Binging an item into a DBD match will often be the most important thing to keep you alive or to get you tunneled if it's a Flashlight. Here's a list of all Dead by Daylight items and how to use them to ensure escape.
How to use all Dead by Daylight items
Regular Items in DBD

Survivors in Dead by Daylight use toolboxes to increase the speed of generator repairs or sabotage a hook. Some toolboxes are better to use on gens, while others are better used to sabo a hook.
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- Worn-Out Tools - These tools increase the generator repair speed by 50% while decreasing the Good Skill Check success zone by 10%. It also unlocks the hook sabotage action. It's the cheapest and most common toolbox in the Bloodweb. With 16 chargers and a skill check success debuff, it's not super impressive, but it's still useful when you have nothing else.
- Toolbox - An uncommon DBD toolbox that increases gen repair speed by 50% and hook sabotage speed by 10%. It is a useful and cheap item with 20 charges that Survivors will usually have in abundance and use a lot.
- Mechanic's Toolbox - Increases generator repair speed by 75% while decreasing hook sabotaging speed by 10%. The rare Mechanic's Toolbox has 16 charges and is better for repairing gens.
- Commodius Toolbox - Increases generator repair speed by 75%. It can also be used to sabo hooks, but it doesn't provide either a buff or a debuff. It is still a better option for gen repair, as there are better toolboxes for sabotage. This toolbox has 32 charges, so it's better than the Mechanic's Toolbox if you're picking between the two rare toolboxes.
- Engineer's Toolbox - This very rare toolbox increases generator repair speed by 100% while decreasing hook sabotage speed by 25%. Use it primarily for gen repair, and try to avoid sabotaging if possible. The Engineer's Toolbox has 16 charges.
- Alex's Toolbox - Alex must have enjoyed chaos because his toolbox is perfect for hook sabotage with an increase in speed of 50%. It also provides a speed increase for gen repair of 10%. While you can use its 24 charges to repair gens, it is definitely the best if you are on a sabo strategy or completing a sabo challenge.
- Festive Toolbox - This is only available in the Bloodweb during the DBD Lunar event. It increases the generator repair speed by 50% and includes a super fun mechanic. If you hit a Great skill check, it will detonate firecrackers. However, the toolbox will detonate fireworks if you miss a skill check. Bring the Festive Toolbox in if you're prepared to be loud with its 32 charges.
- Anniversary Toolbox - This toolbox was only available in the Bloodweb during the fifth-anniversary event of Dead by Daylight. It increases the generator repair speed by 50% and has 32 charges. The best part about this event toolbox is the fireworks that go off once the box is depleted.
- Masquerade Toolbox - This is the new DBD toolbox only available in the Bloodweb during the anniversary event. It's got the same numbers and mechanics as the Anniversary Toolbox.

Dead by Daylight med-kits are items used by the Survivors to heal their teammates or themselves. Keep in mind that all med-kits will heal you at a reduced speed of 33% and reduced efficiency by 33%. So it's always better to commit to Altruism and heal your teammates with the med-kits. If you need to, of course, you should use them for a self-heal; it will just be slower.
- Campaign Aid Kit - The most common and cheapest med-kit. It increases the speed of Altruistic healing by 35%.
- First Aid Kit - An uncommon DBD med-kit that increases the speed of Altruistic healing by 40%. This is a better version of the common med-kit, but it's still cheap, so it will most often be found in Survivors' inventories.
- Emergency Med-Kit - This rare item increases the speed of Altruistic healing by 45%. Another med-kit that is most often found in Bloodwebs and one that Survivors will most often bring in.
- Ranger Med-Kit - The Ranger Med-Kit increases Altruistic healing speed by 50%. This is a very rare item.
- All Hallow's Eve Lunchbox - This med-kit is available in the Bloodweb during the Halloween DBD event, increasing Altruistic healing speed by 40%. It makes you pretty visible as it glows in the dark. I love taking it into a match and don't care if the Killer finds me because I look cool.
- Anniversary Med-Kit - The Anniversary Med-Kit was only available in the Bloodweb during the Anniversary events up until the sixth one. It increases the speed of Altruistic healing by 40% and an increase in confetti when used up by 100%.
- Masquerade Med-kit - The Masquerade Med-Kit is available in the Bloodweb during the Anniversary Event from the sixth year onwards. It has the same numbers and mechanics as the previous Anniversary Med-Kit.

