Whether it's his adorable, fennec fox ears or the appeal of owning the first Dendro five-star character to arrive in Genshin Impact, there are many good reasons to pull for Tighnari. His kit is quite formidable. Even his passive skill is a boon to both old and new players. Read on to learn how to build this character and maximize his potential.
Tighnari's Best Weapons

Tighnari will have a five-star weapon designed for him called Hunter's Path. It will be featured in the weapon banner, while Tighnari is available on the limited character banner. It can be his best slot weapon if players want to spend the Primogems. Other five-star options include the Skyward Harp and Amos' Bow. If players are looking for lower rarity options, either The Stringless would work well or Windblume Ode, because of boosting Elemental Mastery and overall damage.
Tighnari's Artifacts
While more testing will provide insight, Tighnari's best in slot artifacts will likely be either the Deepwood Memories or Gilded Dreams artifact set. Both are available in the new artifact domain, Spire of Solitary Enlightenment. Because Dendro reactions are still very new, more testing is needed to determine which attributes to focus on and how heavily. Should you go for a full Elemental Mastery build or a traditional Main DPS build? Unclear. We know that if you prioritize CRIT values, Elemental Mastery, Dendro damage, or at the very least Attack, you won't hurt Tighnari's kit.
Related: Genshin Impact – All Dendro Traveler Skills, Talents, & Ascension Materials
Tighnari's Playstyle

Tighnari was leaked before he entered the game as a "Dendro Ganyu." It's not a half-bad description. He's a bow user that does serious damage with Charged Shots. At Level One, his Charged Shot will have a Dendro infusion. But wait for his Charged Shot to reach Level Two, and not only will it deal Dendro damage, but it will also become a Wreath Arrow. On hit, a Wreath Arrow will create four Clusterbloom Arrows that will track nearby opponents and deal more Dendro damage. You'll see some serious results if you focus on boosting this damage.
Tighnari's Skills
Khanda Barrier-Buster
- Normal Attack
- Perform up to four consecutive shots with a bow.
- Charged Attack
- Perform a more Precise Aimed Shot with increasing damage.
- While aiming, the power of Dendro will accumulate on the arrowhead before the arrow is fired. It has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:
- Charge level one: Fires off an arrow carrying the power of flora that deals Dendro damage.
- Charge level two: Fires off a Wreath Arrow that deals Dendro damage. Upon hit, the Wreath Arrow will create four Clusterbloom Arrows that will track nearby opponents automatically and deal Dendro damage.
- Plunging Attack
- Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE damage upon impact.
Elemental Skill: Vijnana-Phala Mine
- Tighnari throws a Vijnana Stormheart ahead that deals AoE Dendro damage and creates a Vijnana-Khanda Field.
- The field creates mysterious illusions that taunt opponents and draw their fire.
- Additionally, Tighnari gains the Vijnana Suffusion effect, which will decrease the Wreath Arrow's charging 2.4s This effect will dissipate once the skill duration ends or after Tighnari has fired three Wreath Arrows.
Elemental Burst: Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft
- Combines the power of all seeds to fire six Tanglevine Shafts that can track opponents and deal Dendro damage.
- After they hit, the Tanglevine Shafts will create a secondary wave of Tanglevine Shafts that can also track opponents and deal Dendro damage on hit.
- Keen Sight
- After Tighnari fires a Wreath Arrow, his Elemental Mastery is increased by 50 for four seconds.
- Scholarly Blade
- For every point of Elemental Mastery Tighnari possesses, his Charged attack and Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft damage are increased by 0.06%.
- The maximum damage bonus obtainable this way is 60%, so up to 1000 Elemental Mastery.
- Encyclopedic Knowledge
- Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.
Related: Genshin Impact – All Collei Skills, Talents, & Ascension Materials
Tighnari's Constellations
- Beginnings Determined at the Roots: Constellation level one.
- Tighnari's Charged Attack CRIT Rate is increased by 15%
- Origins Known From the Stem: Constellation level two.
- When there are opponents within the Vijnana-Khanda Field created by Vijnana-Phala Mine, Tighnari gains 20% Dendro damage bonus. The effect will last up to six seconds if the field's duration ends or if it no longer has opponents within it.
- Fortunes Read Amongst the Branches: Constellation level three.
- Increases the level of Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft by three. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
- Withering Glimpsed in the Leaves: Constellation level four.
- When Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft is unleashed, all nearby party members gain 60 Elemental Mastery for eight seconds. If the Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft triggers a Burning, Bloom, Quicken, or Spread reaction, their Elemental Mastery will increase by 60. This latter case will also refresh the buff state's duration.
- Comprehension Amidst the Flowers: Constellation level five.
- Increases the level of Vijnana-Phala Mine by three. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
- Karma Adjudgedfrom the Leaden Fruit: Constellation level six.
- Wreath's Arrow's charging time is decreased by 0.9s and will produce one additional Clusterbloom Arrow upon hit. This arrow deals 150% of Tighnari's attack as damage.
What you need to ascend Tighnari
Leveling him to 90 would be best to maximize his damage output. Players will need standard amounts of Nagadus Emerald pieces, Fungal Spores, and 420k mora. He’ll also need 168 Nilotpala Lotuses, a Sumeru Regional Specialty, and 46 Majestic Hooked Beaks , which are dropped by a new field boss, the Jadeplume Terrorshroom.
Best teammates for Tighnari
Tighnari is a character that loves to take advantage of Dendro and Electro-based reactions, so pair him with other off-field Electro support characters such as Fischl, Yae Miko, or Kuki Shinobu. Collei, a four-star Dendro support character, would likely be a good choice for Dendro resonance.
Want to be a Forest Ranger like Tighnari and find all of the things in Sumeru? Check out All Dendroculus locations in Sumeru in Genshin Impact and How to unlock the Fragment of Childhood Dreams Domain in Sumeru in Genshin Impact here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 24, 2022 10:30 am