Our Fortnite Giant Beach Ball Locations Guide covers all of the spots you'll need to go to complete this challenge! This guide will help you complete the Bounce a giant beach ball in different matches challenge that is part of the 14 Days of Summer Fortnite event! You can complete challenges to earn a bunch of rewards and cosmetics. This one in particular will reward you with the Soak It Up Loading Screen:

For a full look at all the challenges in this event, check out our Fortnite 14 Days of Summer 2019 Guide!
Fortnite Giant Beach Ball Locations
All you need to do is bounce a giant beach ball in five different matches to complete this challenge. You can go back to the same one and do it five matches in a row, or you can vary up your strategy if you just want to bounce whatever ball is closest to you!
Beach Ball Locations Map
South West of Dusty Divot
Just beneath the Sky Platform near Dusty Divot is one of the giant beach balls!
North of Loot Lake
Up just north of the Slip Stream that runs you around Loot Lake is another beach ball.
North of Paradise Palms
North of Paradise Palms on the beaten dirt path is the third and final beach ball.
Published: Jun 20, 2019 11:36 am