Maps are used to track Auras in matches. What they track will depend on the add-ons added to the item. Maps will also work in tandem with perks like Detective's Hunch.
- Map - The map is a rare item that activates your Aura reading abilities for 20 seconds when you use it. At the start of the match, you can track one generator instantly. This map can track generators, chests, and totems.
- Rainbow Map - The Rainbow Map is an ultra rare item that activates your Aura reading abilities for 20 seconds. You start off a match tracking three random objects. The map can track anything from the list of exit gate switches, generators, and the hatch when you are less than eight meters away. You can also track Killer belongings like Bear Traps. Finally, you can also track chests and totems.

Keys are used to read Auras of items with the help of add-ons and for opening hatches when you're the last one standing.
- Broken Key - This common item activates your Aura reading abilities based on your Item add-ons. It lasts up to 10 seconds. You can't open the hatch with the Broken Key.
- Dull Key - This rare key activates your Aura reading abilities based on your add-ons for up to five seconds. You can open a hatch with the Dull Key if you haven't used it up.
- Skeleton Key - This ultra rare key unlocks Aura reading abilities based on your add-ons. You can use it for up to 30 seconds. You can also open the hatch with the Skeleton Key and escape.
Related: Is Dead by Daylight Crossplay?

Survivors use flashlights to blind the Killer. They can also be used for a save. If the Killer is carrying a Survivor, you have to aim just right, and they will get blinded and drop them.
- Flashlight - An uncommon DBD flashlight with eight charges that can be used for eight seconds. This is the cheapest flashlight option, and it's okay if you're in a pinch.
- Sport Flashlight - The Sport Flashlight also has eight charges for eight seconds of use. However, this one also gets the additional benefits of increased aim accuracy by 20% and reduced depletion time by 11%. This is the perfect flashlight for you if you don't know how to blind Killers like me.
- Utility Flashlight - The Utility Flashlight is a rare item in Dead by Daylight with 12 charges for 12 seconds of use. It also has increased beam brightness by 30%, increased blindness duration by 15%, and reduced aim accuracy by 20%. If you have great aim and love blinding Killers, this is the Flashlight for you.
- Will O'Wisp - This flashlight is only available in the Bloodweb during the DBD Halloween event. This is one of my favorite items in Dead by Daylight because the beam projects an image of a Friendly Ghost on surfaces like the wall. If you see me bringing in a flashlight, it's usually this one so I can look at the Ghost.
- Anniversary Flashlight - The Anniversary Flashlight was only available in the Bloodweb during the Dead by Daylight anniversary events until the sixth one. This flashlight features a crown projection and a confetti explosion whenever you blind a Killer. So not only are you blinding them, but you are also adding confetti to the wound.
- Masquerade Flashlight - This flashlight is only available in the Bloodweb during the DBD Anniversary event. It features a unique flashlight design but doesn't include any fun projections like the other two event flashlights.

Firecrackers can blind and deafen both Survivors and Killers. They are also used to stun the Killer if you manage to time them just right. It's not an easy feat to accomplish, especially since there is only one charge and only one chance to succeed.
- Chinese Firecracker - This firecracker was available in chests and regular Bloodwebs before being turned into an event-only item.
- Winter Party Starter - This firecracker is only available in the Bloodweb during the Winter Solstice events in Dead by Daylight.
- Third Year Party Starter - The Third Year Party Starter was available in the Bloodweb during the third-year anniversary DBD event.
Limited Items in DBD
Limited items in Dead by Daylight can only be found in certain Trials. You can usually see their Auras when in the match. They aren't event-specific or can be found in regular chests or Bloodwebs. The limited items are most often Killer-specific, so the Entity will take them back at the end of a match even if you escape with it.

