This is the third and last story quest of the Unreconciled Stars event for Genshin Impact. Upon completing this quest, opens up the Star of Destiny trio set of tasks for you to complete for more rewards and Fading Star's Essence.
What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals
What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals is a quest in Genshin Impact and is the third and final main story quest for the Unreconciled Stars Event. For this quest, you need to dive into the mysteries of the Fatui with the help of Mona and her scrying techniques.
To unlock the What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals quest, you need to have previously completed the first and second phases of the Unreconciled Stars Event quest.
The first task in the quest is to go to Starfell Valley and speak to Mona there. After interacting with her, fast-travel to Qingce Village, and talk to Jinglun, the Millelith soldier. He'll inform you that there are two locations next to the village where meteorites have landed and have started to affect the village.
Follow these two markers to the meteorite locations, salvage them, and then report back to Jinglun. Enquire about the injured people caused by the meteorites, and then speak to the three soldiers looking after the wounded - Huaqing, Yang, and Bro Huang. Upon speaking to Bro Huang, he'll mention that Gao the Sixth literally just woke up, but be gentle when questioning him.
Interact with Gao the Sixth, and he'll mumble about needing some food. The food Gao wants is the Qingce Stir Fry - If you don't have the recipe for it, following that link, and you'll have it in no time! Dish up some Qingce Stir Fry and give it to Gao. He'll then tell you what happened to him and mentions a snowy mountain... A teaser for Dragonspine, perhaps?
Go back to Mona and explain all of this to her. Eventually, a new character from Inazuma appears, called Scaramouche; he is the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Just before a battle happens, a large meteorite passes overhead. Follow the waypoint to the meteorite location, and then the What the Skies Conceal, the Water Reveals quest has been completed.
Once this has been done, three more quests will open up, Unlimited Opportunity, A Mysterious Loss, and Trouble with Letters. This is the trio of quests for the Star of Destiny. With these quests, you'll earn Fading Star's Essence, which allows you to buy items from the event shop; we recommend saving up for the Crown of Sagehood.
If you're looking for information on the Genshin Impact 1.2 update, check out this post! Stay up to date with the upcoming banners, and keep an eye on our Genshin Impact codes to get some free goodies!
Published: Nov 24, 2020 06:23 am