Secret in a Box is a new side quest found in the Old Sharlyan city zone in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Like some quests in previous expansions, this quest requires you to solve riddles and puzzles with no specific instructions or guidance. However, even after solving the riddles, it can be hard to work out how to finish this quest.
The quest starts with a Mysterious Woman giving you a complex poem with a riddle hidden within it. To solve the Secret in a Box puzzle, you need to talk to three NPCs. These are all marked on the map below.

In the bottom left of Sharlyan is the Sleepy Student, at X: 8, Y: 14. You’ll need to /doze in front of them for them to give you a key.

The next step is to talk to a Nutkin. This particular Nutkin is found at X: 9, Y: 7. You’ll need to use Say chat. The phrase that activates the Nutkin’s response is golden acorn. Don’t use capitals, or it won’t work. The tiny creature will then transform and give you a key.

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Finally, talk to Izumi at the top of the steps near Archon’s Design at X: 11.5, Y: 8.5. There’s no right or wrong dialogue here. Just finish talking to them, and you’ll get your final Key.

After this, return to the chest where the quest started and open it for some experience, and a level 88, I-level 545 Chondite Ring Coffer. Not bad loot for a few riddles! What’s more, as an additional reward, you’ll enjoy some interesting new lore about Thancred. Definitely worth doing!
For more Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker tips and tricks check out How to get the Manusya Armor Set in FFXIV Endwalker on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 8, 2021 05:22 am