I am a huge fan of the Dragon Ball franchise, so I was more than happy to get my hands on the Dragon Ball Legends game. Being able to assemble a team of iconic characters from the Dragon Ball universe and unleash their powerful techniques in 3D battles is something every fan of the anime has to try. But I must admit I was a bit lost, as there are so many options when it comes to choosing fighters. To make your gameplay easier, I've created a Dragon Ball Legends tier list with the best characters, so you know who to play.
DB Legends Tier List - Best Characters Ranked
Best Characters in Dragon Ball Legends (S+ Tier)

These S+ Dragon Ball Legends fighters are your heavy hitters. They pair well with many team combinations and are equipped with the highest base stats in the game, giving them advantages at any point during a match. These rare fighters are the best in the game by far, which is why they're at the top of our DB Legends tier list.
- Android 18 (SP) (YEL)
- Android 21 (SP) (BLU)
- Goku (SP) (BLU) (Super Saiyan)
- Goku Black (SP) (GRN)
- Majin Buu: Good (SP) (GRN)
- Perfect Form Cell (SP) (RED) (Revival)
- Piccolo (SP) (YEL)
- Super 17 (SP) (GRN)
- Super Gogeta (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan 2 Trunks (Adult) (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan 3 Goku (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan 3 Goku (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 4 Goku (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black (UL) (GR)
- Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Bardock (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan God SS Goku (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan God SS Kaioken (UL) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan God SS Vegito (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan God Vegeta (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Gohan (SP) (YEL) (Future)
- Super Saiyan Goku (UL) (RED)
- Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta (UL) (PUR)
- Toppo (SP) (BLU)
- Vados (SP) (GRN)
- Vegeta (SP) (YEL)
Related: Dragon Ball Rage Codes – Roblox
S Tier

The S tier contains excellent options for building a team in Dragon Ball Legends. While they may not seem as attractive as the ones we've listed above, these characters are considered among the best in the game and can sometimes hold their own against higher-tier characters. Their stats will provide a solid anchor to your team, and they mesh well with most units.
- Android 17 (SP) (YEL)
- Android 18 (SP) (BLU) (ToP)
- Android 21: Good (SP) (GRN)
- Bergamo (SP) (RED)
- Buu: Kid (SP) (BLU)
- Demon King Piccolo (Aged) (SP) (PUR)
- Eis Shenron (SP) (BLU)
- Final Form Cooler (SP) (BLU)
- Final Form Frieza (SP) (RED) (Broly)
- Final Form Frieza (SP) (YEL)
- God of Destruction Champa (SP) (YEL)
- Gogeta (SP) (BLU)
- Half-Corrupted Fusion Zamasu (SP) (RED)
- Hit (SP) (PUR)
- Jiren (SP) (GRN)
- Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (SP) (GRN)
- Nuova Shenron (SP) (YEL)
- Mecha Frieza (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan Broly (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan God SS Goku (SP) (BLU) (Revival)
- Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta (SP) (PUR) (Future Saga)
- Ultra Instinct Goku (SP) (PUR)
A+ Tier

These Dragon Ball Legends A+ fighters are also consistent, powerful options that lack some of the base stats to put them in higher tier levels. While they might sit near the middle of the pack, they are viable weapons that still pack a punch.
- 1st Form Cell (SP) (GRN)
- Baby Vegeta (SP) (GRN)
- Beast Gohan (SP) (BLU)
- Gohan (SP) (GRN)
- Hit (SP) (YEL)
- Raditz (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan 4 Goku (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan God SS Vegito (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan Vegeta (SP) (BLU)
- Kahseral (SP) (RED)
- Ultimate Gohan Absorbed Buu: Super (SP) (GRN)
- Vegeta (SP) (BLU) (Majin)
A Tier

Much like the tier above, tier A characters in Dragon Ball Legends still pack a punch. They lack some of the base stats and characteristics to make them truly elite, but they still shouldn't be taken lightly.
- 1st Form Frieza (SP) (BLU)
- 1st Form Frieza (SP) (BLU)
- 1st Form Frieza (SP) (PUR)
- 1st Form Frieza (SP) (PUR)
- Android 14 (SP) (GRN)
- Android 14 (SP) (GRN)
- Android 21: Evil (SP) (PUR)
- Android 21: Evil (SP) (PUR)
- Fusion Android 13 (SP) (RED)
- Fusion Android 13 (SP) (RED)
- Fusion Zamasu (SP) (PUR)
- Fusion Zamasu (SP) (PUR)
- Goku (Youth) (SP) (YEL)
- Goku (Youth) (SP) (YEL)
- Goku Black (SP) (YEL)
- Goku Black (SP) (YEL)
- Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (SP) (BLU)
- Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (SP) (BLU)
- Omega Shenron (SP) (RED)
- Omega Shenron (SP) (RED)
- Shallot (HE) (LGT)
- Shallot (HE) (LGT)
- Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (Youth) (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan 2 Kefla (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan Gotenks (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Gotenks (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black (SP) (PUR)
- Trunks (Teen) (SP) (PUR)
- Trunks (Teen) (SP) (PUR)
- Vegito (SP) (YEL)
- Vegito (SP) (YEL)
- Zahha (SP) (BLU)
B Tier