The EMP is a limited item that can be found in a match when you are playing against the Singularity. You can find them in special Supply Cases that will spawn at the beginning of a Trial. It takes 100 seconds for an EMP to print in these chests, but you can also speed it up by interacting.
The EMP is used to deactivate Singularity's Bipods for 45 seconds. It will also remove the Temporal Slipstream from a Survivor using it and anyone in range of its effect. Each EMP can only be used once. It takes two and a half seconds to charge while causing a reduced movement speed, so be sure to time it right.
First Aid Spray

The First Aid Spray spawns in Supply Cases when you are playing against the Mastermind. Don't let the name and its effect from the Resident Evil games fool you. The First Aid Spray cannot be used to heal a Survivor. It is used to cure the Uroboros infection placed on you by Wesker. Each Spray has two tokens, so it can be used to cure the infection twice, for yourself or your teammates.
Flash Grenade

It is the only limited item that is craftable with Leon's Flashbang perk. It has the same use as the firecrackers, to blind and deafen anyone standing too close. It will activate a Loud Noise notification, so don't drop it accidentally, or the Killer will come to you.

The Keycard is a limited item in Dead by Daylight that is exclusive to the Nostromo Wreckage map. This keycard can be found on the body of a cosmonaut, which spawns in random locations across the map. You need to go to the left wing of the Nostromo and input the correct terminal commands of left, down, right, and up. This will unlock an airlock door to the secret room where you can find a chest.
If you input the commands in the wrong order, you will lock down the hack terminal for 15 seconds while an alarm blasts. So ask yourself if the chest is really worth it if you don't know the commands by heart.
Lament Configuration

The Lament Configuration spawns on the map when you are playing against the Cenobite. This is an item that Survivors will want to get to fast. If Pinhead interacts with it, he will activate a Chain Hunt, which I have to say is quite annoying to go against.
If you pick up the Configuration, you can solve it. Keep in mind that this process lasts, and during that time, you are oblivious, and your Aura is visible to the Cenobite. He can instantly teleport to you, so have an escape plan in place or another Survivor distracting him.
Pocket Mirror

The Pocket Mirror can only be found in a Trial if you have the Glyph Caretaker challenge active. First, you have to find a Glyph on the map and pick up a Fragile Pocket Mirror from it. You have to take that mirror to the Glyph in the basement, but there is a catch. You can't run or vault, you can't drop down from the second floor, and you can't drop the mirror to the ground, or it will shatter.
If you've managed to get to the basement with the Pocket Mirror intact, the Basement Glyph will give you the Repaired Mirror. With this item, you can do anything you want and even drop it somewhere to pick it up later. If you leave with the Repaired Mirror, you will get 25,000 Bloodpoints.
Remote Flame Turret

The Remote Flame Turret is available only when going against the Xenomorph. You can grab a turret from the Control Stations on the map. There are two different ways you can use it.
When carrying a Remote Flame Turret, it will be able to track the Alien when it gets within 41 meters of you, beeping in warning. If the Alien is down in the tunnels, then it won't be able to detect you, but your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors. You will also experience the Hindered, Exhausted, and Incapacitated Status Effects.
When you deploy the Remote Flame Turret in a Trial, it will still keep tracking the Alien in the same range. Once the Xenomorph gets in the Turret's line of sight and within 10 meters, it will shoot flames at it. The flames can slow down the Killer and even knock it out of the Crawler mode.
The Turret overheats after four seconds of use or after denying the Crawler mode. You can fix it, so long as the Xenomorph's attack hasn't destroyed it. And sadly, you cannot put multiple turrets in one place against it, as the damage doesn't stack. It's better to find different locations to place them where it might save your life.

The Vaccine is an item available in Supply Cases when you are going against the Nemesis. It will cure you of the T-virus infection, but it only has one token, so make sure to use it when you really need it. As a hoarder who likes to keep items just in case, I have been downed one too many times by Nemesis because I refused to use it.
VHS Tape

The VHS Tape is available in Trials against the Onryo. You can take a tape from one TV and put it into another. If you get hit while carrying a Tape, you will get +2 Stacks of Condemned. Sadako can Mori you if you reach seven Stacks of Condemned, so be careful. You can also remove -3 Stacks of Condemned by inserting the Tape into a different TV.
For more Dead by Daylight tips, check out the Dead by Daylight Killer Perks Tier List on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 1, 2023 08:09 am