Genshin Impact frequently features new and unique enemies for players to challenge. Although it is from the same family of mechanical enemies, the Aeonblight Drake in Sumeru will surprise you with various modes and resistances. Don't expect it to be a pushover. We've got you covered if you need some help finding or fighting it.
How to get to the Aeonblight Drake in Genshin Impact

Use the Waypoint on the northern cliffside nearby Devantaka Mountain. Turn around to enter the cave behind you. Once you enter the cave, turn to your right.

You'll see a passageway just slightly above you. Go to the stage for your fight with the Aeonblight Drake through that passage.
How to defeat the Aeonblight Drake in Genshin Impact
The Aeonblight Drake has two stances: Grounded and Airborne. It will be able to switch between the two during the fight. It will also periodically expose its cores, a weak point you can exploit by bringing a bow user with strong-charged attacks like Ganyu or Tighnari. Its eye will glow orange when it is charging a strong attack on the ground. When airborne, the joints where its wings connect to its back will also glow. Hit these weak points with charged attacks to shut the monster down.
The Aeonblight Drake can also increase its resistance to the element dealing the most damage to it. If you bring a team with multiple elements, you can avoid some of this damage reduction.
Need help with other bosses from Sumeru? Check out How to get to the Jadeplume Terrorshroom in Genshin Impact or How to get to the Electro Regisvine in Genshin Impact here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 29, 2022 07:54 am