In my experience as a gamer and writer, it's never wrong to turn to console commands or cheats—especially regarding survival games like Don't Starve Together. Cheats for Don't Starve Together come in many forms and can help you learn the game and how things work. Cheats can also help you enjoy the game and have fun with friends. That's why we made this guide, to help gamers like you have fun and enjoy their experiences.
All Cheats & Console Commands in DST
- c_sethunger(number)—Input this cheat into the console and have a fractional number inside the parentheses. For example, c_sethunger(0.90) works.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_nextcycle")—This command skips the game to the next cycle.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "winter")—This command starts the winter season in DST.
- TheNet:Ban(userid)—This command will ban a player from your server.
- AllPlayers[number]:PushEvent('death')—This command will kill a specified player.
- AllPlayers[number]:PushEvent('respawnfromghost')—Input this command to resurrect a specifized player.
- ThePlayer.components.hunger:SetMax(value)—Input this command for max hunger.
- c_speedmult(number)—Input this cheat for increased speed. Place a number inside the parentheses, such as 12.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseasonlength", {season="summer", length=15})—This command will set season length.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation")—This command will make the game Rain. Use TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_forceprecipitation", false) to make the game stop raining.
- AllPlayers[number].components.inventory:DropEverything()—This command will drop all items from a specified player.
- TheNet:Kick(userid)—This command will kick a player from the server.
- c_despawn(AllPlayers[number])—This command will despawn a selected player.
- ThePlayer.components.hunger:Pause(true)—This command stops hunger for your character.
- c_freecrafting(player)—Input for free crafting. Other commands you can use include: GetPlayer(player).components.builder:GiveAllRecipes(player).
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_sendlightningstrike", ConsoleWorldPosition())—Input to cause a lighting strike at your mouse cursor
- ThePlayer:EnableMovementPrediction(enable)—Input for better performance.
- c_speedup()—This command speeds up simualation.
-—This command skips time.
- c_goadventuring(playername)—This command gives your character a set of starting items.
- c_maintainsanity(player name)—This command gives your character regenerative sainty.
- c_maintaintemperature(player name)—This command gives your character regenerative temperature.
- c_maintainmoisture(player name)—This command grants your character with regenerative moisture.
- c_supergodmode(player nam)—This command gives your character supergode mode. To disable godmode, copy and paste it into the console again.
- c_give(prefab,number)—Use this command to spawn your character items. Place the item you want inside the parentheses, followed by a number. The result should look like this c_give(charcoal,6)
- c_maintainall(player name)—This command gives regenerates all of your characters' stats.
-—This command gives your character max health.
- AllPlayers[number].components.builder:GiveAllRecipes()—This command gives a specified player creative mode.
- c_gonext("prefab")—This command teleport you to a prefab.
- c_goto(Allplayers)(number)—This command will teleport you to a specified player.
- c_move(Allplayers)(number)—This command moves a player to your location.
- c_doscenario(scenario)—Use this command to apply a scenario in DST.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setnightmarephase",phase name)—This command will set the current phase of nightmares. Use calm, wild,dawn, and warn as phase names.
- c_setsanity(number)—This command sets your character's sanity. Use a fractional number such as the following command: c_setsanity(0.20)
- c_godmode()—This command gives your character godmode. To disable godmode, copy and paste it into the console again.
- ThePlayer.components.sanity:SetMax(value)—This command gives your character max sanity.
- c_maintainhunger(player name)—This command gives your character regenerative hunger.
- c_sethealth(number)—This command sets your character's health. Use a fractional number such as the following command: c_sethealth(0.30)
- c_makeinvisible(playername)—This command makes your character invisible.
- ThePlayer.components.combat.damagemultiplier=(value)—This command increases player combat damage.
- c_setbeaverness(1or0)—This command turns your character into Werebeaver. Use 1 to turn into a Werebeaver and 0 to change back.
- c_spawn("shadowmeteor", 1)—This command spawns a meteor in-game.
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- c_setmoisture(number)—This command sets your character's moisture. Use a fractional number such as the following command: c_setmoisture(0.50).
- c_settemperature(number)—This command sets your character's temperature. Use a fractional number such as the command c_settemperature(0.40).
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_setseason", "summer")—This command starts the summer season in DST.
