In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, players can find high-tier weapons using various new methods introduced to the game. The Capture mechanic is one such method, and it essentially allows your team to loot up everything from a specific location. Players need to know how to take control of these Capture Points and get the best loot from them. Here's how to take control of different Capture Points in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1.
How to take control of Capture Points at POIs in Fortnite

In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, players will come across various Capture Points that can be used to take control of a POI. These are marked with a metal pillar that has four banners on top. To take control of a Capture Point, players need to stand in its radius and wait until the capture meter is full. Once you take over a POI, the Capture Point will drop tons of high-tier loot, enough for an entire squad.
Capturing a Point in Fortnite also reveals all the chests located at that specific POI. You can see the chests through walls, making it easier to plan a looting path. After taking control of a Capture Point, enemies will be marked in the nearby vicinity, allowing players to hunt them down easily. It usually takes about a minute to seize a Capture Point in Fortnite. However, you might find yourself standing out in the open without any cover. An ideal method to take control of Capture Points involves throwing down a Port-A-Fort inside its radius and camping the structure.

The Capture Point effect doesn't last for too long, and you'll only get to see marked enemies and chests for a short period. If your team takes control of a Capture Point, then the POI is yours. Opponents cannot attack your Capture Point after your team takes control of it. Players will find Capture Points at major POIs like Breakwater Bay, The Citadel, Shattered Slabs, Frenzy Fields, Anvil Square, Lonely Labs, and other named locations.
Wondering how to get The Witcher skin in Fortnite? Check out How to get the Geralt of Rivia Witcher skin in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 4, 2022 08:01 am