Playing with Visualize Sound Effects enabled in Fortnite allows players to interpret every sound accurately, offering a huge advantage to all players. We prepared this article to teach you how to turn on Visualize Sound Effect in Fortnite.
How to show footsteps in Fortnite
To turn on Visualize Sound Effects, you need to go to your Menu and navigate to Settings. Select the Audio tab and scroll down to Sound. In Sound, there is an option called Visualize Sound Effects. Turn Visualize Sound Effects on.

This option will tell you exactly where footsteps, gunshots, vehicles, and heals are coming from, even revealing the direction of sounds you might not have heard otherwise. However, it will not tell you when an enemy player is crouching or provide any information on other sound effects meant to be silent.
To gain the most competitive edge in Fortnite, it's crucial to use the 3D Audio settings as well, in combination with the Visualize Sound Effects option. Make sure you have both enabled if you take the game seriously.
For more Fortnite content, check out When is Creative 2.0 coming out in Fortnite? right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 21, 2023 04:25 pm