- c_maintainhealth(player name)—This command gives your character regenerative health. To disable the command, type: c_cancelmaintaintasks(player name).
- c_skip(number)—This command will skip the current day.
- TheWorld:PushEvent("ms_nextnightmarecycle")—This command skips the current nightmare cycle to the next one.
How to activate cheats and console commands in Don't Starve Together
To use cheats in Don't Starve Together is easy, all you must do is press the ~ key on your keyboard. Pressing the ~ key opens the console, where you can copy and paste all commands.
But before using any cheats or commands, make sure you understand how to use it and have the correct parameters. For example, to see your hunger, you need to have a fractional number included in the command such as c_sethunger(0.90).
How to spawn entities and items in Don't Starve Together
If you want to spawn a creature in Don't Starve Together, you must use the c_spawn command followed by ("Crow")—to spawn multiple creatures type c_spawn("Crow",2). To give yourself some items, use c_give("horn",1). If you want more than one item just replace the one in the give command with a higher number.
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All Don't Starve Together Prefab Spawn Codes
The following is a list of all Prefab codes players can use to spawn items, creatures, and crafting materials in Don't Starve Together.
All Don't Starve Together Ancient, food, Magic, Crafting and Resource Items Spawn Codes
Item | Spawn Code |
Moonlens Orange | orangemooneye |
Siesta Lean-to | siestahut |
Scaled Furnace | dragonflyfurnace |
Mushroom Planter | mushroom_farm |
Bug Net | bugnet |
Bee Box | beebox |
Boards | boards |
Endothermic Firepit | coldfirepit |
Fur Roll | bedroll_furry |
Scaled Furnace | dragonflyfurnace |
| |
Straw Roll | bedrool_straw |
Icebox | icebox |
Campfire | campfire |
Telltale Heart | reviver |
Phlegm | phlegm |
Golden Axe | goldenaxe |
Wardrobe | wardrobe |
Nightmare Fuel | nightmarefuel |
Crimson Feather | feather_robin |
Fur Tuft | furtuft |
| |
Bunny Puff | manrabbit_tail |
Blue Gem | bluegem |
Cut Stone | cutstone |
Kabobs | kabobs |
Azure Feather | feather_robin_winter |
Living Log | livinglog |
Wood Fence | fence |
Charcoal | charcoal |
Taffy | taffy |
Wood Fence Item | fence_item |
| |
Pumpkin Cookies | pumpkincookie |
Red Gem | redgem |
Pickaxe | pickaxe |
Honey Nuggets | honeynuggets |
Mandrake Soup | mandrakesoup |
Fruit Medley | fruitmedley |
Umbrella | umbrella |
Fishing Rod | fishingrod |
Fireflies | fireflies |
Fishsticks | fishsticks |
| |
Flint | flint |
Wood Gate | fence_gate |
Cut Grass | cutgrass |
Endothermic Fire | coldfire |
Froggle Bunwich | frogglebunwich |
Dragonpie | dragonpie |
Golden Pickaxe | goldenpickaxe |
Booster Shot | lifeinjector |
Banana Cooked | cave_banana_cooked |
Rocks | rocks |
| |
Cooked Cactus Meat | cactus_meat_cooked |
Lavae Egg | lavae_egg |
Moonrock Wall Item | wall_moonrock_item |
Whirly Fan | minifan |
Cooked Red Cap | red_cap_cooked |
Drying Rack | meatrack |
Gears | gears |
Wood Gate Item | fence_gate_item |
Bacon and Eggs | baconeggs |
Roasted Carrot | carrot_cooked |
| |
Monster Jerky | monstermeat_dried |
Shovel | shovel |
Koalefant Trunk Winter | trunk_winter |
Dawn Feather | goose_feather |
Golden Shovel | goldenshovel |
Cat Tail | coontail |
Pig Skin | pigskin |
Hammer | hammer |
