In Elden Ring, players will come across several areas that cannot be accessed because of a magic door blocking the entrance. The Lenne's Rise Tower is one of these areas, located far east in Caelid. The gate is locked by blue magic, but there is an alternate method to get up on the Tower.
After reaching the Greyoll's Dragonbarrow, players need to activate the Site Of Grace in front of Lenne's Rise Tower. You will notice a Spiritspring located on the right side of the Tower. Go toward the airstream, and jump on it while mounted on your horse. The Spiritspring allows players to make a massive jump while on horseback, and this can be used to access the Tower.

When the Spiritspring thrusts you up in the air, perform a double jump with Torrent to land at a stone platform on the Tower. Once you manage to land at the platform, get down from your horse and walk up to the top of Lenne's Rise Tower. Getting up on the stone platform can be tricky at first, and you may have to try it a few times.
Players will find a Memory Stone inside the treasure chest at the top of Lenne's Rise Tower. You can use this to increase a Memory Slot for learning more incantations and sorceries. Once you're done looting, descend from the Tower by the ladder, or simply fast travel to the Site Of Grace.
Wondering how to defeat the Demi-Human Chief? Check out How to beat Demi-Human Chief in Elden Ring on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 3, 2022 07:24 am