Travelers completing the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual quest in Genshin Impact will need to visit three locations: Chinju Forest, Araumi, and "below the tidal flats outside the Kamisato Estate." Our guide will walk you through all the steps for solving the tidal flats puzzle.
Where to get the Barrier Ward
Before traveling to the tidal flats, you'll need to visit the kitsune statues at the area marked below and hit the tall one with Electro. In return, it will gift you a Key-Shaped Ward which grants access to the next barrier.

Tidal Flats
Explore this small island for multiple kitsune statues. A small Earth Kitsune can be found beneath the others; use your Memento Lens on it to automatically drop down into the barrier cavern.
Utilizing the Electrogram is more important here than ever, since this space is filled with Balethunder—high Electro energy that will sap your health unless you have your little Electrogram buddy.
Barrier Puzzle Sequence

Excluding the starter shrine that allows you to Purify and Pray, there are four shrines to interact with. The two shrines to the front and back of the barrier should be set to 2, while the shrines to the sides should be set to 3.
Once you Pray at the starter shrine, get ready: this next battle is all about multitasking. Not only do you now have two enemies to fight instead of the usual single foe, you also need to keep summoning an Electrogram to preserve your health.
Other Barrier Puzzle Guides
If the tidal flats isn't your last broken barrier, no sweat—we've got you covered with guides on how to complete the other two in the Cleansing Defilement questline .
Take our Which Genshin Impact Character are you quiz, or earn free in-game prizes by redeeming Genshin Impact codes. We've also got details on the next Wish banner.
Published: Jul 22, 2021 06:37 pm