Moggles | Molehat |
Stag Antler | klaussackkey |
| |
Potted Succulent | succulent_potted |
Pig House | pighouse |
Chest | treasurechest |
Cactus Flower | cactus_flower |
Krampus Sack | krampus_sack |
Rot | spoiled_food |
Pitchfork | pitchfork |
Turkey Dinner | turkeydinner |
Corn | corn |
Pumpkin Lantern | pumpkin_lantern |
| |
Deerclops Eyeball | deerclops_eyeball |
Unagi | unagi |
Eel | eel |
Rabbit Hutch | rabbithouse |
Scales | dragon_scales |
Sign | homesign |
Feather Pencil | featherpencil |
Gobbler Shrine | perdshrine |
Water Balloon | waterballoon |
Poop | manure |
| |
Mushlight | mushroom_light |
Fried Drumstick | drumstick_cooked |
Spider Gland | spidergland |
Crock Pot | cookpot |
Saddle | saddle_basic |
Purple Gem | purplegem |
Meat | meat |
Roasted Juicy Berries | berries_juicy_cooked |
Popcorn | corn_cooked |
Electric Milk | goatmilk |
| |
Watermelon | watermelon |
Rope | rope |
Batilisk Wing | batwing |
Deer Antler | deer_antler |
Pile O'Balloons | balloons_empty |
Shadow Atrium | shadowheart |
Butter | butter |
Birdcage | birdcage |
Butter Muffin | butterflymuffin |
Jet Feather | crow_feather |
| |
Thulecite | thulecite |
Glowcap | mushroom_light2 |
Hay Wall | wall_hay |
Berries | berries |
Powdercake | powdercake |
Cooked Basilisk Wing | batwing_cooked |
Desert Stone | townportaltalisman |
Spider Eggs | spidereggsack |
Tent | tent |
Firepit | firepit |
| |
Thulecite Wall | wall_ruins_item |
Shroom Skin | shroom_skin |
Glow Berry | wormlight |
Scale Chest | dragonglychest |
Foliage | foliage |
Waffles | waffles |
Fireflies | fireflies |
War Saddle | saddle_war |
Beefalo Wool | beefalowool |
Beard Hair | beardhair |
| |
Hound Tooth | houndstooth |
Glommer's Poop | glommerfuel |
Silk | silk |
Meatballs | meatballs |
Cooked Meat | cookedmeat |
Star Caller Staff | yellowstaff |
Glommer's Wing | glommerwing |
Torch | torch |
Slurtle Slime | slurtleslime |
Roasted Berries | berries_cooked |
| |
Grilled Watermelon | watermelon_cooked |
Trap | trap |
Ice | ice |
Ashes | ash |
Carrot | carrot |
Cooked Eel | eel_cooked |
Scale Chest | dragonglychest |
Bird Trap | birdtrap |
Hay Wall Item | wall_hay_item |
Butterfly Wings | butterflywings |
| |
Slurper Pelt | slurperpelt |
Pick&Axe | multitool_axe_pickax |
Thulecite Crown | ruinshat |
Dragonfruit | dragonfruit |
Guano | guano |
Steel Wool | steelwool |
Guardian Horn | minotaurhorn |
Monster Meat | monstermeat |
Moonrock Wall | wall_moonrock |
Pierogi | perogies |
| |
Thulecite Medallion | nightmare_timepiece |
Spider Eggs | spidereggsack |
Frog Legs | froglegs |
Juicy Berries | berries_juicy |
Bundling Wrap | bundlewrap |
Fish | fish |
Small Jerky | smallmeat_dried |
Glossamer Saddle | saddle_race |
Green Cap | green_cap |
Compass | compass |
| |
Houndius Shootius | eyeturret_item |
Durian | durian |
Beefalo Horn | horn |
Eggplant | eggplant |
Red Cap | red_cap |
Stinger | stinger |
Fish Tacos | fishtacos |
Cooked Green Cap | green_cap_cooked |
Monster Lasagna | monsterlasagna |
Braised Eggplant | eggplant_cooked |
| |
Prepared Dragonfruit | dragonfruit_cooked |
Chilled Amulet | blueamulet |
Stone Wall Item | wall_stone_item |
Sliced Pomegranate | pomegranate_cooked |
Miner Hat | minerhat |
Backpack | backpack |
Royal Jelly | royal_jelly |
Moonlens Green | greenmooneye |
Thulecite Club | ruins_bat |
Tentacle Spots | tentaclespots |
| |
