The Codex of Power contains some of the most build-defining components in all of Diablo 4. It is a compendium of effects that drastically alter how some skills work, or how a class is played, and there's no doubt that it will expand in size upon Season 1's release. Needlessly to say, it is important to understand exactly how it works, and how to make the most of each effect, named Aspects, listed within. Here's everything you need to know about the Codex of Power in Diablo 4.
What is the Codex of Power in Diablo IV?
The Codex of Power contains Aspects, which are effects that can change a class's playstyle. Diablo 4 gives you an entire codex of all the known ones in the game, including ones not of your class. Even so, Aspects are account-wide, meaning one character can unlock all of the Aspects if you put the time into it.
The Codex of Power can be accessed at any time by going to the Collections tab and selecting it in the menu. There, you will see all the Aspects. Lit-up Aspects are Aspects you've already obtained, while darkened Aspects are ones you have not. How do you get more Aspects you wonder? A good question, with a good answer, dear reader.
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How to get Aspects in Diablo IV
There are two primary ways of obtaining Aspects for the Codex of Power:
- Legendary Items
- Aspect Dungeons
When you pick up a Legendary Item, color-coded to be dark orange, each one comes with a powerful unique effect that is for your class. These effects are Aspects, but they are attached to the Legendary in question. Legendary items come from random drops or lucky purchases from the Purveyer of Curiosities in all major towns. Luckily, there is a way to move Aspects from one item to another, but we'll get to that in a moment.
The other way to obtain Aspects is through the game's various Aspect Dungeons. These dungeons have a special chest-like icon under the entrance on the world map, designating the dungeon to contain an Aspect. Unlike with Legendary items, Aspects from other classes can be obtained from these dungeons. You can see what Aspect you will get by hovering over the entrance to an Aspect Dungeon on the map.

There are a lot of Aspect Dungeons in Diablo 4's game world, so keep an eye out for the ones you need. Upon completion of the dungeon, you will permanently receive the Aspect in question for future use. How do you use them, you ask?
How to use Aspects in Diablo IV
Aspects used from Legendary Items have a different ruleset compared to Aspects pulled from the Codex of Power. However, regardless of which type you're planning to use, you'll first need to make your way to an Occulist in any major city. Occulists are designated with a sort of sigil icon on the world map.

Once you've reached the Occulist, you need to decide which type of Aspect you're planning to use. If you're interested in using an Aspect from a Legendary you have, you first need to remove it. To do this, speak with the Occultist, and select the Extract Aspect option from the open menu. Then, select the Legendary you which to exact an Aspect. You'll be given a gold cost and a warning that extracting an Aspect will destroy your selected Legendary. Be sure about this decision before doing so. If your mind is made up, then hit Extract Aspect. The Legendary item will be destroyed, and you'll find the effect in the Aspect part of your inventory.

To apply the Aspect to a new item, you'll first need to make sure you have a Rare or Legendary item that supports the Aspect in question. Hovering over the Aspect in your inventory will tell which items it can be used on. If your item is in support, head to the Occulist and select the Imprint Aspect option. Select the item you which to put the Aspect on, then select the Aspect from our inventory. You'll be given a preview of the final product.
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If you're fine with the preview, click the Imprint Aspect button at the bottom of the menu, and you'll receive a brand-new Legendary item with the Aspect you desire attached. Aspects taken from Legendary items can only be used once, and cannot be extracted a second time. Keep this in mind and plan accordingly.

Now, if you're looking to apply an Aspect from the Codex of Power, select a Rare or Legendary item and then pull the Aspect directly from the Codex, in place of pulling one from your inventory. Aspects from the Codex of Power are infinite and can be reused endlessly. However, the downside is that Aspects from the Codex of Power are more expensive to imprint, and they are often weaker than ones pulled directly from a Legendary item. Aspects from Legendaries have a variance of power that is almost always better than Codex Aspects. The upside is that certain, must-have effects, can still be applied while you hunt for that golden god roll.
So there you have it, reader. You now have an understanding of Aspects and the Codex of Power. Make good use of them, as they are total game-changers for every class and build.
Diablo 4 is a massive hit, and there's more where this guide came from if you're looking to invest. Need more of a lifeline? Check out our guide on How many acts are in Diablo 4 and keep an eye on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 4, 2023 09:46 pm