Each weapon has their own set of challenges to complete in order to unlock various items like attachments and camos in Call of Duty Mobile. However, unlocking camos from the Completionist set like Gold, Platinum, and Damascus require an immense effort by the player, which involves unlocking all other grindable camos for a particular gun.
The most sought after camo from the Completionist set is the Diamond camo, owing to the massive grind required to unlock it. It is a matter of prestige for players and a chance to show off their dedication to the game. In this guide, we'll break down all the challenges you need to complete for each class of weapon and a quick way to unlock the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile.
How to get Diamond Camo for all guns in Call of Duty Mobile

In order to get the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile, players need to get a specific number of kills with a weapon for a certain number of matches. The number of kills and matches required differs depending upon the weapon class. Players should keep in mind that in order to unlock the Diamond camo challenges, they need to unlock Gold, Platinum, and Damascus camo beforehand for the weapon of their choice.
The following are all the challenges you need to complete for each weapon class to unlock the Diamond camo in Call of Duty Mobile:
- Assault Rifles: 10 Kills per match for 150 matches
- SMG: 10 Kills per match for 120 matches
- LMG: 10 Kills per match for 120 matches
- Sniper Rifles: 10 Kills per match for 120 matches
- Shotguns: 10 Kills per match for 120 matches
- Pistol: 10 Kills per match for 80 matches
- Melee: 500 total kills with each weapon
- Launchers: 100 UAVs destroyed with each launcher
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Best ways to unlock Diamond Camo in Call of Duty Mobile

If you're wondering how to unlock the Diamond camo most efficiently, the best advice would be to play Free for All matches in small maps, like Shipment, Killhouse, and Nuketown. It will take some patience and a lot of matches to unlock a Diamond camo, depending on the weapon of your choice. Therefore, it's best to play short matches where you can rack up kills constantly. Simply choose the best loadout for your weapon of choice and keep stacking those kills until you have completed the required number of kills and matches. You could also try playing Hardpoint, as these matches last longer, allowing you to get a good number of kills per match.
Looking to optimize your controls for Call of Duty Mobile? Check out Best Call of Duty: Mobile Settings, right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 4, 2022 06:57 am