Our Fortnite Deathrun Codes feature some of the best maps for players looking to challenge their timing, patience, and maneuverability! If you are really looking to challenge your movement abilities, these Deathruns are perfect for you.
Deathruns are maps that test your skill and patience in the game of Fortnite. While your building and shooting abilities won't usually be tested, that doesn't mean there is no challenge. These maps are fairly long and have multiple levels with different challenges in each of them. Do not fret if you are struggling with these—they are made to be difficult and be played over and over! Keep trying and you will eventually conquer them.
Best Fortnite Deathrun Maps
OnlyUp Fortnite!

OnlyUp Fortnite! Map Code: 1642-0360-3864
OnlyUp Chapter 2 Map Code: 1642-0360-3864
OnlyUp Chapter 3 Map Code: 8561-0432-5080
It's easy to fall down but it's not so easy to climb up, especially when you are racing against the clock. Each part of OnlyUp takes you through all seasons in one chapter of Fortnite. It's fun getting to explore all of the maps, but it's definitely not fun when you fall, die, and have to restart. These Deathruns will really test your balance and skills as you try to reach the top.
Obby But You're on a Bike HD

Obby But You're on a Bike HD Map Code: 3946-4663-2923
If you want to test your bike riding skills, this Deathrun created by Gamefam should be perfect for you. Jump and drive around obstacles that can and will kill you if you aren't careful. Luckily, this Deathrun will respawn you on your last checkpoint, so you don't have to go all the way back to the start. There are four worlds you can explore, which means a lot of time to practice and get better at riding a bike.
Easter Deathrun 250+ levels

Easter Deathrun 250+ levels Map Code: 5383-2436-5990
It doesn't have to be Easter for you to play an Easter-themed Deathrun. This is an easy map with over 250 levels where you collect colorful easter eggs and parkour across obstacles. There are also 10 easter eggs (secrets, not actual eggs) that you can find. So for those who love collecting, this is the perfect map.
250+ Medium Parkour Deathrun

250+ Medium Parkour Deathrun Map Code: 0025-1592-9890
It's a super popular parkour Deathrun that shouldn't be too hard to complete but still provides you with a challenge. However, if this difficulty level doesn't work for you, Panicula has made both easy and hard parkour Deathrun maps which you can check out inside. What I like about this Deathrun is that it also has a world record and it reminds you of it as you start. This really lit a fire in me to keep playing and beat it (which will never happen but one can dream and keep trying).
100 Levels Superpower Deathruns

100 Levels Superpower Deathruns Map Code: 7808-2080-0691
Several Deathrun maps over the past few years have tried to bring something unique to the table by tweaking some gameplay aspects, but nothing comes close to this map by Dabshaa, as there are nearly ten ways to play the same course by tweaking parameters like time, speed, gravity, and various other factors, producing hours of replayability. Choose the mode that challenges your parkouring skills and go for the leaderboards in this unique Deathrun map.
333 Level Obby Parkour

333 Level Obby Parkour Map Code: 2302-6553-5069
This map by Kinoah is an Obby-style death run map. Due to that, each section is divided and pretty long compared to any levels of a traditional death map. Also, the map is a semi-vertical obby. As a result, the death run is slow and gives a lot of importance to climbing-based mechanics. Check out the obby if you want those Only Up sort of death run experience.
Melon Run

Melon Run Map Code: 5352-2198-7942
Melon Run is an endless runner map with various traps and gameplay mechanics. Like most runners, your objective is to collect melons while dodging/evading various traps like pits, wrong ends, and bananas in your course path. The other fun aspect of the game is the environment, which ranges from frozen caves to lush jungles, making it visually pleasing to the eye.
Hard Deathrun 225

Hard Deathrun 225 Map Code: 0240-8280-5329
This 225-level death run map is challenging to overcome, even for veteran players. It is mainly because of the sharp zig-zag/confusing turns a player must take at every corner without worrying about their sprint speed. It may look simple, but you have to time your keys correctly in sync to move, escape from the trap, and cross each section. Also, there is a factor of increasing difficulty as the initial levels will only require simple parkouring skills, whereas later levels will demand advanced movements like slide jumping and more.
Obby Monster Parkour Deathrun

Obby Monster Parkour Deathrun Map Code: 7818-1754-5684
In this deathrun map, you will be chased by a cute but gigantic monster throughout the course map. Invite four of your friends and evade the candy monster until the end of the course in this 50 stages obby. The other major highlight of the map is the UEFN features, which automatically make the custom room graphically superior to all other deathrun maps on the list. So, if you need a cute map with vibrant colors for children and other younger players, try out this room!
OG Map 250+ Level Deathrun

OG Map 250+ Level Deathrun Map Code: 0149-6784-3073
Epic Games recently announced the arrival of the Season 1 OG map in the next season. What better way than celebrating that announcement by playing a deathrun map that uses all the OG models and references? Hop on to the map to run past popular POIs like farms and tilted towers with your friends. Also, don't feel super confident after finishing a few levels as the levels scale in difficulty as you move past level 25. Check out the map if you love to take a trip down nostalgia!
Topdown Funrun

