On Iki Island, there are two more Mythical Tales for you to claim some more legendary rewards. The first tale you can access is The Legend of Black Hand Riku. This can be done after meeting Tenzo and finishing A Raider's Return quest.
Upon A Raider's Return completion, you need to listen to Kashira's tale in Fune's Refuge. Listen to the tail, then leave the refuge. Now you must search for Minato, the other survivor on Mount Takenotsuji—well to the east of your current location.
Not long after reaching your destination, you'll encounter Mongols who have taken Minato hostage. If you don't deal with the Mongols fast enough, they will kill Minato. You can either deal with this stealthily and pick them off one by one or issue a standoff, kill three of the enemies, then go into Ghost Stance and deal with the rest. After all, are dead, rescue Minato—then rest at her campfire until nightfall.
You must now travel to the northeastern coast to locate glowing water. This is the same area where you can complete the next story tale, Jin from Yarikawa. Find a path leading to the water, avoid the Mongols on the boat, and continue to the left. You'll find some glowing water and then have to head directly north, near the Thunderhead Cliffs, to find more. The quickest way is to get into the water and start swimming in the direction of the Guiding Wind if you have the tale tracked
Eventually, you will come to a cave. Investigate the Mysterious Cave, and light the nearby brazier with a fire arrow—grapple hook to open the dark passage and continue on. You'll have to continuously light braziers as you journey through the dark cave. Next to each brazier, you can resupply your fire arrows, so you don't run out.
Continue until you find a scroll and a statue in front of it. Go right of the statue and climb the ladder. Light the three braziers around this area. Then to the left of the ladder is another Grapple Hook point to tar down the barricade and squeeze through.
Once on the other side, you'll find another scroll and a statue down below to your right. Behind the statue is a chest of iron, but you need to go to the left—opposite the statue, and you'll see boxes and barrels stacked against the wall. Go right of these and proceed down the path.
When you're in the right area, you'll know where the area is lightened up by paper lanterns and not by the braziers you set on fire. Walk towards the water, and Black Hand Riku will appear. You have to defeat the pirate in a duel. Take your time, parry, and dodge the red attacks. When the pirate falls, collect the Sarugami Armour from the corpse.
Exit the cave by grappling a wooden barricade, and outside you'll be ambushed by raiders. A battle that allows you to test out your new armour capabilities.

- Sarugami Armour
- Imbued with a power of a fearsome monkey spirit, pushing its owner to embrace risk and danger
- First Acquired
- Regular Parry is disabled, Perfect Parry becomes a chain of two attacks, and Perfect Dodge also damages nearby enemies.
- All Resolve Gains are increased by a Moderate amount
- Perfect Parry and Perfect Dodge windows are increased by a Moderate amount.
- First Upgrade
- Regular Parry is disabled, Perfect Parry becomes a chain of three attacks, and Perfect Dodge also damages nearby enemies.
- All Resolve Gains are increased by a Moderate amount
- Perfect Parry and Perfect Dodge windows are increased by a Moderate amount.
- Second Upgrade
- Regular Parry is disabled, Perfect Parry becomes a chain of three attacks, and Perfect Dodge also damages nearby enemies.
- All Resolve Gains are increased by a Major amount.
- Perfect Parry and Perfect Dodge windows are increased by a Major amount.
- Last Upgrade
- Regular Parry is disabled, Perfect Parry becomes a chain of three attacks, and Perfect Dodge becomes an attack that blinds enemies.
- All Resolve Gains are increased by a Massive amount.
- Perfect Parry and Perfect Dodge windows are increased by a Major amount.
- First Acquired
- Imbued with a power of a fearsome monkey spirit, pushing its owner to embrace risk and danger
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Published: Aug 19, 2021 11:29 pm