To get the Secant Filaments exotic Warlock legs in Destiny 2, you must farm Lost Sectors. Farming Lost Sectors is the best method for getting any of the new Witch Queen armor exotics.
Completing just one Lost Sector won't be enough to get you the exotic. But you can't just farm any old Lost Sector.Â
You need to complete Legendary Lost Sectors and Master Lost Sectors to get Secant Filaments in Destiny 2. These Lost Sectors also reset daily, so you may need to keep farming for a few days before you get the drop.
Related: Destiny 2 Osmiomancy Gloves exotic Warlock arms: How to get & perks
Another way to get the Secant Filaments, among other exotics, is to complete the Witch Queen Campaign on Legendary difficulty. Completing the Witch Queen campaign has a 50 percent chance to drop the legs as a reward.
What is the Secant Filaments exotic Warlock legs perk in Destiny 2?
The special perk players will get when equipping Secant Filaments in Destiny 2 is Devouring Rift. Devouring Rift casts an empowering rift that grants players a Devor buff. The Devour buff makes it so damage done by the player and nearby allies will disrupt enemies.Â
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Published: Mar 1, 2022 08:43 am