Silk is an essential resource in ARK Survival Ascended. To learn where to find it, check out How to get Silk in Ark Scorched Earth Ascended on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Apr 4, 2024 03:32 am