It's no secret that Bungie loves the Hunters in Destiny 2. While the Solar 3.0 rework gifted every class with fiery healing goodness, Hunters seemed to come out ahead. With Lightfall out and plenty of subclass options out, it's heartening to see the Hunter Solar subclass still hold up. Here's our favorite build for burning through foes.
Lightfall Solar Hunter Build
This build is all about being as deadly and dangerous as fire itself. There's no focus on healing or self-sustain like in other classes. Your primary defense will be burning through swathes of enemies as quickly as possible.
Solar Abilities
- Blade Barrage: Vault into the air and unleash a volley of Solar-charged explosive knives.
- Marksman's Dodge: Dodge to perform an evasive maneuver with a steady hand. Dodging automatically reloads your weapon.
- Weighted Throwing Knife: Throw a knife that deals extra precision damage and causes scorched targets to ignite. Precision final blows with this knife immediately recharge your class ability.
- Thermite Grenade: A grenade that sends forth a burning line of fire, dealing damage and scorching targets in its path.
Solar Aspects
- Knock 'em Down: Your Solar Supers are enhanced. Golden Gun-Deadshot has increased duration, Golden Gun-Marksman has increased damage resistance and duration, and Blade Barrage launches more projectiles. While radiant, final blows with your equipped Throwing Knife fully refund your melee energy.
- On Your Mark: Precision final blows grant you and nearby allies increased weapon handling and reload speed for a short duration. Stacks 3x. Activating your class ability immediately grants maximum stacks of On Your Mark.
Solar Fragments
- Ember of Combustion: Final blows with your Solar Super cause targets to ignite.
- Ember of Ashes: You apply more scorch stacks to targets.
- Ember of Eruption: Your Solar ignitions have increased area of effect.
- Ember of Char: Your Solar ignitions spread scorch to affected targets.
- Ember of Beams: Your Solar Super projectiles have stronger target acquisition.
- Ragnhild-D
- Aggressive Frame, Subsistence, Thresh, Hakke Breach Armaments, Major Spec
- Ticuu's Divination
- Hipfiring this weapon fires multiple tracking projectiles. Targets marked by these projectiles explode upon death, or when struck by another Sacred Flame's explosion.
- Any Solar Machine Gun
Armor & Mods
Guardians should focus on reaching 100 Resilience first and foremost. This will provide them with the best possible defense and will be critical to surviving Lightfall's increased difficulty. With the increased cost of Resilience Mods, your build might look a bit different, but the following mods are generally what you're after.
- Helm:
- Solar Siphon, Solar Targeting, Font of Wisdom
- Shards of Galanor: Hits and kills with Blade Barrage will return Super energy after the Super ends.
- Solar Loader x2, Font of Focus
- Chest
- Charged Up x2
- Legs
- Solar Weapon Surge x2, Stacks on Stacks
- Class Item
- Utility Kickstart x2
For more Destiny 2 goodies, check out Everything to know about Solar 3.0 in Destiny 2 – Supers, Aspects, and Fragments on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 16, 2023 9:08 AM UTC