The Season 1: Reloaded update has arrived in Call of Duty MW2 and Warzone 2, and it has brought several new elements to the game, including a new Building 21 area. Building 21 can be accessed from Warzone 2 DMZ, although its not located on the Al Mazrah Map. You will need to collect a special key to get access to this building. Here's how to locate and enter Building 21 in Warzone 2 DMZ.
How to get DRC Building 21 Access Card in Warzone 2 DMZ

To access Building 21 in Warzone 2 DMZ, you must find the DRC Building 21 Access Card. Once you get the card, stow it in your backpack, and extract with it successfully to get access to the Building 21 area in the game. There are a few methods to get the DRC Building 21 Access Card in easily in Warzone 2 DMZ, and we recommend that players follow these methods to avoid any chance of getting eliminated by enemy operators.
Players can acquire the DRC Building 21 Access Card from Supply Drops, by eliminating a Commander, or by stealing it from another operator squad. The first two options are easier than fighting an enemy team, and you'll only need to follow a few steps to complete them. To collect Supply Drops easily, players can capture a SAM Site. This will automatically shoot down the drop ship aircraft, and you'll be able to collect the Supply Drop.
Similarly, the SAM Site also shoots missiles at Commander helicopters, eliminating them within a few shots. Visit the wreckage and check the Supply Drop to find the DRC Building 21 Access Card and other loot. Players can also find this key from regular Supply Drops that are available to everyone. However, you must wait for these Supply Drops and visit the area where it lands.
Related: Hunting Party DMZ Mission Guide
Remember, not every Supply Drop will have a DRC Building 21 Access Card, so you need to open as many as possible to acquire this key. Likewise, getting the key isn't enough as you must exfil successfully to unlock the Building 21 area. If the DRC Building 21 Access Card is in your key inventory, then the Building 21 map will be available from the Deploy section in Warzone 2 DMZ. Select the Building 21 location, and visit it with your teammates to get some of the best loot in the game.
If you are wondering which is the best loadout in Warzone 2, check out Best TAQ-V loadout and attachments in Warzone 2 right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 15, 2022 09:10 am