Forager has a solid number of achievements, and one of those is to find every single secret room in the game. These secret rooms are behind cracked walls that can be broken with any weapon that has AOE. There are 14 of these rooms in total, with three in each of the four dungeons (except the Fire Temple, which has four) and one in an NPC house.
Ancient Tomb
The first Ancient Room location is right in the first room on the right side.

Then, on the way to where the Thunder Rod is stored, keep an eye on the left wall.

The last one for the Tomb is hidden in a dead-end behind a wall of cactuses.

Skull Maze
Note: The entire labyrinth is annoyingly dark, so keep your eyes peeled.
The first secret room is in the bottom-right corner of the maze and can be found within ten seconds of entering the dungeon.

The second is in a hallway shortly after you pass the room with five braziers. It looks pretty conspicuous.

The third is just a little ways further down the same hallway on the upper wall. If you reach the next room with a single brazier and a chest in it, you've gone too far.

Related: How to Solve the Skull Maze in Forager | Map, Chests, and Braziers Guide
Crystal Cave
Secret room number one is in the most bottom-left part of the dungeon you can reach, on the bottom wall of a vertically long room.

Number two is straight north of number one, though you'll need to take a minecart to get there. As soon as you get off the minecart, search the north wall.

And number three is in the very same room you pick up the Ice Rod in, right on the bottom wall.

Fire Temple
Up first, we have a secret room in the bottom-right part of the room with fireballs being shot north and south.

The next one is just right next door. Go one room to the right and it's on the bottom wall.

Next up, another easy one to find. It's in the tiny room where you find the boss key.

And, as the finale for all of the dungeon secret rooms, this one is near where you pick up the blue key. You'll need a source of fire to burn down some vines to access the room it's hidden in, and then it's in the upper-right of said room.

Wizard's Tower
For the very last secret room, keep buying land in the fire area down south until you find the Wizard and his tower. The secret room is inside the tower, right behind some blocks.

You can find more Forager guides here in our Forager category!
Published: Oct 18, 2021 11:48 am