In Call of Duty DMZ, you will come across various locked spaces and containers that can be unlocked with specific keys. The Buoyant House is one of these locked houses located on the Vondel map, and you can get fairly decent loot from this area if you have the corresponding key. Here's how to get and use the Buoyant House Key in DMZ.
Where to use the Buoyant House Key in DMZ

The Buoyant House Key can be used to unlock one of the houses in the Floating District area located on the southern corner of the Vondel map. You will find this house located on the map sector C7. Check the white circle on the map image above to see the exact location of the Buoyant House in Call of Duty DMZ. If you have the Buoyant House Key, use it to unlock the building, and collect all the loot from inside.
Inside the Buoyant House, you will find a few red loot caches, weapons, equipment, and tons of cash. There's also a Note for the Dog-Sitter kept on top of the table located right of the entrance. You can collect this item and check it from the Notes Menu in DMZ. Keep in mind that the Floating District area often has a High-Value Target roaming around, so you might encounter a platoon of AI forces in this region. The loot inside this house is good for a squad of three, so make sure to visit this location if you have the Buoyant House Key.
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How to get the Buoyant House Key in DMZ

While there are no guaranteed locations to find the Buoyant House Key, your best bet will be to search for it on the Vondel map. You can engage in HVT Contracts to get a randomized key. Likewise, you can search for specific keys by unlocking different loot caches. During my runs, I found the Buoyant House Key twice by simply completing HVT Contracts across the Vondel map. Here are a few methods you can practice in every match to get different keys in DMZ:
- Finding an HVT contract, eliminating the HVT, and collecting the key
- Searching duffle bags, loot stashes, locked containers, and other spaces to find keys
- Eliminating AI forces, bosses, and commanders also reward with keys
- Keys can also be found inside Supply Drops, so its best to check when they drop
Wondering how to get rare items in DMZ? Check out Where to find a GPU in Warzone 2 DMZ on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 27, 2023 03:38 pm