Philosophies of Light

Philosophies of Light

To obtain Philosophies of Light, you need to complete Violet Court, a Domain of Mastery located in Inazuma. The Violet Court is located on an island directly west of Inazuma City.

Normally, you need to unlock the Wave Rider waypoint on Amakane Island to summon a Skiff, but you can swim to the domain if your stamina is high enough.

To enter Violet Court IV, you need to be Adventure Rank 45. It is recommended to have your party about Level 88 and characters that use Electro.

Check the image below for the exact location.

Violet Court rotates the rewards you get based on what day of the week it is.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays, the domain is called Vine-Infested Ruinsand you can get the Light Talent Level-up Materials.

On Sunday, you can choose whatever domain you desire.

Philosophies of Light are rewarded for completing Domain of Mastery: Vine-Infested Ruins IV, and you can receive between zero to three of them per run. You will also receive between zero and three Guide of Light and two to three Teachings of Light.

When inside a Domain of Mastery, you are inflicted by a Ley Line Disorder. This is a debuff that is never removed throughout the duration of the Rift.

In Vine-Infested Ruins IV, you have the following Ley Line Disorder:

All character in the party gain a 25 percent Electro Damage Bonus.

Inside the challenge is Electro Crystalfruitand Nascent Electro Pearls will emerge at intervals. After obtaining Nascent Electro Pearls, a character Normal Attack, Charged Attack, Pluning Attack, Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst will unleash Falling Thunder upon hitting enemies, dealing Electro Damage.

If you have completed the domain successfully, to claim the rewards, you need to spend 20 Original Resin to or use a Condensed Resin to receive double. You do not have to claim the rewards if you choose not to do so.

Light is the yearning of the land of thunder. Though they must live forever on the earth, humanity will always reach for the light. Mortals will pursue and surpass, and they will never stop. A sealed eternity may, perhaps, look magnificent, but its essence is death.

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Rarity 4
Type Talent Level-Up Material


Using an Alchemy Table. You can turn lower tier materials into higher tier materials.


The following characters use Philosophies of Light for their Talent Leveling

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