Destiny 2 has a wide variety of weapons across different tiers, from common all the way up to exotic and legendary. Among these, sniper rifles are some of the most sought-after weapons, prized for their precision and power. As a result, we have compiled a list of the best sniper rifles in Destiny 2. Whether you're a PvE or PvP player, these rifles will help you take down enemies with ease and style.
Best Sniper Rifles in Destiny 2 - PVE and PVP
20. Izanagi's Burden

Izanagi's Burden is a powerful exotic sniper rifle that was introduced in the Black Armory expansion. Its exotic perk, Honed Edge, allows you to consume multiple ammo rounds to create a single powerful shot that deals massive damage; this makes it great for taking down bosses in PvE activities like raids and Nightfall strikes.
19. Whisper of the Worm

Whisper of the Worm is another exotic sniper rifle introduced in Destiny 2's Warmind expansion. Its exotic perk, White Nail, allows you to rapidly fire ammo without needing to reload as long as you land critical hits, making it a great choice for taking down bosses and high-value targets in PvE activities.
18. The Supremacy

The Supremacy is a legendary sniper rifle introduced in the Forsaken expansion. It has a high rate of fire and can roll with perks like Rapid Hit and Triple Tap, making it a great choice for sustained damage on bosses and major enemies.
17. Long Shadow

Long Shadow is another legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from Vanguard Engrams. It has a high-range stat and can roll with perks like Rapid Hit and Triple Tap, making it a great choice for long-range engagements in PvE activities.
16. Tatara Gaze

Tatara Gaze is a legendary sniper rifle that was introduced in the Black Armory expansion. It has a high-impact stat and can roll with perks like Kill Clip and Dragonfly, making it a great choice for clearing out groups of enemies in PvE activities.
15. Cloudstrike

Cloudstrike is an exotic sniper rifle that can be obtained from the Empire Hunts activity on the Cosmodrome. Its unique perk, Mortal Polarity, creates a lightning storm at the point of impact for precision hits, dealing additional damage to nearby enemies.
14. Succession

Succession is a legendary sniper rifle that can be obtained from the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2. It has the unique trait Fourth Time's the Charm, which rewards precision hits with two rounds returned to the magazine, making it an excellent choice for sustained damage in both PvE and PvP activities.
13. Revoker

Revoker is a pinnacle sniper rifle introduced in Destiny 2's Season of Opulence. Its unique perk, Reversal of Fortune, returns missed shots to the magazine and grants ammo after landing a kill; this makes it great for aggressive playstyles in PvP activities like Crucible and Trials of Osiris.
12. Beloved

Beloved is a legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from the Menagerie activity. It has a high aim assist stat and can roll with perks like Quickdraw and Snapshot Sights, making it a great choice for quick-scoping in PvP activities.
11. The Bite of the Fox

The Bite of the Fox is a legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from Iron Banner matches. It has a high-impact stat and can roll with perks like Snapshot Sights and Opening Shot, making it a great choice for landing quick, powerful shots in PvP activities.
10. Apostate

Apostate is a legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from the Altars of Sorrow activity on the Moon. It has a high aim assist stat and can roll with perks like Quickdraw and Opening Shot, making it a great choice for quick-scoping and landing precise shots in PvP activities.
9. Eye of Sol

Eye of Sol is a legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from Trials of Osiris matches. It has a high aim assist stat and can roll with perks like Snapshot Sights and Opening Shot, making it a great choice for quick-scoping and landing precise shots in PvP activities.
8. Adored

Adored is a legendary sniper rifle that can be acquired from The Crucible or through completing certain quests and activities. It features both Vorpal Weapon and Killing Wind perks, making it a versatile choice for both PVP and PVE content.
7. Sole Survivor

Sole Survivor is a legendary sniper rifle that can be earned from Gambit matches. It has a high aim assist stat and can roll with perks like Fourth Time's Charm and Firing Line, making it a great choice for dealing sustained damage to primeval and high-value targets in Gambit.
6. Dreaded Venture

Dreaded Venture is another legendary sniper rifle that can be obtained from Gambit activities. It has a decent fire rate and impact, allowing it to deal significant damage to invaders and primeval alike. It can roll with perks like Rapid Hit and Triple Tap, making it an excellent choice for players who can land consistent headshots.
5. The Long Goodbye

The Long Goodbye is a powerful legendary sniper rifle that can be acquired from the Nightfall: The Ordeal strike playlist. It has a high aim assist and range stat, along with perks like Triple Tap and Fourth Time's Charm, allowing it to deal massive damage to high-value targets in Gambit.
4. Distant Tumulus

Distant Tumulus is a heavy sniper rifle that can be obtained from Gambit matches. It has a high impact and can roll with perks like Clown Cartridge and Vorpal Weapon, making it a great choice for dealing high damage to primeval in Gambit.
3. Aachen-LR2

The Aachen-LR2 is a legendary sniper rifle that can be acquired randomly through world drops or engrams. It features high aim assist and can roll with perks like Snapshot Sights and Triple Tap, making it a reliable option for dealing precision damage in Gambit.
2. Twilight Oath

Twilight Oath is a legendary sniper rifle that can be obtained from Gambit matches or by turning in tokens to the Dreaming City vendor. It features the Rapid-Fire Frame archetype, meaning it has a fast firing rate and a quick reload time. It can roll with perks like Snapshot Sights and Box Breathing, making it a reliable choice for taking out invaders and blockers in Gambit.
1. Frozen Orbit

It is a legendary sniper rifle that can be acquired from the Europa raid, Deep Stone Crypt. It has the potential to roll with perks like Killing Wind and Opening Shot, which greatly enhances its aim assist and range, making it a reliable choice for dealing with invaders and clearing blockers.
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Published: Apr 28, 2023 08:19 am