The unsung heroes of your team. These fighters won't take over the match for you, but they are useful in team-building. While they lack stats and characteristics to make them upper-echelon characters, they are powerful in varying situations. If your tactics and strategy are on point, these middle-of-the-pack fighters can swing the match in your favor.
- Android 13 (SP) (BLU)
- Basil (SP) (BLU)
- Bardock (SP) (RED)
- Broly: Cheelai (Assist) (SP) (BLU)
- Broly: Fury (SP) (RED)
- Full Power Boujack (SP) (PUR)
- Goku (SP) (BLU) (Saiyan Saga)
- Hyper Meta-Rilldo (SP) (RED)
- Ribrianne (SP) (BLU)
- Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan God SS Goku (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Gohan (Teen) (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan Goku (GT) (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan Goku (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage) (SP) (YEL)
- Super Vegito (SP) (PUR)
C Tier

If these fighters are on your team, you are likely in the early stages of the game, or you are brilliant in your strategies. In the C tier, for a reason, these characters aren't much of a threat unless you are a highly skilled player. If able, you're better off opting for fighters in the tiers above when building a truly threatening team.
- Android 18 (SP) (BLU)
- Buu: Super (SP) (PUR)
- Cooler (SP) (PUR)
- Kakarot Goku (SP) (RED)
- Krillin (SP) (BLU)
- Mai (SP) (GRN)
- Super Janemba (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan God Goku (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) (SP) (RED) (Armor)
- Super Saiyan Vegeta (SP) (RED)
- Ultimate Gohan (SP) (GRN)
- Zamasu (SP) (RED)
D Tier

Viable options early in the Dragon Ball Legends. These fighters shouldn't be considered for long-term solutions on your team, but they're useful in the beginning. As you progress, look to replace them with more powerful characters.
- Captain Ginyu (SP)
- Goku (SP) (BLU) (Kaioken)
- Golden Frieza (SP) (GRN)
- Majin Vegeta (SP) (RED)
- Perfect Cell (SP) (YEL)
- Piccolo (SP) (GRN)
- Super Baby 2 (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan 3 Goku (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) (SP) (PUR)
- Syn Shenron (SP) (YEL)
- Vegeta (SP) (GRN)
- Vegeta (SP) (PUR)
F Tier

Among the worst-of-the-worst options and the easiest to acquire in Dragon Ball Legends. These are old characters who don't belong in your lineup unless you're just beginning the game. Unless you strive to collect some of these characters, or you're looking for an immense challenge, you're better with anything else.
- Android 17 (SP) (PUR)
- Bardock (SP) (GRN)
- Boujack (SP) (YEL)
- Bulma (Youth) (SP) (BLU)
- Chilled (SP) (PUR)
- Fused with Kami Piccolo (SP) (BLU)
- Gohan (Kid) (SP) (YEL)
- Goku (SP) (BLU)
- Goku (SP) (GRN)
- Goku (SP) (PUR)
- King of the Demon Realm Dabura (SP) (BLU)
- Paikuhan (SP) (YEL)
- Pan (SP) (BLU)
- Super Gogeta (SP) (GRN)
- Super Namekian Lord Slug (SP) (BLU)
- Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta (SP) (PUR)
- Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Cabba (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan God Goku (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Goku (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Goten (Kid) (SP) (GRN)
- Super Saiyan Kale (Berserk) (SP) (RED)
- Super Saiyan Trunks (Kid) (SP) (YEL)
- Super Saiyan Trunks (Teen) (SP) (RED)
- Super Trunks (SP) (GRN)
- Super Vegeta (SP) (YEL)
- Trunks (Youth) (SP) (BLU)
- Turles (SP) (PUR)
- World Champion Hercule (SP) (RED)
- Yamcha (SP) (PUR)
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Published: Jul 6, 2023 04:42 am