Durability is important when keeping a favorite weapon, and the Reinforcement mod will lower how much is used each hit. Not every weapon can use it, but for weapons that can, this mod is almost always good to put on it. Players can get this when they reach the Bazaar and talk to the Craftmaster inside.
Finding A Craftmaster

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Vendors in Dying Light 2 will offer weapons and consumables, but the workshop workers, or Craftmasters, will be the main source of new mods. They will upgrade mods and blueprints as long as players have the right resources necessary. The very first Craftmaster that players will most likely find is the one at the Bazaar. Players will unlock the ability to go there and talk with people after the Markers of Plague Story Quest once players unlock the ability to explore the map. The Bazaar will be the next objective required to advance the story, and players can purchase the Reinforcement weapon mod once inside.
Equipping The Reinforcement Mod
Although players now have access to the mod, not all weapons are compatible with it. It is a Grip Mod and weapons that don't have a modular grip can't use it. If the weapon has a Grip Socket, it can then equip the Reinforcement mod.
For more Dying Light 2 guides, check out What is the Dying Light 2 prologue length? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 5, 2022 07:08 pm