Leonine Misbegotten is a boss located in the Weeping Peninsula behind Castle Morne. This boss fight rewards a very powerful sword, but how can you beat Leonine Misbegotten in Elden Ring?
How to beat Leonine Misbegotten
Leonine Misbegotten can be a difficult enemy, but with the right strategy, they can be taken down quickly. Leonine uses leaping strikes and horizontal slashes at the beginning of the fight that can be dodged or timed for parries.
During the second phase of the fight, Leonine's attacks become much quicker and his attack pattern varies. The boss still takes time to load up for leaping strikes and heavy sword attacks. This is a good time to break their stance with attacks, allowing for a critical hit or a few quick attacks.
Leonine is weak to fire, so using fire grease or a fire incantation during the fight can be extremely effective. One easy way to beat Leonine is to summon the Wolves Spirit or any Spirit with decent health and attack from a distance with magic or ranged attacks. If you prefer close combat, timing Leonine's leap attacks or attacking when they load up for an attack is effective. Leonine's stance is broken fairly easily so if you wield heavy weapons, one well-timed attack can stagger them.
Grafted Blade Greatsword

The Grafted Blade Greatsword is the weapon earned for defeating Leonine Misbegotten. The Greatsword requires 20 Strength to wield efficiently with two hands and has the Oath of Vengeance unique skill, which boosts all attributes including poise for a short time. Besides being very powerful, the sword is made up of many blades welded together, potentially paying homage to the Game of Thrones franchise by George R. R. Martin, who was involved in the creative process of Elden Ring.
For more Elden Ring Boss guides, check out How to beat the Cemetery Shade in Elden Ring? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 1, 2022 08:38 am