With Dreadwolf game slowly reaching the point where EA is almost ready to fully reveal it, a lot of players have been excited to dive back into Dragon Age: Inquisition. However, you may find that there are some features of the game that can seem a little monotonous at times. Here are 10 of the best mods that can help you skip all the grinding in the game.
Best anti grind mods in Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition is an amazing addition to Electronic Arts' Dragon Age series. The game, released back in 2014, follows the story of a character who becomes the Inquisitor and must save the world and lead those under their command to victory against the evil forces that seek to destroy it. However, it is no secret how grindy the exploration can be, so here are a couple of mods that can help!
Quicker Looting

The Quicker Looting mod from Nexus Mods is one that was created by the user Tahira. This mod is one of the best ones if you want to skip through some of those boring moments of the game. Anytime that you loot anything, your character will do a looting animation, causing them to bend over and pick up whatever they are looting. However, this mod will cut those animations out; that way, you won't have to see the animation every single time you want to loot.
While the looting animation may not seem like a grind, once you see it every single time you want to loot something, it will become monotonous. Thankfully, this modder is ensuring that players don't have to deal with that boring animation if they don't want to.
MoreLoot - Remade

MoreLoot - Remade is another mod on Nexus Mods that helps you with loot. This mod is a better version of the MoreLoot mod, which is both by the modder Aintiarna. With this mod, you are able to change the loot tables; that way, the loot you want will have a better chance of dropping. You can increase the rate of gold, weapons, armor, resources, and whatever else you want to do. You can even override the quantity of gold, meaning you can obtain endless amounts of gold from just a few containers.
This completely overrides the grind for so much. Now, you won't have to worry about not having enough gold to purchase what you need. You also won't have to worry about spending countless hours trying to search for the item that you have been wanting to add to your collection. You can just change the probabilities and farm away!
Increase Inventory Capacity

With all these mods that will give you more loot, you're going to need more capacity in your inventory for all the items. Thankfully, modder Ehamloptiran from Nexus Mods has you covered. The mod Increased Inventory Capacity will allow you to increase your inventory capacity by a specific amount. While the default amount is 400, you can set it anywhere between 60 and 32767, meaning you will never run out of space again!
This mod will cut out the grind of increasing that capacity, saving you so much time. In the game, your inventory will be shared among your entire party, and you will only be able to carry so many items. However, with this mod, you won't need to continuously look for backpacks to increase your space. You can explore without the fear of not having enough room.
War Table - No Waiting

One really monotonous aspect of the game is having to deal with the War Table. While this is an extremely fun portion of the game where you can decide who to send on what missions, it isn't fun having to wait forever before they come back from those missions. With the War Table - No Waiting mod by Tahira on Nexus Mods, you won't have to worry about sitting around waiting for your missions to finish up.
This is a grind that a lot of players hate just because some missions can take quite a lot of time, and they don't want to have to wait that long. Thankfully, this mod completely removes the wait, allowing you to complete missions as soon as they are started.
No More Fog of War

Just like with most modern games, Dragon Age Inquisition does not let you see the parts of the map that you haven't explored yet. While this certainly makes sense, it can be annoying when you just want to know what there is. That's where FontofNothing's No More Fog of War mod comes into play. Now, you can see the entire map without having to explore every single inch of it.
While the fog on the map isn't anything new, it can certainly be a grind trying to reach every corner of it just so you can get a better look. This mod completely removes that grind, meaning you won't need to spend hours walking around in order to get a better view of the world around you.
Better Gather Operations

The mod Better Gather Operations is a mod created by MildlyFootwear for Nexus Mods. This mod pairs well with the War Table - No Waiting mod and truly helps you skip the grind that comes with the different missions and operations from the War Table. For this one, when you send different people out on gathering operations, they will bring back x10 more than the amount they usually would.
The grind it takes to get resources is exhausting. This mod will not only tell you what the person is gathering, but it will increase it by so much, meaning you won't need to grind in order to obtain a decent amount of any resource. Instead, you can easily obtain resources and items that you can actually use.
Schematic Spree

Schematics are an important part of Dragon Age Inquisition since they will allow you to craft new items and weapons for your character and party members. However, it can be difficult to find some of the better Schematics that truly create wonderful pieces. The mod Schematic Spree by Aintiarna removes this aspect and allows you to purchase some of the best ones from shops in Val Royeaux.
This is one of the best ways to get the best weapons and armor in the game, so it is so important to keep up with Schematics and constantly find new and better ones. This will eliminate the grind of having to find those Schematics out in the wild.
Unlock and Change Specializations

One feature of the game is that you can pick a Class-specific Specialization for your character after you unlock them from the War Table. Unfortunately, getting them all for your Class can be a grind since you'll need to do missions (which other mods can help with). The Unlock and Change Specialization mod by MxT--ZS will allow you to unlock and pick any Class Specialization.
This mod completely removes another grind revolving around the War Table. Rather than sending people out on missions in hopes of unlocking a Specialization, this mod will automatically unlock them all for you, and you can pick them whenever you want.
No Perk Requirements

Another thing that Dragon Age Inquisition does that is just like most RPGs nowadays is how Perk Trees are done. You will need to unlock certain Perks before you can get to the better Perks. With the No Perk Requirements mod, you will no longer need to spend multiple Perk points on Perks you won't use just to get the one you want.
This mod is amazing and removes that grind that is required for building up your Perks. Before, you would need a ton of Perk points before you could actually unlock the best Perks. Now, you can just automatically put points into whatever you want.
Experience Multiplier

The Experience Multiplier mod allows you to change the amount of experience you get. You can change it to x2, x4, x6, x8, or x10. This will make leveling so much faster, especially if you pick the x10 option. Additionally, if you want to make the grind harder, you could lower the multiplier, which gives you a ton of options.
The way this removes that grind is pretty evident. Instead of spending days trying to reach the maximum level in the game, you can spend just a few hours and reach that level. This will make playing the game a lot easier and more fun.
For more information on Dragon Age, check out All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition or All Specializations in Dragon Age Inquisition.
Published: May 19, 2024 11:40 pm