Topdown Funrun Map Code: 1899-8046-4649
Topdown Funrun is a slow but challenging deathrun map with a vertical approach instead of the traditional horizontal running. Carefully make your way down the map on the slope while avoiding all the obstacles, like the spinning rods and other potholes. The other gameplay highlight is the speed of your character, which needs to be controlled as it keeps increasing as you move down the slope. Check out the map if you are looking for a unique map in the deathrun genre.
Deathrun in Flames

Deathrun in Flames Map Code: 5619-5376-6139
The deathrun in Flames is a deathrun map designed mainly around the theme of fire. Dodge the fire pyros/lava traps across the 200 levels and make your way until the end. Also, it is not an easy type of deathrun map where you can clear all the levels using simple parkour skills. Instead, the difficulty scales as you progress. So, the initial levels are relatively easy, while the latter levels are hard, requiring you to master advanced parkour skills.
The New Mechanics Deathrun 2.0

The New Mechanics Deathrun 2.0 Map Code: 9223-1249-6377
The New Mechanics deathrun map is one of the most creative deathrun maps of all time. Instead of mixing and matching known mechanics, the developer Ebbialisha has carefully integrated several new features in the level unfound in any other map room. Some of these include traveling through water, double jump levels, and rail grinding. The map is a breath of new air in the genre and should be in your playlist if you are looking for something new in the repetitive deathrun category.
Easy V Medium V Impossible Deathrun

Easy V Medium V Impossible Deathrun Map Code: 4153-7058-9577
When it comes to deathrun maps, it is either pretty easy or challenging from the get-go, making players leave the experience instantly as it would not suit their preference. This map by Reecem2113 solves that core problem due to its perfect difficulty scaling design. When you start the map, the levels are easy to finish and scale in difficulty rating as you progress throughout each round. It's well-balanced with a proper linear trajectory that every beginner to veteran deathrun player must try.
69 Level Very Hard Deathrun

69 Level Very Hard Deathrun Map Code: 1953-1347-3911
Indicative of the title, this 69-level deathrun map is the most challenging deathrun map to try in my 1500-hour Fortnite playtime. From the get-go, the map puts every parkouring skill at your disposal to the test. From slide jumping to carefully avoiding spike traps, you must precisely execute all-known parkouring elements in Fortnite to emerge victorious. I highly suggest you hop inside the map only if you are familiar with all Fortnite Parkouring mechanics.
Deathswitch Ice World

Deathswitch Ice World Map Code: 3248-3225-8863
This map by Weaksauce is a team-based deathrun map. Divide yourself into two teams, two red defenders and 14 blue attackers. The game ends if the defenders kill all of the attackers or if the attackers kill all of the defenders. Do check the map if you want a deathrun map that is hilarious to play and tests your parkouring skills against friends or random players.
Scenic Deathrun, Secrets & PVP

Scenic Deathrun, Secrets & PVP Map Code: 9248-3371-4957
There are very few deathrun maps in the Fortnite universe that give importance to the looks and ambiance of the environment, as most of them focus on level design. Developer Amanita deviated from that concept and created an amazing deathrun map in the form of the Scenic Deathrun that is amazing to look at and challenging to play.
Upon hopping inside the map, you will find a beautiful environment with several Minka houses, lakes, and falls. Though the scenes may look pleasant to the eyes, the map courses are extremely harsh as you need to learn several advanced parkouring techniques like jump sliding to even finish a few portions. Check out the map if you want an aesthetically pleasing map with a good-level design.
Inferno Deathrun

Inferno Deathrun Map Code: 9249-6046-0166
Most of the deathruns map in Fortnite demand players to run continuously without stopping at any instant. Inferno Deathrun by Lairon deviates from that concept by introducing level designs/ stages that require players to stop and make precise jumps or other game mechanics according to the given situation. Check out Inferno Deathrun if you want deathrun that requires players to think and move instead of holding the W key for the entire levels.
FFA Rainbow Race

FFA Rainbow Race Map Code: 6893-2904-1627
If you are bored of running on foot inside a cave or open garden-like environment, try Rainbow Race by popular custom room creator Wishbon_45. Unlike other maps, players hopping inside Rainbow Race must pick a car and race against other players. Accelerate your way across the rainbow-like universe and fight for a spot for yourself in the leaderboard. The player with the most points at the end of all rounds will be declared the winner. Give the map a chance if you love racing and deathrun maps.
Reef Runners

Reef Runners Map Code: 8861-7301-2053
After the launch of Creative 2.0, the custom maps are getting more and more immersive in the Fortnite Universe. One such example is the Reef Runners Deathrun map, as it beautifully integrates most new features like water physics into its core gameplay. I highly suggest the map to people who want to experience the new features and a decent map that provides decent deathrun.
Blackout Deathrun(Hard)

Blackout Deathrun(Hard) Map Code: 2556-2166-1966
Few custom room creators in the Fortnite universe always try to innovate with existing rules and norms from time to time. Saine also has joined that array of developers with his latest map Blackout Deathrun(Hard), which features a unique gameplay element called blackout that turns off the light of the entire map at random instances, making you rely on past runs to complete each level. Definitely have a look inside the server if you are looking for something new in the deathrun genre.
200 Level Default Deathrun

