Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 has a number of quests for players, one of which requires them to tame wildlife with the Hunter's Cloak. Wildlife was first added to the game back in the Primal-themed Season 6, along with the Hunter's Cloak. This item is easy to craft and is perhaps the simplest method to tame wildlife in Fortnite.
As a part of Kakashi's Questline, players will have to craft a Hunter's Cloak and tame wildlife. To craft Hunter's Cloak, you need to hunt four animals and collect meat from these eliminations. Once the hunt is complete, click on the tab to open up the Crafting Inventory. Here players will find the option to craft the item with four pieces of meat.
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Where to hunt wildlife in Fortnite Season 8?

There are several spots across the map in Fortnite Season 8 where players will find wild animals. Visit one of these locations and eliminate four animals to craft the Hunter's Cloak. It is ideal to target areas with a high density of wildlife. Here are all the locations where you will find chickens, boars, and wolves to tame in Fortnite Season 8:
- South Of Believers Beach (Near Shattered Saucer landmark)
- North Of Pleasant Park (Previously known as the Stealthy Stronghold POI)
- East Of Pleasant Park (Near Blue Steel Bridge and Grumpy Gravel landmark)
- West Of Corny Crops (Near Cap'n Carp Delivery Truck landmark)
- East Of The Convergence (Near Dusty Depot and Base Oscar landmark)
- West Of Misty Meadows (Near Base Echo landmark)
- South Of Retail Row (Around Base Camp Motel and Catty Corner POI)
- West Of Dirty Docks (Near Lake Canoe and Brutus Basin landmark)
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Published: Nov 16, 2021 09:30 am