One of my favorite parts about Fallout 76 is the inclusion of the many cryptids rumored to live in Appalachia, such as Mothman, Snallygaster, and the Blue Devil. These creatures are mighty enemies that can hold some pretty great loot; however, they are much more difficult to find than even the elusive Wendigos. Thankfully, we have all the information you'll need to properly track down a Blue Devil for yourself. Keep reading below for all the details!
Where to find a Blue Devil in Fallout 76
The Blue Devil is one of the Appalachian cryptids in Fallout 76, which means it is one of the rarest creatures you can find. This makes it very difficult to track down, and often only happens by random chance. When you come across one, you'll definitely want to take the chance to defeat it, but be careful when you do. Blue Devils are deadly, werewolf-like creatures whose howls can spread Uncontrollable Fear to all players around them, and their claws and teeth can decimate your health.
There are a few different Blue Devil locations. However, they typically only spawn during random encounters, so these locations can differ. Here are some spots you can check out.

- Hemlock Holes
- Welsh Station
- Middle Mountain Cabins (Pitstop)
- Random Encounter Regions:
- Toxic Valley
- Ash Heap
- Cranberry Bog
- Savage Divide
Since finding a Blue Devil during a random encounter can be spread over larger regions, it makes it a lot more difficult to come upon. I recommend spawning one in by completing the Middle Mountain Pitstop Public Event, "Safe and Sound."
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How to Spawn a Blue Devil in Fallout 76
The best way to guarantee an encounter with the Blue Devil is to complete the "Safe and Sound" Public Event, which was introduced with the "Once in a Blue Moon" update. You can get this quest by heading to the Middle Mountain Pitstop found at the Middle Mountain Cabins location on the map, as shown in the map above.

Once there, head inside and speak to Vera Thornberg to begin the event. You'll have multiple tasks to complete, but once you reach the third and final wave, a Legendary Blue Devil should spawn. The good thing about this being a Public Event is that other players can join in and help you take him down. Being a higher rarity creature, you can expect it to be a more difficult fight, but the loot is also guaranteed to be better.
Blue Devil Reward Drops in Fallout 76
A Blue Devil—especially one of higher rarity—can hold some pretty great loot, which is one of the best reasons to try and track one. However, the loot isn't the same every time, meaning there's no guarantee of what you will get when defeating it each time. Defeating a Legendary Blue Devil will give you a higher chance of receiving Legendary items. Take a look at some potential drops below:
- Armor Plans (Marine, Shadowed, etc.)
- Armor Pieces (Marine, Shadowed, etc.)
- Weapons (Gatling Gun, Syringer, etc.)
- Radaway
- Stims
- Waste Acid
- Mongrel Dog Meat
- Wolf Meat
- Bone Shards
- Ammo
- Junk
Though the drops are randomized, you're guaranteed something of value for fighting the Legendary Blue Devil, which is why it's a better idea to spawn one using the event. Completing the event also comes with its own rewards, including the potential to get the Blue Devil armor set, so don't miss out on the opportunity.
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Published: Aug 2, 2023 10:18 am