With a new week, we welcome new challenges and quests. We're now in Week 5 of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6. In this guide, we will provide the guides for those tough-to-complete quests and some general tips to make the simpler quests easier.
Epic Quests are dropped every Tuesday. They typically challenge us to explore new mechanics and features introduced to Fortnite by Epic Games. This trend was set as far back as Chapter 1 of Fortnite and has returned every Season since then in some form or another. However, what puts Chapter 2 Season 6 apart from the others is the reward for completing each challenge. Each Epic Quest (and their different stages) are awarded 24,000 XP.
Legendary Challenges are also cycled out each week. We have opted to include them on this list, but it's important to note that they change every Thursday rather than every Tuesday. The first tier of the Legendary Challenges is rewarded with 35,000 XP, and every subsequent tier is rewarded with 24,500 XP.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 6 Epic Quests Guide & Cheat Sheet
Here is the cheat sheet for this week of Epic Quests!
Cheat Sheet Map
The map below provides the locations of all the spawns for this week's quests with specific locations. The map legend is listed below it.

- Orange Targets: Bounty Boards or NPCs that provide bounties.
- Blue Shields: Locations of safes/registers
- Green Rectangles: Landmark locations
- Yellow Character Icon: Locations of NPCs that provide disguises
Not only do we have the map above, but we have some helpful tips for each individual quest below.
- Open SafesÂ
- The numbers in the blue shields above represent how many Safe spawns are available in a specific area. There is no guarantee they'll spawn in a match, though. You'll likely have to do this across multiple matches.
- Complete Bounties
- In the map above, the orange targets will show you all the locations where you can start bounties. In previous versions of this quest, you didn't have to succeed in eliminating your bounty. If someone else eliminates them, it should still register.
- Reach Max Shields in Different Matches
- The best location to get your shields up quickly is definitely Slurpy Swamp. This is relatively popular drop point. Still, if you land early, you'll have a vast array of Shield Sources at your disposal.
- Stay Within 20m of an Opponent While Wearing a Prop Disguise
- The yellow character icons in the map above show you all the locations of the NPCs from whom you can purchase Prop Disguises. The fastest way to do this is to buy a Prop Disguise from Raz in Colossal Crops since this is a very popular drop point.
- Hit From 50m or Greater With a Bow
- The easiest way to do this is to join a game of Squads and knock an opponent. When they are knocked, make sure you're at least 50m away from them and fire an arrow at them. Their limited movement while crawling should make them an easy target.
- Complete the Swimming Time Trial at Weeping Woods or Coral Castle
- The time trial in Weeping Woods starts in the river North of the area. You will see a shiny blue timer icon. Start swimming there and hit every timer to reach the goal in time!
- Visit Fancy View, Rainbow Rentals, and Lockie's Lighthouse
- The green rectangles in the map above outline all three areas you need to visit. Fancy View is on the western edge of the map, Rainbow Rentals is on the beach directly south of Holly Hedges, and Lockie's Lighthouse is the large lighthouse on the northern edge of the map.
- Legendary Quest: Deal Damage with Makeshift Weapons [2500 | 5000 | 7500 | 10000 | 12500]
- Since Makeshift Weapons are not yet available in Creative, the easiest way to do this is in Team Rumble. Towards the end of each match, there up to 16 opponents usually pretty close together. The easiest targets to boost your damage score are the unsuspecting snipers on towers. Swoop in with a Makeshift Shotgun and score an easy 100 damage.
- You can also try working with teammates on Squads. Ask them to let you finish off any players they knock with a Makeshift Weapon. Most of them won't mind.
As we said, Fortnite drops a new set of challenges every week and you have potential to earn 277,000 XP if you complete all of them! Be sure to check our Complete Guide every week for the new challenges and guides to max out your XP.
Did you know we also cover the latest skins and cosmetics before they're released? Check out our list of the Leaked Skins & Cosmetics for Chapter 2 Season 6!
Published: Apr 22, 2021 04:00 am