The Shadow Curse is a deadly ailment that starts to factor in once you and your party enter the Shadow Cursed Lands in Act II of Baldur's Gate 3. Throughout Act II, I found there are a few steps to cure the Shadow Curse in BG3, and here is how to do it.
This mechanic caught me by surprise and wiped my party. If you want to avoid the same fate, this guide will help you cure yourself of the Shadow Curse and its harmful effects.
How to deal with the Shadow Curse in Baldur's Gate 3
There are four known methods to avoid the effects of the Shadow Curse in Baldur's Gate 3:
- Using standard light sources
- Bestowing Blessing of Selune
- Using a Moonlantern
- Getting the Pixie's blessing
The moment you enter the Shadow Cursed Lands, all of your party members except for Shadowheart will contract the Shadow Curse, causing them to start losing a lot of HP quickly. This mechanic forces you to play in the turn-based mode and control your characters more accurately. If you exit the turn-based mode, your entire party will be downed aside from Shadowheart, who appears to be unimpeded, as she is the priestess of the evil goddess Shar.
Using Light Sources to Fight the Shadow Curse in BG3
The first way to keep the Shadow Curse in check that will be available to you in BG3 is to seek light sources and stick close to them. Equip your party members with torches to maximize effectiveness and spread of light among your party; lighting braziers will further provide you with light in a limited area, freeing up some of your party members' hands.
The light will still have a limited influence on the Shadow Curse, as it works in areas close to the entrances. Venturing further into the darkness will still cause you to take damage, so be careful when proceeding.
Bestowing Blessing of Selune to Fight the Shadow Curse in BG3
Isobel can cast the Blessing of Selune on your party, enabling limited protection against the Shadow Curse in BG3. You will meet Isobel at the Last Light Inn, where she is introduced to you by Jaheira. Your party members will be blessed by a radiance that draws the Shadow Curse away, enabling you to move without torches through all but the darkest places without sustaining damage. Note: if you didn't ensure Isobel's survival during the invasion by agents of the Absolute, this blessing would be impossible to obtain.
Using a Moonlantern to Fight the Shadow Curse in BG3
A more effective means of fighting the Shadow Curse in BG3 is using a Moonlantern to ward the darkness away. This lantern is the only actual hard counter to the darkness of the Shadow Curse and can penetrate even the areas where the darkness is the deepest. There are two known ways to obtain a Moonlantern:
- Defeating Kar’niss at the Ruined Battlefield.
- Balthazar's room has one if you manage to get into the Moonrise Towers.
If you pick up the lantern from Kar'niss' body, a dialogue will initiate, letting you know there is a pixie called Dolly Dolly Dolly trapped inside the Moon lantern. It is her providing the lantern with its curse-dispelling radiance.
Related: What is a Guardian in BG3 – Does Guardian Choice Matter?
Should you let Pixie Go or Keep the Kar’niss Moonlantern in BG3?
The dialogue with the Pixie will give you two options in Baldur's Gate 3:
- Keep the Pixie in the Moonlantern.
- Let the Pixie go.
Pixies are known to be deceitful, and their trickery is sometimes malicious (as noted by the narrator, who cautions you against trusting her so easily). Not trusting her and keeping her in the Moonlantern would seem wise and certainly beneficial, as it would keep the lantern working against the darkness. If you keep the Pixie locked up in a lantern, half of your party will approve, and half won't. She will remain locked, allowing you to use the lantern's light as before, but you forgo the chance of getting her blessing.
If you choose to let the Pixie go, she will bestow the Pixie's blessing upon you and your entire party as a sign of genuine gratitude. If you have had an earful of her bad rhymes and are playing as Dark Urge as I did, you can also choose to swiftly end her career, much to your party's shock and disdain.
Getting a Pixie's Blessing to Fight the Shadow Curse in BG3
Getting the Pixie's blessing is the most effective way to fight the Shadow Curse in BG3 because it works on your entire party without the need to equip Moonlanterns, providing protection across even the darkest areas of the Shadow Cursed Lands.
How to cure the Shadow Curse in BG3
After securing a way to avoid the effects of the Shadow Curse, you will be tasked with curing the Shadow-Cursed Lands. To do this, you must go through Halsin's quest. To complete this quest and cure the Shadow Curse, you will want to do the following in Act 2:
- Wake Art Cullagh
- Save Thaniel
- Protect Halsin near Last Light Inn
How to Wake Art Cullagh in BG3
To start the quest to cure the Shadow-Cursed Lands, you must first go to the room located on the first floor of Last Light Inn on the right side and interact with Art Cullagh sleeping on a bed. You will need to retrieve the Battered Lute from Malus Thorm at the House of Healing. You can then return to Art, play the Lute and wake him.
Related: Things To Do Before Leaving Act 2 in Baldur’s Gate 3
How to save Thaniel in BG3
To save Thaniel, you will want to travel to the Shadowed Battlefield and go northwest to the abandoned house. Here you will talk to Oliver, who will play hide-and-seek with you. After two rounds of hide-and-seek, Oliver will open a portal. Follow Oliver and defeat the enemies to free him. Once you free Oliver, return to Last Light Inn and interact with Halsin near Art's bed. Halsin will tell you to prepare to cure the Shadow Curse with his help.
- Oliver's Location - X: 78, Y: 36
When following Oliver into the portal, you will face a large amount of enemies that when killed, will weaken his shield. A good strategy is to use AOE spells and Spirit Guardians to quickly eliminate the enemies.
How to Protect Halsin in BG3
Once you are prepared, you can meet Halsin near the shoreline next to Last Light Inn. You will have to protect a portal he opens for several rounds while Shadows, reanimated guards, and Spectres try to attack. Successfully defend the portal and Halsin will indicate that the Shadow Curse has one more step to being cured. Once you complete Moonrise Towers and move on to Act 3, if you have completed all the quests mentioned above, a cutscene will trigger and the Shadow Curse will be lifted.
- Halsin's Portal Location - X: -70, Y: 209
Radiant damage will be your best friend when protecting the portal. Use Spirit Guardians and AOE spells to eliminate the big groups of enemies. Take out the ranged attackers first, as they can quickly attack the portal and cause you to fail the quest.
If you're looking for more help on your adventures in Baldur's Gate 3, you've come to the right place! Pro Game Guides is your lantern in the dark! Check out BG3 – How to beat the Spectator in Baldur’s Gate 3 and BG3 Hunt the Devil Sidequest Guide – Karlach or Anders?.
Published: Jan 8, 2024 8:03 PM UTC