With a new Destiny 2 zone comes more Regional Chests to Collect. Neptune's city of Neomuna is home to its fair share of secrets, with these chests being chief among them. Finding them can be a bit of a pain, which is why we've taken the hassle out of it. This will let you get back to grinding out your Seasonal Challenges all the quicker.
Where to Find All Neptune Region Chests in Neomuna - Destiny 2
Ahimsa Park Regional Chests

Spawn in at Strider's Gate and head East towards Ahimsa Park. There will be a contingent of Shadow Cabal forces once you enter the park, on the left. Go past them and look over the ledge. There will be a ledge with glittering black sand. Jump down to find a cavern containing the chest.

From where the first chest is located, jump back up and proceed East toward the next chest. There will be a pile of sand. Follow it until you see a hole. Jump down the hole and grab the chest.

Directly south of where it says Ahimsa Park on the map will be a building with a yellow wall and a moving billboard on the front. Looking around on the right side will reveal a depressed awning. Jump up there and across to the next awning for the final chest.
Liming Harbor Regional Chests

Proceed South from Ahimsa Park to reach Liming Harbor. As soon as you reach the Harbor, stick to the North wall. Just past a group of Vex will be a dual-bladed fan inserted into the wall. Jump up on the post supporting the blades to find the first chest.

This one is a bit tricky to find. Go underneath the large structure that runs the length of Liming Harbor. Right where the icon is for the Regional Chest will be an open room. Jump up to the balcony that runs across the middle. Look up for a pipe directly overhead. Jump up there for the chest.

After collecting the second chest, drop back down and proceed west. You will see several platforms jutting out. Jump to the last platform on the right and look up and to the left. There will be a platform up there with the final chest for Liming Harbor.
Zephyr Concourse Regional Chests

Zip back up to Strider's Gate for a quicker route to Zephyr Concourse. Instead of heading East, you'll now be going West. Immediately upon reaching the concourse, stop and look to your left. There will be a large building that you can go into. Head up to the second-floor balcony and you'll see a Neomuna citizen who can give you a quest. Ignore them and jump onto the awning behind them. Turn around and jump on the large red outcropping and run to the top to find the chest.

Proceed Southeast from the first chest and you'll run into a cozy little outdoor bar. Go behind the bar and look opposite the gaping chasm to see an apartment window that's open. Jump across to claim the second Regional Chest.

The final Regional Chest is one that's difficult to find until it isn't. It's locked behind a glass display case in what appears to be a shopping mall. From where you see the chest in the display, turn around and go down a level. A little to the right will be another display with a weight set inside. It's not clear, but the glass to a gym area is broken. Head inside the display and jump into the ventilation shaft to nab the ninth and final Regional Chest.
For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out Destiny 2 Lightfall – How to get the Seasonal Artifact (Season of Defiance) on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 28, 2023 04:23 pm