The newest patch for Dead by Daylight was just released, and with it comes several fixes to the recent 4.5.0 mid-chapter update! These were much-needed changes to fix glitches that were causing problems for many players. Check out the overview below!
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Dead by Daylight 4.5.2: Bugfixes, HUD Layout Changes, & Planned Fixes
As a patch to a patch, this update does not provide a lot in the way of content. Instead, it focuses on improving some of the game mechanics they changed in the previous major update.
Content Changes
- The biggest change in this patch was the way the responsiveness feels while controlling a Survivor. In the previous update, the developers mentioned that Survivors move the same, but feel slightly different. This change likely addresses that.
- The camera angle was also adjusted back to its original position when Survivors are crawling.
HUD Layout Changes
- Objectives have been moved from the top center of the screen to the bottom left corner and the text has been removed. Objectives are now icon-based.
- Objects are no longer on the top edge of the screen. They've been moved back down to the lower-right corner, and are represented by an icon without text. To improve visibility, the objective icon's sizes and numbers have been increased and now have slight background shading.
- Reduced the size of the Killer's hook count widget to be more in line with the other objectives.
- The Players and their statuses are no longer on the top left corner and have been moved back down to the bottom left corner. However, they are still in vertical form, not horizontal. The timer bar underneath the player icons has increased in size for better visibility.
- A new settings menu option has been added to manipulate the size of the Skill Check icon.
Related: How to Turn On Chat Filters in Dead by Daylight - Pro Game Guides
Bug Fixes
- The biggest fix helped improve the hitbox issues from the mid-chapter update. Some killers looked like they were further than they actually were.
- Some bug fixes addressed general glitches that caused both Killers and Survivors to work better than intended. Some examples of this include crawling too fast, hitting while fatigued, and speed boosts to The Wraith.
- Some bug fixes addressed general glitches that caused both Killers and Survivors to work worse than intended. Some examples of this include screaming at the wrong times, status effects not displaying properly, and difficulty interacting with objects.
- Several bug fixes were applied to add-ons and powers for the Killers. These fixes generally corrected issues with improper counts being displayed and alterations to status effects.
- An issue has been addressed that caused Bloodpoints to not be awarded correctly for some indoor Generators.
- A major change was made to pallet mechanics, addressing an issue where players were forced to the wrong side of a pallet when they stunned a Killer.
- Additional fixes improved the lobby. Some examples of these include outfits changing, old items appearing on the Bloodweb, and the game freezing when entering Spectator Mode.
Unfixed Issues
- The developers have acknowledged that the UI Scaler appears in English, even if the game is set to use other languages.
As a new update, we've always got to give them time to fix the glitches! This patch just proves they're working on it!
Want to see what changes were made in 4.5.0? Check out our overview of the Mid-Chapter Update!
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Published: Feb 23, 2021 10:04 am