Banana | cave_banana |
Fist Full of Jam | jammypreserves |
Extra Smelly Durian | durian_cooked |
The Lazy Forager | orangeamulet |
Blue Cap | blue_cap |
Jellybeans | jellybean |
Wood Wall | wall_wood |
Hot Pumpkin | pumpkin_cooked |
Cooked Monster Meat | cookedmonstermeat |
Nightmare Amulet | purpleamulet |
| |
Pomegranate | pomegranate |
Piggyback | piggyback |
Directional Sign | arrowsign |
Thick Fur | bearger_fur |
Rope | rope |
Brush | brush |
Saddlehorn | saddlehorn |
The Lazy Explorer | orangestaff |
Egg | bird_egg |
Pumpkin | pumpkin |
| |
Gift Wrap | giftwrap |
Koalefant Trunk Steak | trunk_cooked |
Moonlens Red | redmooneye |
Cooked Fish | fish_cooked |
Sliced Pomegranate | pomegranate_cooked |
Koalefant Trunk Winter | trunk_winter |
Cooked Blue Cap | blue_cap_cooked |
Thulecite Fragments | thulecite_pieces |
Thulecite Suit | armorruins |
Thermal Stone | heatrock |
| |
Moonlens Blue | bluemooneye |
Morsel | smallmeat |
Wood Wall Item | wall_wood_item |
Honey | honey |
Meaty Stew | bonestew |
Magiluminescenes | yellowamulet |
Telelocator Staff | telestaff |
Moonlens Purple | purplemooneye |
Cooked Egg | bird_egg_cooked |
Moonlens Yellow | yellowmooneye |
| |
Cactus Flesh | cactus_meat |
Friendly Scarecow | scarecow |
Volt Goat Horn | lightninggoathorn |
Cooked Mandrake | cookedmandrake |
Meat Effigy | resurrectionstatue |
Pretty Parasol | grass_umbrella |
Drumstick | drumstick |
Healing Salve | healingsalve |
Construction Amulet | greenamulet |
Mini Sign | minisign_item |
| |
Lantern | lantern |
Deconstruction Staff | greenstaff |
Bucket-o-Poop | fertilizer |
Honey Ham | honeyham |
cookedplantmeat | cookedplantmeat |
The Lazy Deserter | townportal |
Salt Lick | saltlick |
Koalefant Trunk Summer | trunk_summer |
Moondial | moondial |
Cooked Morsel | cookedsmallmeat |
| |
Walrus Tusk | walrus_tusk |
Ocuvigil | sentryward |
Luxury Fan | featherfan |
Cooked Tallbird Egg | tallbirdegg_cooked |
Basic Farm | slow_farmplot |
Lichen | cutlichen |
Belt of Hunger | armorslurper |
Tallbird Egg | tallbirdegg |
Honey Poultice | Honey Poultice |
Insulated Pack | icepack |
| |
Leafy Meat | plantmeat |
Telelocator Focus | telebase |
Straw Roll | bedrool_straw |
Stone Wall | wall_stone |
Lesser Glow Berry | wormloght_lesser |
Life Giving Amulet | amulet |
End Table | endtable |
Cooked Frog Legs | froglegs_cooked |
Night Light | nightlight |
Improved Farm | fast_farmplot |
Papyrus | papyrus |
Honey Poultice | bandage |
Axe | axe |
One-Man-Band | onemanband |
Mandrake | mandrake |
Pan Flute | panflute |
All Don't Starve Together Weapons and Armor Prefab Spawn Codes
Item Name | Spawn Codes |
Ham Bat | hambat |
Sleep Dart | blowdart_sleep |
Electric Dart | blowdart_yellow |
Morning Star | nightstick |
Desert Goggles | deserthat |
Scalemail | armordragonfly |
Bat Bat | batbat |
Slurtle Shell Armor | armorsnurtleshell |
Grass Suit | armorgrass |
Tooth Trap | trap_teeth |
| |
Sewing Kit | sewing_kit |
Beekeeper Hat | beehat |
Dapper Vest | sweatervest |
Puffy Vest | trunkvest_winter |
Ice Cube | icehat |
Rain Coat | raincoat |
Blue Funcap | blue_mushroomhat |
Spear | spear |
Boomerang | boomerang |
Shelmet | slurtlehat |
| |
Slurtle Shell Armor | armorsnurtleshell |
Garland | flowerhat |
Blow Dart | blowdart_pipe |
Battle Spear | spear_wathgrithrhat |
Tentacle Spike | tentaclespike |
Feather Hat | featherhat |
Log Suit | armorwood |
