The Suros Synergy Origin trait is one of the newer traits in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. When active, this trait grants bonus handling and reduces flinch from incoming attacks for a short period of time. The Suros Synergy Origin trait stacks with similar mods as well. And just like the other Origin Traits, this can only be applied to specific weapons.
Related: What is an Origin Trait in Destiny 2
Keep in mind, this trait cannot be equipped on any and every weapon. This trait is available on weapons manufactured by S.U.R.O.S only. For now, there are only a couple of weapons that have this trait.
- Fortissimo-11 (Kinetic Shotgun)
- Syncopation-53 (Kinetic Pulse Rifle)
- Cantana-57 (Energy Hand Cannon)
- Fugue-55 (Energy Sniper Rifle)
The Suros Synergy Origin trait is a curated roll for the Fortissimo-11 and the Syncopation-53. Usually you get to select between perks on your weapon. However, for a curated roll, you cannot select between perks.
The Cantana-57 and the Fugue-55 have the Suros Synergy Origin Trait as a random roll. Although, in our personal experience, every single copy of the Cantana-57 that we've received till now has had the Suros Synergy Origin Trait on it.
For more information on Origin Traits, check out All Origin Traits in Destiny 2 only on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 28, 2022 12:37 pm