In Fortnite, Reality Augments act as perks introduced in the game to enhance combat and survival skills. Five new Reality Augments have made their way into the game. But this time, you do not get to reroll Augments. Epic Games have confirmed that new Augments will be found as you select them in a match but re-rolling will not bring any new Augments. Here is how you can use Shadow Striker Augment in Fortnite.
How to get the Shadow Striker Augment in Fortnite
The Shadow Striker Augment is one of the five Reality Augments in Fortnite and it allows players to get Shadow Bombs from any container they open. You can crack open chests, ammo boxes, forage boxes, and other containers to get Shadow Bombs. This Augment is also used to create a dark, semi-visible shroud that hides your character from opponents. This should give you ample time to ambush or reposition yourself from the enemies.
The Shadow Striker is a powerful Augment that should be unlocked early on and used against opponents in matches and weekly quests. Furthermore, Epic Games have confirmed that weekly quests in Fortnite can be played even after a week. These quests will stay the entire duration of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 and will not expire after a week.
Best augments to use with the Shadow Striker in Fortnite
- Mythic Munition: Mythic Munition is one of the new five Reality Augments which gives you the Mythic Tactical Pistol. You can combine Shadow Striker with Mythic Tactical Pistol and hide from the enemy using Shadow Bomb. But once the effect fades, you can ambush the enemy using the Mythic Tactical Pistol for close-quarter scenarios.
- Rift-Jector Seat: Rift-Jector Seat is among the new Reality Augments, which is extremely powerful. It allows players to rift into the sky when the shield breaks, giving you an easy escape from enemies mid-fights.
- Icy Slide: This new Augment falls under the Mobility and Scouting category. It gives you a momentary icy speed boost after sliding. Movement boost like this always gives players the advantage especially to rush enemies and get eliminations quickly.
To find out more on Fortnite check out Fortnite Mythic Munition Augment, explained on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 31, 2023 12:05 pm