Bush Hat | bushhat |
Eyebrella | eyebrellahat |
Winter Hat | winterhat |
| |
Cat Cap | catcoonhat |
Red Funcap | red_mushroomhat |
Tam o' Shanter | walrushat |
Tail o' Three Cats | whip |
Summer Frest | reflectivevest |
Floral Shirt | hawaiianshirt |
Bee Mine | beemine |
Marble Suit | armormarble |
Green Funcap | green_mushroomhat |
Weather Pain | staff_tornado |
| |
Night Armor | armor_sanity |
Rabbit Earmuffs | earmuffshat |
Top Hat | tophat |
Fashion Melon | watermelonhat |
Breezy Vest | trunkvest_summer |
Blue Funcap | blue_mushroomhat |
Football Helmet | footballhat |
Spiderhat | spiderhat |
Dark Sword | nightsword |
Fashion Goggles | goggleshat |
Fire Dart | blowdart_fire |
Bee Queen Crown | hivehat |
Battle Helm | Wathgrithrhat |
Strawhat | strawhat |
Beefalo Hat | beefalohat |
Walking Cane | cane |
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All Don't Starve Together Weapons Passive, Natural, and Hostile Creatures Prefab Spawn Codes
Item | Spawn Code |
Spider | spider |
Merm | merm |
Spider Den lvl 2 | spiderden_2 |
Butterfly | butterfly |
Broodling | critter_dragonling |
Extra Adorable Lavae | lavae_pet |
Catcoon | catcoon |
Chester | chester |
Batilisk | bat |
Crawling Nightmare | crawlingnightmare |
| |
Clockwork Bishop | bishop |
Shadow Bishop | shadow_bishop |
Clockwork Rook | rook |
Antlion | antlion |
Crow | crow |
Cave Spider | spider_hider |
Spider Den lvl 3 | spiderden_3 |
Volt Goat | lightninggoat |
Shadow Rook | shadow_rook |
Smallbird | smallbird |
| |
Smallish Tallbird | teenbird |
Buzzard | buzzard |
Snurtle | snurtle |
Hutch | hutch |
Spider Warrior | spider_warrior |
Clockwork Knight | knight |
Bee | bee |
Broodling | critter_dragonling |
Killer Bee | killerbee |
Vargling | critter_puppy |
| |
Splumonkey | monkey |
Slurtle | slurtle |
Antler | antler |
Shadow Knight | shadow_knight |
Lavae | lavae |
Rock Lobster | rocky |
Depths Worm | worm |
Spider queen | spiderqueen |
Grassgekko | grassgekko |
Bee Queen | beequeen |
| |
Snowbird | robin_winter |
Gobbler | perd |
Cave Spider | spider_hider |
Mosquito | mosquito |
Moose | moose |
Pig | pigman |
Koalefant Summer | koalefant_summer |
Canary | canary |
Grumble Bee | beeguard |
Pengull | penguin |
| |
Terrorbreak | terrorbreak |
Tallbird | tallbird |
Giblet | critter_perdling |
Killer Bee Hive | wisphive |
Koalefant Winter | koalefant_winter |
Dragonfly | dragonfly |
Hound | hound |
Deer Red | deer_red |
Spider Den | spiderden |
Red Hound | firehound |
| |
Spitter | spider_spitter |
Beefalo | beefalo |
Lureplant | lureplant |
Ghost | ghost |
Deerclops | deerclops |
Blue Hound | icehound |
Slurper | sluerper |
Mosling | mosling |
No-Eyed Deer | deer |
Tentacle | tentacle |
| |
Glomglom | critter_glomling |
Ewelet | critter_lamb |
Krampus | krampus |
Toadstool | toadstool |
Frog | frog |
Merm | merm |
MacTusk | walrus |
Crawling Horror | crawlinghorror |
Toadstool | toadstool |
Moleworm | mole |
| |
Glommer | glommer |
Kittykit | critter_kitten |
Baby Beefalo | babybeefalo |
Hound Mound | houndmound |
Varg | warg |
Deer Blue | deer_blue |
Ewecus | ewecus |
Bunnyman | bunnyman |
Redbird | robin |
For more games like Don't Starve Together, check out Games Like State of Survival and What is Surviving the Abyss? Underwater Survival, Early Access, and Trailer here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 19, 2023 12:49 pm