200 Level Default Deathrun Map Code: 1234-8368-4039
This Deathrun map by FXXDI has a total of 200 levels to play and complete. Unlike other maps, where the setting remains the same throughout the campaign, the ambiance in the 200 default run keeps changing for every 50 levels providing a soothing and fun gameplay experience for players. Also, the map adopts a progressive scaling approach. So the initial levels will be easy to complete, and the latter will be very tough. Also, the room has unique features like high score save, challenge mode, and even bonus levels if you complete the entire game.
Escape Grandma's House Obby

Escape Grandma's House Obby Map Code: 7752-6922-0926
Deathrun maps with a small backstory or theme are always a hit in the deathrun genre, and Escape Grandma's House is no different. Indicative of the title, you are stuck inside a Grandma's house. The only way out of the premises is to complete all the deathrun levels. The levels are also beautifully made to match the theme, as the stages involve you jumping around cookies, kitchen sinks, and a fake tooth set. Though it may look childish and colorful, the levels are insane, as you need to practice a lot to finish each stage. Do check out the map if you want a good set of deathrun levels with a theme-based twist.
The Slightly Different Deathrun

The Slightly Different Deathrun Map Code: 7800-0491-7824
Indicative of its title, this deathrun by Fraubanaus is a weird and unique deathrun map. Its weirdness mainly arises due to its map design which ranges from running inside rooms to vaulting across vertical tiles. It's a very addicting map and will make you hooked due to its unconventional gameplay. Even though it supports up to 16 players, we highly recommend you to play the map as a solo player as it's catered to enjoy without much distraction from friends.
Junji Ito Maniac Haunted House

Junji Ito Maniac Haunted House Map Code: 9800-8851-4190
When anyone speaks about deathrun maps, it's usually all about running inside a maze-like corridor using all their parkouring and movement skills. But, this map by Neighbor_Fno2 deviates from that format by including several unique elements in the map, like running, flying, driving, and even balancing, as a part of its gameplay structure. Due to this varied approach, the map is fun to play and never makes you bore. Plus, the spooky elements that the map incorporates add a subtle layer to the world-building aspect. Please check the map if you want something different from the generic deathrun maps of the Fortnite universe.
The Mecha Deathrun

The Mecha Deathrun Map Code: 1874-7235-2478
This Tower Deathrun by Tinkerbell stands out from other types of Deathrun mainly due to its insane difficulty. Though it features only 13 levels, you need to sweat out a lot even to finish one single stage. Don't think it may be only hard for a beginner or intermediate players, as it will even bring the best deathrun veterans to their knees. Also, the map supports the ability to play with 12 other players concurrently. So, share the code with your friends if you don't want to go through this gruesome experience alone.
100 Level Easy Summer Deathrun

100 Level Easy Summer Deathrun Map Code: 7534-0670-4898
This map might as well be considered the official deathrun map of the Summer, and not only for its name. It was featured as one of the maps to play on the No Sweat Summer playlist in the Fortnite Discover tab, which instantly made it popular. In this deathrun, you are forced to make it through 100 levels (and a few secret levels!) that are all themed for the season. We might even pick this map over a trip to a real beach during the summer!
500 Levels Default Deathrun

500 Levels Default Deathrun Map Code: 9386-6875-7537
Sometimes, if you want to make a good deathrun, you just have to make it big—massive, even. Of course, it's still important to be decent quality. Decent popularity doesn't hurt either, since sometimes it's fun to play along with others as you repeatedly try to reach the end. You'll find all of this in the 500 Levels Default Deathrun. This map is frequently featured on the Discover tab and, with 500 levels, isn't lacking in content. If you want to tune out for a couple of hours and have fun with your other players, this is the best map to play!
Klombos 300 Levels Deathrun

Klombos 300 Levels Deathrun Map Code: 6922-5419-0878
This is a Klombos-sized deathrun with a massive 300 levels to conquer! This map quickly climbed the ranks of popularity as soon as Klombos were added to the game in Chapter 3 Season 1. It features a variety of challenging levels that don't follow the typical game mechanics for Deathruns. Many players suggest this Deathrun is too easy, but we certainly found it to be a challenge. Do you think you can defeat the Klombos run?
Duo Love Run

Duo Love Run Map Code: 5460-4360-3292
Live and die with your sweetest in this Valentine's Day-themed Deathrun that pits you and your partner against a long corridor full of dangerous traps, fun challenges, and doom around every corner. If you think you and your Fortnite friend can conquer death and work in tandem to stay alive, this is the perfect map for both of you! If you make it to the end, be sure to give your co-runner a hearty hug!
Pirate Jonesy's Deathrun
Pirate Jonesy's Deathrun Map Code: 7452-9966-3879
This is one of the most popular Deathrun maps available in Fortnite. This map contains 10 difficult levels to complete before you get to square off against Pirate Jonesy himself in order to take his treasure! Can you declare yourself captain?
If you want to check out more fun maps in creative mode, go to the Fortnite Horror Map Codes on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 16, 2024 04:02 am