During your travels, you may encounter a very unusual item called Iron Flask within the clutches of some unsavory characters—this particular flask houses the Spectator, a monstrously strong Beholder-kin that is a serious threat to your party if they're unprepared. Fortunately, I've felled this beast on Tactician mode, and know the easy method to kill it. Here's how to beat the Spectator in Baldur's Gate 3.
Baldur's Gate 3 Spectator Boss Guide - How to beat the Spectator in BG3
The Spectator has several different magical attacks that come from the many eye stalks that surround its body. It can attack three times a turn with these stalks, hitting your party with high-damage ray attacks and potent crowd control effects such as Frightened. However, these things don't matter much, because the best way to kill the Spectator is to summon it within your camp.

Summoning the Spectator in your camp allows your entire companion cast of party members to attack it, bypassing the normal party limit. If you've been gathering companions during your adventure, you can easily have six to eight attacking the monster all at once. While you're at camp, you won't be able to directly control them, but as long as you've geared your party up decently well, they will be able to make short work of the Spectator all on their own. Just take your turn dealing damage to it, and your party will do the rest.
The Spectator is still dangerous and may kill a member or two before going down. In this case, use Scrolls of Revivify to resurrect your dead while reaping the experience reward of the beholder-kin's downfall.
Related: BG3 Hunt the Devil Sidequest Guide – Karlach or Anders?
Where to get the Iron Flask in BG3? (Map)
The Iron Flask can be found near the Risen Road, in a cave right off the path heading toward the Mountain Pass (X:39, Y:628). You'll be greeted by a pack of hungry gnolls about to consume two men hiding in a nearby cave. Upon engaging the gnolls, the men will remark that they're being saved, and will flee the scene as you dispatch the gnolls. When you defeat them, speak with the men, and you'll learn of the unspecified cargo they've been tasked to deliver to Baldur's Gate.

The cargo box behind them, in the cave, is locked tight, and you'll need to roll at least a 20 to open it up. Once you do, the Iron Flask will be yours to ponder.
Should you kill the Spectator in BG3?
The Spectator does not drop any loot, so you may be wondering if it's worth killing the beast rather than keeping him sealed away. Under the right circumstances, you could be tasked with delivering the Iron Flask to a noble in Baldur's Gate. A reward could be possible, but I have not discovered what that reward is yet. As things are, I don't recommend killing the Spectator as it appears there could be a rich quest line in store if you don't. I've reloaded to just before opening the flask, so I'll keep you posted once I learn something more.
For more helpful guides, tips, tricks, and news relating to Baldur's Gate 3, check out What to Expect From Doing The Dark Urge in Baldur’s Gate 3 right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 7, 2023 09:21 am